Tim Kaine Campaigns in North Carolina

Tim Kaine High Point(2)

Tim Kaine campaigned in North Carolina on Wednesday where he continued to focus on manufacturing and jobs. He began by visiting High Point where he toured Amerifab International, a bedding company. He visited with employees before heading to a campaign rally in Greensboro. During his speech, he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to create jobs by helping manufacturers who build their product in the United States and by improving the country’s infrastructure. Kaine spoke about Donald Trump a number of times and questioned his judgement on key issues saying, “This ‘believe me’ thing. North Carolinians are not gullible people. And sadly, there is a lot of history with Donald Trump in that people who have trusted him have been hurt.” A video from the rally is below.

Meanwhile, across the country in Las Vegas, Nevada, a fundraiser was held at the Mandalay Bay Resort. The event was a discussion on cyber security and featured founder of Black Hat and DefCon hacking conferences, Jeff Moss, Hillary for America Cybersecurity Working Group Coordinator, Michael Sulmeyer, along with former DHS White House Liaison, Jake Braun.

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News Source: The Charlotte Observer, WFMY