The Choice is Clear: Trump is Unfit to be President and Commander-In-Chief


Americans deserve a president who’s ready on Day One to keep us safe. As a former Secretary of State and senator, Hillary Clinton brings vast experience to the Oval Office, having dealt with the key issues facing Americans around the world for decades. Traveling nearly a million miles as America’s top diplomat, Hillary has handled issues ranging from nuclear proliferation to military readiness, from women’s rights  to climate change, and is ready to lead from day one.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has proven himself again and again to be temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief.

Beyond his lack of understanding of foreign policy and unwillingness to learn, Donald Trump is a loose cannon with dangerous views on major global issues. Trump would encourage the spread of nuclear weapons around the world, has insulted our allies and praised several authoritarian dictators.  He even encouraged a foreign government to hack Americans, and since then has refused to acknowledge the U.S. Intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government has done just that.

Americans deserve a president who understands the challenging world in which we live, not one who is too erratic and uninformed to have control of nuclear weapons.

Throughout his career, and throughout this campaign, on subject after subject, Trump has proven he is unfit to be commander-in-chief. As we begin the final week of the presidential campaign, here is a look back at Trump’s dangerous record on matters of defense and foreign policy:


On nuclear weapons, Donald Trump has displayed a reckless disregard for fact and fails to understand the dangers of nuclear proliferation. Simply put, he doesn’t have the temperament to be trusted with the nuclear codes.


Trump has repeatedly insulted our military, our veterans and their families. He has been disrespecting our veterans for decades, continually proving he’s unqualified and temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief.


Trump has disparaged the U.S. intelligence community – not only rejecting their conclusions, but questioning their motives.

  • When asked whether he trusts intelligence, Trump said “not so much.”
  • Trump invited a foreign government to commit cyber espionage in the U.S.
  • Trump maintains that we don’t know if Russia is behind recent hacks, despite being personally briefed by Republican Representative Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
  • Trump called the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia was behind that hack was “public relations, frankly” and repeatedly denied their conclusion.
  • Trump has been accused by a former acting CIA director of being “an unwitting agent of Putin.”


For decades, America has held strong alliances across the world – including those with NATO countries. NATO has stood with the United States, for example, invoking Article 5 after 9/11 and collaborating to fight the war on terror today. But on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has outlined plans to cut off America’s allies.

  • Trump said he would be fine if NATO broke up.
  • Trump accused NATO countries of ripping off the United States, saying “either they have to pay up… or they have to get out. And if it breaks up NATO, it breaks up NATO.”
  • Trump said NATO “may be obsolete” and “doesn’t really help us.”
  • Trump said he might not defend NATO allies against Russian aggression.
  • Trump has extended his threats past NATO to countries like Japan and South Korea.


Donald Trump seems to have an admiration for dictators from across the world. From Vladimir Putin to Saddam Hussein and beyond, Trump has repeatedly complimented foreign leaders known for their records of oppression and abuse..

  • Trump said North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un deserves “credit” for taking out his rivals and has “got to be pretty smart.”
  • Trump gave Saddam Hussein unduecredit, saying “he did one thing well, he killed terrorists.”
  • Trump believes that, during the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese government showed “strength.”
  • Trump thinks Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama, “saying in terms of leadership, he’s getting an A and our president is not doing so well.” (But of course, his praise for Putin doesn’t stop there.)


Trump’s extensive foreign dealings would present significant conflicts of interest and endanger our national security. Trump refuses to disclose the full extent of his foreign business entanglements – but without knowing the details of them, how will Americans know whose interests Trump is putting first? What we do know is concerning.

  • Trump has extensive global financial dealings.
  • Trump admitted that if his business interests were threatened by another country’s government, he would retaliate with the power of the US government.
  • Trump has a record of business dealings with foreign governments – including Iran and China that we don’t know the extent of.
  • Trump has also had numerous foreign business partners we don’t know much about – including one that is allegedly linked to an international money laundering network.
  • Trump is in debt to foreign institutions for hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Trump’s foreign entanglements would pose unprecedented challenges for U.S. foreign policy and national security.


Despite Trump’s claims that he has a “secret” plan to defeat ISIS, he has no real plan at all. And his rhetoric is dangerously playing into terrorists’ hands.

  • Trump would “ask [his] generals” – the very same generals he believes he knows more than – for a plan to defeat ISIS, since he doesn’t currently have any plan at all.
  • Trump would continue to promote Russia’s brutal bombing campaign in Syria that is targeting civilians instead of ISIS.
  • Trump has suggested he would allow Syria to become a “free zone for ISIS.”
  • Trump would ban Muslims from entering the U.S., a policy that feeds radical jihadist propaganda.
  • Trump would engage in torture in the fight against ISIS and kill the families of terrorists.


Donald Trump’s approach to Iran is devoid of any substance. He has prefered to denigrate American leaders and spew lies when it comes to Iran — though he was willing to deal with Iran when it made him money.


Trump doesn’t understand the threat North Korea poses. On the campaign trail, Trump has taken positions that would endanger the security of the  United States and our allies and embolden North Korea.

  • Trump would meet with Kim Jong-Un, despite his continued violations of  international obligations to abandon his nuclear and missile programs.
  • Trump would consider cutting off defense support to Japan and South Korea.
  • Trump would open to door to nuclear proliferation in the region. When asked whether it’s “fine” for Japan and South Korea to get nuclear weapons, Trump said, “Can I be honest with you? It’s going to happen anyway.”
  • Trump joked about the prospect of nuclear war between Japan and North Korea, saying “good luck, enjoy yourself folks.”


While Clinton has stood up to Russia, Trump panders to Putin. He has voiced support for policies and positions that align exactly with the Kremlin’s interests.


To date, Donald Trump has not laid out any real plans with respect to Syria or offered any indication that he takes the conflict and humanitarian disaster seriously.

  • Trump suggested Syria should be a “free zone for ISIS.”
  • Trump raised the possibility of sending 20,000 – 30,000 U.S. ground troops to Syria and Iraq.
  • Trump praised and encouraged Russia’s brutal bombing campaign in Syria, despite the climbing total civilian casualties and attacks on U.S.-backed forces.

Trump peddled lies about Syrian refugees.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Announces Major Anti-Bullying Policy


Today, Hillary Clinton announced a major new plan to help children, families and educators confront the challenge of bullying and heal divisions in communities around the country. The initiative, Better Than Bullying, would provide $500 million in new funding to states that develop comprehensive anti-bullying plans, empowering communities to improve school climates and support our kids. Clinton believes that no child should face bullying or harassment, and she believes we all have a responsibility to our kids to find solutions to these challenges, to prioritize them and to implement them.

Hillary Clinton addressed the new plan during a rally today in North Carolina, saying:

“We all know that bullying is a real problem in our classrooms our playgrounds and online – and teachers have reported that this election has made it worse.  I want you to know, we’re going to launch a major new effort to help states and communities and schools and families end bullying wherever it takes place…  I can’t think of anything more important than making sure every single one of our children knows that they are loved just as they are. So ultimately, my friends, as Michelle reminds us, this election is about our kids – and in my case, my grandkids. Their lives and their futures, nothing is more important to me than that. I’ve been fighting for kids throughout my career. I will fight for them every single day of my Presidency.”

More About Better Than Bullying:

The federal government will provide flexible grants to states to tailor anti-bullying plans to their local communities, in keeping with the following national priorities:

  • Developing comprehensive anti-bullying laws and policies that explicitly prohibit bullying on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion.
  • Making the Internet a safer space for kids by addressing cyberbullying.
  • Supporting educators working to improve school climate.
  • Providing support for students impacted by bullying and abuse.
  • Expanding behavioral health programming — teaching young people to control their impulses, recognize the feelings of others, and manage stress and anxiety.

Read the Better Than Bullying Fact Sheet here.

Hillary for America also released a new television ad, “Bryce,” that tells the story of a young man with muscular dystrophy who has overcome bullying. Throughout the campaign, Clinton has talked about the need for more love and kindness in our culture, and she’s recognized that bullying is an urgent crisis that contributes to poor academic performance, increased incidence of depression, and in some extreme cases, suicide.

Hillary for America hosted a press call this morning to discuss the new policy and the dangerous effect of bullying that leaders are seeing through the country. Following the call, supportive statements rolled in from leaders in the education policy and civil rights communities:

Ann McQuade, a New Hampshire educator who teaches english to refugee and immigrant students from more than 30 countries: “We’re seeing a terrible trickle-down effect from the Trump effect into our public schools. And since Donald Trump officially became the republican nominee for president, many of my refugee and immigrant students have come to me to ask questions that revolve around, ‘What if?’ These honest conversations have been sobering and sad… These beautiful, hopeful kids, they come to this country to find a better life and we say to them: ‘Welcome to America,’ and then they watch television and are exposed to angry social media that sends a different message.”

Tony Coelho, former Congressman and architect of the Americans with Disabilities Act: “One of the things we are most concerned about in the disability community is getting rid of the stigma that has existed for years and years. We were making tremendous progress when it comes to that. My really strong belief is that Donald Trump has brought hate back… When you have a candidate who is a nominee for president of one of our legitimate parties who is openly mocking, openly stigmatizing those of us with disabilities, that is a huge setback. We, in our community, really appreciate what Hillary is trying to do to take it the other way and get back to the progress that we were making… She has been with us all these years, and now she is coming in on a major issue and defending us again.”

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers: “This election cycle—with candidates like Donald Trump using the currency of hate, fear and marginalization—has made combating bullying a more urgent issue. Trump is a bully’s bully, and the consequences of his actions will last far beyond Nov. 8. Hillary Clinton gets this, and her ‘Better than Bullying’ plan demonstrates her understanding of the need for comprehensive and long-term solutions. ‘Better than Bullying’ will give states the incentive to develop comprehensive anti-bullying plans, and it will provide parents, educators, school staff and communities with the resources and skills they need to prevent bullying and to support those who experience bullying… We appreciate that Hillary Clinton understands the importance of tackling bullying, and we look forward to partnering with the next president of the United States on an even more comprehensive approach to addressing bullying and other school climate issues.”

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association: “Like our educators, Hillary Clinton understands that kindness, collaboration and cooperation are important in school and in life. The rise in vitriolic speech in classrooms and the anxiety created by Donald Trump illustrate that students need this support now more than ever. Educators are proud to have a partner in policies that help our children and look forward to working with Secretary Clinton to implement these proposals as president.”

Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign: “As Donald Trump’s rhetoric continues to foment violence and encourage division among Americans of all ages, Hillary Clinton is bringing real solutions to fight the bullying and abuse that so many LGBTQ youth face on a daily basis. We know from our own research and work in schools that growing up LGBTQ in America today is not easy. Hillary Clinton’s comprehensive anti-bullying plan is a crucial and welcome step toward improving the lives of our youngest, most vulnerable Americans.”

Deb Delisle, executive director and CEO of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: “Secretary Clinton’s proposal to take on bullying in schools couldn’t have come at a better time. Educators have long known that in order for kids to succeed, we must focus on the whole child, which starts with a safe and supportive learning environment. Our kids are counting on adults and especially our elected officials to make this a priority and to lead by example. Bullying has no place at school, in the workplace, or in politics.”

Pamela Cantor, M.D., president and CEO of Turnaround for Children: “Children will struggle to learn if they feel fear in their classrooms, lunch rooms and hallways. Bullying is a source of trauma and trauma sets off a stress response that impacts the learning centers of the developing brain, interfering with attention, working memory and organization. All children need to attend schools where they feel physically and emotionally safe in order to engage in learning. It is critically important to have national leadership on this issue so that many more children can succeed in school.”

Alice Johnson Cain, executive vice president of policy and partnerships for Teach Plus: “Children watch and learn from the adults in their lives every day. When the bar for what is acceptable behavior in political discourse is lowered — as Donald Trump has lowered it throughout the campaign — there is a ripple effect that has reached into our schools and classrooms. I applaud Secretary Clinton for, once again, stepping up to help kids. These smart and concrete steps, taken in partnership with educators, will make a tremendous difference in addressing this growing problem.”

Joan Lombardi, PhD, international expert on child development and social policy: “Stopping bullying before it starts is not only the right thing to do, but a smart thing to do to promote important  social skills among children.”

Kelsey Louie, CEO of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis: “The hateful rhetoric about the LGBT community heard on the campaign trail has been both horrifying and inexcusable. There can be no question that LGBT kids face a much higher risk of bullying, harassment and other forms of violence. And it is not just the LGBT community that has been targeted. Silence in the face of hatred, racism and homophobia is dangerous since it only foments bullying, harassment and violence. We at GMHC support this and all efforts to end the silence and combat bullying in order to advance our nation’s promise of equality for all.”

Michael Yudin, former Assistant Secretary of Special Education: “We must do everything we can to make sure all of our children have the opportunity to grow up free of fear, violence, and bullying. Bullying of children in our schools or on the internet cannot be tolerated, and Secretary Clinton’s comprehensive anti-bullying plan will empower States and local communities to make sure all of our children have the opportunity to learn and thrive.”

National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools: “We’re glad @HillaryClinton’s anti-bullying plan aligns w/our guidelines for positive learning environments for all!

Erica L Smegielski, Gun Violence Prevention Advocate: “.@HillaryClinton takes cyberbullying seriously! Having lived with these attacks for years, I thank you for standing up to this serious issue”

Morgan Polikoff, associate professor of K-12 policy, USC Rossier School of Education: “I think there are some really excellent ideas in Hillary’s new anti-bullying plan.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing

Military Leaders, Experts Agree: Trump is Wrong on Mosul


This week, Donald is adding to his long history of trashing the U.S. military and disrespecting veterans and military families. Trump has been criticizing the Iraqi-led military operation in Mosul, despite the fact that U.S. military experts have called him out for his reckless and disrespectful claims.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted “The attack on Mosul is turning out to be a total disaster. We gave them months of notice. U.S. is looking so dumb.” At his rally in Florida, Trump went on to say, “Our leadership is stupid. These are stupid people.” And on Monday, he gave an interview in which he said, “You see how badly that fight is going.”

Not only are many of Trump’s comments flat-out wrong, he demonstrates a profound lack of understanding of military strategy. Hillary Clinton addressed his comments yesterday in New Hampshire saying, “He’s proving to the world what it means to have an unqualified commander-in-chief. It’s not only wrong, it’s dangerous.”

Military experts agree – Trump is wrong about Mosul:

New York Times: Donald Trump Is Wrong on Mosul Attack, Military Experts Say

Politico: Trump misfires on Mosul

The Hill: Mosul campaign Trump called ‘total disaster’ making gains, officials say

Wall Street Journal: Trump at Odds With Pentagon in Calling Mosul a ‘Total Disaster’

Washington Post’s Josh Rogin: Why is Trump rooting against U.S. troops in Mosul?

Jeff McCausland, retired Army colonel and former dean at the Army War College in Carlisle, PA: “What this shows is Trump doesn’t know a damn thing about military strategy.”

Robert Gates, former defense secretary: “‘When you look at the other things he’s said about the military, about how the senior officers are a disaster and so on and so forth, my guess is most folks on active duty don’t take seriously what he has to say,’ said Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary for both Bush and Obama.”

Mark Kimmitt, retired one-star Army general and former Pentagon official: “‘Strategic surprise is rarely accomplished, but tactical surprise — the how and where of low-level attacks — is kept secret,’ said Mark Kimmitt, a retired one-star Army general and former senior Pentagon official. ‘Mr. Trump does not seem to understand this critical distinction between strategy and tactics.’”

Richard A. Kohn, professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina: “But the endorsements, the reverence of Patton and MacArthur, and Mr. Trump’s military assessment do not impress national security historians like Richard H. Kohn, a professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina: “I don’t think it really demonstrates any understanding of warfare.”

George Little, former CIA and Pentagon senior official: “Shameful that @realDonaldTrump has declared the battle for Mosul a failure before it’s really even begun. Another reason #ImWithHer.”

Peter Mansoor, retired Army colonel: “Peter Mansoor, a retired Army colonel who aided Petraeus in Iraq, said political rhetoric such as Trump’s can affect the morale of those ‘serving in uniform at the sharp end of the spear.’”

Robert Scales, retired Army major general and former commandant of the Army War College: “Robert Scales, a retired Army major general and former commandant of the Army War College, said the unfolding Mosul campaign is a course in Military Operations 101 that American and Iraqi armies have followed for years. A large allied force approaches the objective (Mosul, in this case) from multiple directions, establishes a loose cordon around the city, and peels away the outlying towns and villages, all the while opening an escape route for refugees and people who do not want to fight, General Scales said.”

  • “‘There are over a million innocents in the city so you want to give them an opportunity to take cover or to leave,’ said General Scales… Once the advancing force reaches the most hardened fighters, often concentrated in a city center, “You pound the bejesus out of them with artillery and precision-guided bombs until they surrender or die,” General Scales said. ‘There’s absolutely no surprise in all this.’”
  • “‘If you want to kill the bad guys, kill them in the open, not hunkered down in fortified positions, with booby traps strewn all around them,’ said General Scales. ‘Everyone knows that’s’”

Michael Singh, former senior director for Middle East Affairs at the White House: “‘The Mosul operation is an Iraqi operation, not a U.S.-led one,’ rebutted Michael Singh, a former Bush administration official now with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. ‘And it appears quite likely to succeed in wresting the city from ISIS’ control. The notion of a ‘sneak attack’ makes no sense here — this is a massive operation, and Iraqi and other coalition forces have spent months ‘shaping the battlefield’ in preparation for it.’”

Matthew Spence, former defense official: “”The language he uses and the lack of meaningful critique — it’s unpresidential and deeply unhelpful for American foreign policy.”

And when it comes to the military, Trump’s bluster doesn’t stop with Mosul. Yesterday, in a local interview, Trump falsely suggested that he had been “endorsed largely, at least conceptually, by the military.”

NBC News: Trump Cites Police, Military, ICE Endorsements That Didn’t Happen: “On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military ‘conceptually’ endorsed him and that ‘virtually every police department’ in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week’s third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But none of that is true.”

Business Insider: “Trump has indeed been endorsed by several dozen retired generals and admirals, but many of the most well-known military figures alive today — including dozens from within the Republican Party itself — have denounced Trump in strong terms. And Trump has said the US military is a ‘disaster.’”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Six Key Developments Today On Trump, WikiLeaks, And Russia


Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan released the following statement today after news reports by Esquire and Motherboard confirmed for the first time publicly that Russia is behind the hack of John Podesta’s emails. Also, according to Esquire, Guccifer told journalists that he gave the DNC emails to WikiLeaks:

“The new public data confirming the Russians are behind the hack of John Podesta’s email is a big deal. There is no longer any doubt that Putin is trying to help Donald Trump by weaponizing WikiLeaks. Despite all the evidence, including the conclusions of the US intelligence community, Donald Trump went on the debate stage and acted as Putin’s puppet, defending Russia and refusing to admit and condemn the Kremlin’s actions. This behavior has gone from bizarre to disqualifying. In light of his associate’s admitted ‘back-channeling’ with Assange, and Trump’s own undisclosed business ties with Russia, it’s time for Trump to tell the American people what he knew about these hacks and when he knew it.”

According to Esquire:

“In the weeks that followed, Guccifer offered interviews and batches of documents to several journalists, but he wrote that “the main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to WikiLeaks.”

“So far U. S. investigators have not said publicly who was responsible for the Podesta hack, but the data harvested by SecureWorks makes it clear that Fancy Bear broke into the Clinton chairman’s account as early as late March. The CIA briefed Trump about the origin of the kompromat, but he continued to cite the material, telling a Pennsylvania crowd, “I love WikiLeaks!”

According to Motherboard:

Months later, on October 9, WikiLeaks began publishing thousands of Podesta’s hacked emails. Almost everyone immediately pointed the finger at Russia, who is suspected of being behind a long and sophisticated hacking campaign that has the apparent goal of influencing the upcoming US elections. But there was no public evidence proving the same group that targeted the Democratic National Committee was behind the hack on Podesta—until now.

The data linking a group of Russian hackers—known as Fancy Bear, APT28, or Sofacy—to the hack on Podesta is also yet another piece in a growing heap of evidence pointing toward the Kremlin. And it also shows a clear thread between apparently separate and independent leaks that have appeared on a website called DC Leaks, such as that of Colin Powell’s emails; and the Podesta leak, which was publicized on WikiLeaks.

Six Key Developments Today On Trump, WikiLeaks, And Russia

  1. Esquire published a deep dive on the full extent of Russia’s unprecedented hacking campaign to influence the U.S. election, including new details about the operation.
  1. Motherboard confirmed that government-backed Russian hackers were behind the cyberattack on John Podesta’s emails, publicly detailing new, undeniable evidence.
  1. Politico documented Trump’s haunting propensity for defending Putin’s crimes. Beyond the cyberattacks, Trump defended Putin in the killing of journalists, the assassination of a former Russian spy, and the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.
  1. Dallas Morning News reported that Trump had been personally briefed by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul that Russia was behind these cyberattacks before he debate, in which he again denied their culpability.
  1. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on MSNBC this morning that she was completely comfortable with the campaign exploiting documents that were stolen by Russian agents.
  1. Former director of the NSA and CIA, Michael Hayden, told NBC News: “[Trump] reject[ed] a high confidence judgment from the American intelligence community that the Russians are breaking in to DNC emails. That’s troubling on two counts. First, what will it take for him to criticize Russia? And second, here is a man who would be president, rejecting an intelligence judgment because it is politically inconvenient.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Number of Prominent Republicans and Independents Backing Hillary Clinton Grows


Hillary for America and Together for America released a list of Republicans and Independents who are supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump for president. Their release is below.

Following Hillary Clinton’s successful debate on Monday night, Together for America announced today that the ranks of Republicans and Independents who are stepping forward to back Hillary Clinton for President are growing. An additional 40 prominent leaders — including several senior administration officials and congressional staff, officials from the national security community, business leaders, and more than 10 prominent elected officials from battleground states — are all stepping forward to put country ahead of party.

Today’s announcement includes: three former Members of Congress: Sherwood Boehlert (NY), Claudine Schneider (RI), and John Schwarz (MI); former administration officials, including a Deputy Under Secretary of Transportation for President Ford, Solicitor General of the United States under President Reagan, chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, Director of Presidential Personnel for President Reagan, and others; national security officials like the former Director of the White House Situation Room for President Bush on 9/11 and Legal Advisor to the National Security Council; and political leaders including Finance Co-Chair of Florida Governor Rick Scott’s 2014 campaign, a New York City Budget Director under Mayor Giuliani, a former Chairman of Veteran and Military Families Advisory Board for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, a former senior advisor to the McCain for President Campaign, a former Attorney General of Arizona, and many others.

The list comes on the heels of yesterday’s announcement that former Republican Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, U.S. Senator John Warner of Virginia, is supporting the Clinton-Kaine ticket. In August, Together for America launched with an initial 50 endorsements.

John Podesta, Chair of Hillary for America

“At the first debate, which was viewed by 84 million Americans, Hillary Clinton strengthened her support with voters in that debate because she offered a vision of an America rooted in the belief that we are stronger together, while Donald Trump was unprepared, had nothing to offer on straightforward policy questions, and once again, showed that he had lacked the knowledge, values, and temperament to be president. Watching that debate made clear how unique this election is. The growing group of Republicans and Independents who are backing Hillary is a testament to how important the choice is in this election — it’s really not about Republicans or Democrats, it’s about what country we will be, it’s about our children’s future and which candidate can bring people together to get things done, which candidate is fit to serve the office of President and Commander in Chief. People know that Hillary has a successful track record of working across the aisle, of bringing people together to get solutions and solve problems and that’s why she continues to attract support from all parties. Today, Together for America is announcing that the ranks of Republicans and Independents who are stepping forward to back Hillary Clinton for president is growing, an additional 40 prominent leaders, including several senior administration officials in Republican administrations and congressional staff, officials from the national security community, business leaders and more than 10 prominent Republican-elected officials from battleground states are all stepping forward to put country ahead of party.”

These endorsements send a strong signal to Republican and Independent voters that respected leaders are putting country over political party in this election.

Sherwood Boehlert, Former U.S. Congressman from New York (1983-2007)

“I have seen firsthand Hillary’s commitment to helping people, and how hard she works to deliver what she’s promised. As a Senator, she worked across party lines to get things done, including helping bring jobs to the rust belt communities of upstate New York. She’s smart, she’s informed, she’s responsive, and she’s responsible. She has the right temperament for the job. The choice in this election is obvious.”

Claudine Schneider, Former U.S. Congresswoman (1981-1991) and first woman elected to major political office in Rhode Island

“The debate this week made crystal clear that only one candidate in this race is prepared, qualified, and temperamentally fit to be President of the United States. Hillary Clinton can work across the aisle and bring people together to get things done. Her life has been one of public service: representing Americans’ interests, and working cooperatively to build consensus for solutions. I was proud to be elected as part of the Reagan Revolution, to work with President Reagan, and to be a Republican my entire adult life. But when it comes to this election, I have to put my country ahead of my party, and that means voting for Hillary Clinton.”

Deborah Loewer, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.), and former Director of The White House Situation Room (2001-2003)

“My support of Clinton is derived from the hard lessons learned during my years of service to our country. I served as The Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon. I commanded the USS CAMDEN, the USS MOUNT BAKER and all of the U.S. Navy’s mine warfare assets. I deployed to every region on the globe — including the Persian Gulf and the Asia Pacific — in support of our nation’s security. I watched and listened and firmly believe Clinton understands not only how to deploy our forces, but also, how to bring them safely home when the mission is done.”

Nicholas Rostow, Former Special Assistant to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush for National Security Affairs and Legal Advisor to the National Security Council under Colin Powell and Brent Scowcroft (1987-1993); Counsel and Deputy Staff Director of the Cox Committee (House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China) (1998-1999); Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (1999-2000); General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (2001-2005)

“George Washington exhorted his fellow citizens to put the country above party or parochial interest. His message is especially compelling this year. Though I have served in three Republican administrations, I shall vote for Mrs. Clinton. Of the candidates with a realistic chance of winning, she alone has the competence to be President.

“Competence is important. Foreign and domestic crises — including economic collapse, major terrorism, some new cyber harm, and increased tensions with Russia or China — are foreseeable. Mr. Trump has not in any way demonstrated a capacity to preserve and protect the American republic. He has shown no respect for the essential work of government, the democratic system, or the Constitution. Of the two principal candidates, Hillary Clinton is by far the safer bet to guide the ship of state in the choppy seas ahead. This is not a year for protest votes. The vote must be for Secretary Clinton.”

The full list of Republicans and Independents newly participating in Together for America is below. The previous list is available here.

  • John Elizabeth Alemán, Miami Beach Commissioner
  • Jacob Avneri, Nevada Republican; Retired businessman; Stepfather of a U.S. Soldier who was killed in action in Afghanistan
  • Stuart Bernstein, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark for President George W. Bush
  • Sherwood Boehlert, Former U.S. Congressman from New York (1983-2007)
  • Phil Brady, Special Assistant to Vice President George H.W. Bush (1985-1988); Deputy Counsel to President Ronald Reagan (1988-1989); General Counsel U.S. Department of Transportation (1989-1991); Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary to President George H.W. Bush (1991-1993); member of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Board
  • Michael Browne, Former Deputy Under Secretary of Transportation under President Gerald Ford and Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner in two Republican administrations
  • Warren Chase, Palm Beach Gardens, former Naval officer and Vietnam veteran; Republican candidate for Congress; Two-term Reagan appointee; 2012 member of Governor Romney’s Defense Policy Working Group
  • James Clad, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for President George W. Bush
  • Tim Clancy, Former Chief of Staff, Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
  • Anita Daly, New York Republican; former Saratoga County Supervisor for 22 years
  • Howard Denis, Former Maryland State Senator (1977-1995); former Montgomery County Council member (2000-2006); and five-time delegate to the Republican National Convention
  • Douglas Durst, Chairman of the Durst Organization
  • Miguel “Mike” Fernandez, Jeb Bush, major supporter; Lifelong Republican; Republican Finance Co-Chairman Florida Governor’s 2014; Chairman MBF Healthcare Partners; former Chairman Simply Healthcare; former Chairman CarePlus Health Plans
  • Charles Fried, Solicitor General of the United States under President Ronald Reagan (1985-1989) and Beneficial Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
  • Diedra Garcia, Colorado Republican and former CEO of the Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Carlos Gonzalez, New Hampshire Republican State Representative
  • Marty Haynie, Comptroller of Orange County, Florida
  • Saif Ishoof, Florida Republican and Community Leader
  • Abe Lackman, NYC’s Budget Director under Mayor Giuliani; Secretary of the NYS Senate Finance Committee and special advisor to Joseph L. Bruno, the NYS Senate Majority Leader
  • Mark P. Lagon, D, Former U.S. Ambassador-At-Large to Combat Trafficking in Persons (2007-2009); Centennial Fellow, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
  • Deborah Loewer, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.), and former Director of The White House Situation Room (2001-2003)
  • David Maddux, Colorado Republican; Navy Veteran; Project Manager in Denver
  • Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer (2001-2003)
  • Jack McGregor, Former Pennsylvania State Senator from Pittsburgh and the founder of the National Hockey League’s Pittsburgh Penguins
  • Helen Migchelbrink, Colorado Republican and Engineer in Fort Collins
  • David Nierenberg, President of Nierenberg Investment Management Company; one of eight original national finance chairs of Romney for President (2006-2012)
  • Richard Painter, Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Minnesota Law School and former associate counsel to the president and chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush
  • Mark Pasquerilla, Chairman and CEO of Crown American and a former At-Large Delegate to the 2004 and 2008 Republican National Conventions
  • William A. Pierce, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services (2001-2005) and former press secretary for Congresswoman Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Congressman William Thomas (R-CA)
  • Nicholas Rostow, Former Special Assistant to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush for National Security Affairs and Legal Advisor to the National Security Council under Colin Powell and Brent Scowcroft (1987-1993); Counsel and Deputy Staff Director of the Cox Committee (House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China) (1998-1999); Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (1999-2000); General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (2001-2005)
  • Scott Rutter, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.); former Chairman of the National Advisory Board: Veterans and Military Families, Romney for President
  • Mark Salter, Former chief of staff to Senator John McCain and senior advisor to the McCain for President campaign
  • Claudine Schneider, Former U.S. Congresswoman (1981-1991) and first woman elected to major political office in Rhode Island
  • John J.H. Schwarz, D., Former U.S. Congressman from Michigan (2005-2007)
  • Rick Stoddard, Colorado Republican and Banker in Denver
  • Martin Torrey, Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
  • Robert H. Tuttle, Former Assistant to the President and former Director of Presidential Personnel for President Ronald Reagan; U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom for President George W. Bush
  • Roger Wallace, Co-Chair of the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute Advisory Board and member of the Council on Foreign Relations; former Deputy Undersecretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce (1989-1991); former Chair of the Inter-American Foundation (2003-2009); and former Deputy to the National Co-Chair of the 1980 Reagan Bush Campaign
  • Lezlee Westine,Former White House Director of Public Liaison under and Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush
  • Grant Woods, Arizona Attorney General (1991-1999)

The individuals listed herein have endorsed in their personal capacity and this does not reflect the endorsement of any organization, corporation or entity with which they are affiliated. Titles and affiliations of each individual are provided for identification purposes only. While all the individuals herein are newly involved with Together for America, some have previously made public pronouncements about their support for Hillary Clinton since our last Together for America announcement.

Additional comments are available below:

John Elizabeth Alemán, Miami Beach Commissioner

“In Miami Beach, we cannot support a candidate who believes climate change is a hoax. Donald Trump refuses to accept the science that points to this imminent concern, which jeopardizes our national security. Hillary Clinton will be a president who makes America the world’s clean energy superpower and will take affirmative action on climate change. That’s why, in this election, I will vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Jacob Avneri, Nevada Republican; Retired businessman; Stepfather of a U.S. Soldier who was killed in action in Afghanistan

“As someone who lost a stepson in Afghanistan, I was deeply offended by the remarks that Trump has made against the men and women in our armed forces and against Gold Star parents. It also pains me to hear the disparaging and divisive comments Trump has made against Latinos, like my wife and step kids. Trump does not respect that Americans are born equal, and the way he has run his campaign makes me afraid for the future of our country should he become president. Secretary Clinton, for all her faults, has demonstrated a lifetime of concern for all Americans and will make an effective leader and role model for all. Even though I have been a lifelong Republican, I will be putting my country ahead of my party this election — I will proudly cast my vote for Secretary Clinton in November.”

Michael Browne, Former Deputy Under Secretary of Transportation under President Gerald Ford and Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner in two Republican administrations

“As a Marine Corps veteran who volunteered to fight in the Vietnam War, I am dismayed by Donald Trump’s approach to the military and to veterans. He loves to talk aggressively about war and militaristic actions. Yet, he dodged the draft during the Vietnam War by obtaining 5 deferments to avoid serving his country, including the excuse of heel spurs, which then magically disappeared. He has insulted John McCain, an American hero, because he was a prisoner of war and insulted the parents of an American hero who died serving his country in Iraq because they are Muslim. Such a man should not be Commander in Chief.”

Warren Chase, Palm Beach Gardens, former Naval officer and Vietnam veteran; Republican candidate for Congress; Two-term Reagan appointee; 2012 member of Governor Romney’s Defense Policy Working Group

“By temperament and by long experience, Hillary Clinton is very clearly prepared to serve as our Commander in Chief. We live in a dangerous world with multiple, complicated threats to our national security. Hillary knows what must be done to protect our freedom in these uncertain times. She will listen to our allies and work with them because she understands that we are stronger together.”

James Clad, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for President George W. Bush

“Secretary Clinton has demonstrated her skills as Secretary of State, especially but by no means exclusively in helping other Asian countries counter Chinese bullying in the western Pacific. For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries. Never losing sight of the national interest is key — a discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure. Our adversaries must never hear flippancy or ignorance in America’s voice. They should never take satisfaction from an incompetent president. Giving an incoherent amateur the keys to the White House this November will doom us to second or third class status. In my career, I’ve seen close-up what happens when American reliability falters. It’s not pretty, for us or for the world. There is no choice: In razor sharp contrast to her opponent, Secretary Clinton is ready, steady and prepared. With a proven preference for bipartisanship, she must win this election.”

Anita Daly, New York Republican; former Saratoga County Supervisor for 22 years

“As a lifelong Republican, with 22 years of elected service in a predominantly Republican county, I am supporting Hillary for President. As a wife, mother and grandmother, I view this presidential election as a choice between known and unknown leadership qualities and not at all about party affiliation. Simply put, Hillary Clinton is prepared to be President.”

Douglas Durst, Chairman of the Durst Organization

“As a New York City developer, I have had a front-row seat to the curious career of Donald Trump. He morphed from a builder to a showman to an aspiring statesman. I have seen nothing in the forty years I have known Donald to qualify him to be President of the United States. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is a tested public servant with a steady hand and head that is ready to lead.”

Miguel “Mike” Fernandez, Jeb Bush, major supporter; Lifelong Republican; Republican Finance Co-Chairman Florida Governor’s 2014; Chairman, MBF Healthcare Partners; former Chairman, Simply Healthcare; former Chairman, CarePlus Health Plans

“I have arrived at this difficult moment. A moment that may define leaders and followers. I harbor no illusion that Hillary Clinton is perfect; none of us is. I do not see eye to eye on some issues with the former Senator from New York. However, Clinton is, without doubt, a vastly superior choice to Donald Trump. She is not impulsive, a dangerous quality in any position, but rather she is deliberate, intelligent, and experienced; and she has the humility to accept that she does not have all the answers. She has delegated effectively over the decades in public service. These attributes will serve her well as president.”

Charles Fried, Solicitor General of the United States under President Ronald Reagan (1985-1989) and Beneficial Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

“Respect for our country, its Constitution, its history and traditions, just a sense of common decency, require that we not allow Donald Trump to be elected president of the United States. To invoke party loyalty, to dwell on one’s reservations about Hillary Clinton, to contemplate not voting at all, or the silly and self-defeating gesture of voting for the Libertarian or Green Party candidate, would be a frivolous failure of the most urgent present duty of patriotism. I support and shall vote for Hillary Clinton. Any other course risks complicity in a national catastrophe.”

Carlos Gonzalez, New Hampshire Republican State Representative

“Whether as a new law school graduate, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the U.S., Senator, or Secretary of State, Hillary has spent her career taking on the hard challenges and delivering for children, women, families, and our country. No matter the odds, she has been a champion for those who have been forgotten or left behind. Unlike Donald Trump, who continues to run a campaign fueled by divisive rhetoric, Hillary has squared her focus on policies that would actually make a real difference for families and businesses across New Hampshire. I know Hillary will help bring us together and work across the aisle to solve our biggest challenges and create opportunities for every American to succeed.”

Marty Haynie, Comptroller of Orange County, Florida

“With more than 15 years experience as a CPA in private industry, I was elected as the chief financial officer in one of Florida’s largest counties, where I have served for 28 years. I know the difference between private business and public service. It seems that Donald Trump does not. His arrogant refusal to release his tax returns is just one example of his utter lack of respect for the public, and his expectation that he can continue to make his own rules. For this and so many other reasons, I am proud to support Hillary Clinton for president.”

Saif Ishoof, Florida Republican and Community Leader

“In South Florida and across the nation, Americans are looking for a President who will bring us together to tackle the big challenges we face. With his divisive rhetoric and reckless policies, Donald Trump has proven himself unworthy and unfit to be in the Oval Office. Well before her time in the public eye, Hillary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving the American public. That’s why I’m proud to stand with Hillary Clinton.”

Mark P. Lagon, Ph.D, Former U.S. Ambassador-At-Large to Combat Trafficking in Persons (2007-2009); Centennial Fellow at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

“I endorse Hillary Clinton for President because she will strongly promote U.S. leadership, strong bonds with democratic allies, and freer governance worldwide. The election of Donald Trump would be a calamity for America and for a stable and prosperous world. Hillary Clinton exhibits the distinctive qualities to be a strong President. Her deep experience and commitment to human rights and the U.S. as a unique positive force in the world deserve the backing of Republicans and Democrats alike.”

David Maddux, Colorado Republican; Navy Veteran; Project Manager in Denver

“I have always called myself an Eisenhower Republican. Ike would be horrified by where his party is today, as exemplified by Trump. Ralph Carr understood that we all should be equally, without exception, protected by our Constitution. This is now the time for us to be like Mr. Carr, to place our feet and votes and our hearts in a place where country comes before party, and decency comes before complacency. And for me that place, and my vote, will be with Secretary Clinton.”

Jack McGregor, Former Pennsylvania State Senator from Pittsburgh and the founder of the National Hockey League’s Pittsburgh Penguins

“I’ve been involved in Republican presidential campaigns for more than 60 years. It took the selection of Donald J. Trump to drive me out of my party. My old political heroes and mentors like Ike, Bill Scranton, John Sherman Cooper, my father and both grandfathers must be turning in their graves about my change in party registration. But I’m confident that every one of those honorable and dignified men would be repulsed by Donald Trump and saddened by what has become of their Republican Party. This is serious stuff, and I won’t waste my vote on a protest candidate. Since the future of our country may depend on preventing Donald Trump from becoming president, I’m with her this November, and I urge other Republicans to join me.”

David Nierenberg, President of Nierenberg Investment Management Company; one of eight original national finance chairs of Romney for President (2006-2012)

“I have decided to endorse and support Hillary Clinton for president, even though almost everybody else I will vote for this November will be a real Republican. Hillary Clinton knows her stuff. She is emotionally mature and centered. She respects and enjoys working with people from all backgrounds. She has the diplomatic skills needed to break the gridlock in Washington and lead our country well. America needs a steady hand on the tiller.”

Richard Painter, S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Minnesota Law School; and former associate counsel to the president and chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush

“Clinton’s campaign rhetoric echoes that of her husband and Barack Obama, two Democratic presidents who oversaw significant economic growth. It is not always the pro-business and pro-economic liberty message that Republicans want to hear, but investors and business owners know what we’ll get from Hillary and we can plan for the future. Trump, by contrast, is volatile and unpredictable — a businessperson’s and investor’s worst nightmare.”

Mark Pasquerilla, Chairman and CEO of Crown American and a former At-Large Delegate to the 2004 and 2008 Republican National Conventions

“I could not be more disappointed in my party’s choice of nominee. I served as a former Pennsylvania At-Large Delegate for the 2004 and 2008 Republican National Conventions and my father ran for Pennsylvania state treasurer on the same ticket as President Richard Nixon. I cannot stand by as Donald Trump hate mongers and bullies hard-working Americans around. Our country needs a president who will treat everyone with the respect they deserve and that’s why Hillary Clinton will have my vote on November 8.”

William A. Pierce, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services (2001-2005) and former press secretary for Congresswoman Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and for Congressman William Thomas (R-CA)

“Our choice this election could not be more clear — Hillary Clinton is a strong and clear supporter of American democracy interests at home and abroad and has a clear and coherent policy agenda for addressing the challenges facing the U.S. and the world. Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy.”

Scott Rutter, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.); former Chairman of the National Advisory Board: Veterans and Military Families, Romney for President

“Secretary Clinton is dedicated and committed to supporting Veterans and their families. I have witnessed this firsthand. I would not be ‘with her’ if I didn’t think she was the best candidate to be our next President and Commander-in-Chief.”

Rick Stoddard, Colorado Republican and Banker in Denver

“I didn’t leave the Republican party, the party left me. It’s time for all Republicans and independents in Colorado to put country before party and vote for Secretary Clinton. Trump is too dangerous and too unfit to hold our nation’s highest office.”

Robert H. Tuttle, Former Assistant to the President and former Director of Presidential Personnel for President Ronald Reagan; U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom for President George W. Bush

“The Republican nominee for president has no government experience and has done nothing in his career to demonstrate that he is competent to be president. He has made repeated misstatements and inaccurate statements. He has insulted minorities, women, a war hero and Gold Star parents. He is unqualified and unfit to be president. I have never voted for a Democrat but I will vote for Secretary Clinton.”

Lezlee Westine, Former White House Director of Public Liaison under and Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush

“Our nation faces a unique set of challenges that require steady and experienced leadership. That is why I am personally supporting Hillary Clinton. She has the expertise and commitment to American values to grow the economy, create jobs and protect America at home and abroad.”

Grant Woods, Arizona Attorney General (1991-1999)

“Hillary Clinton is one of the most qualified nominees to ever run for President. Donald Trump is the least qualified ever. The stakes are too high to stand on the sideline. I stand with Hillary Clinton for President.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Group of Prominent Business Leaders Backing Clinton Grows


On Friday, Hillary for America released a name of prominent business leaders who support Hillary Clinton for president. A full copy of HFA’s release is below.

The group of prominent business leaders backing Hillary Clinton continued to grow today with more than 40 additional leaders. These leaders share Clinton’s belief that we are stronger together and that Clinton is the candidate with the experience and qualifications to help build an economy that works for everyone. The endorsement comes one day after a new report from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that Donald Trump’s economic plan would balloon the debt by $5.3 trillion – 26 times more than Clinton’s according to CNBC. An independent analysis by Mark Zandi, a former economic advisor to John McCain, found that the economy would create 10.4 million jobs under Clinton’s plans, while Trump’s plans would result in a “lengthy recession” and a loss of 3.4 million jobs.

This announcement follows one from earlier this summer that included 52 business leaders backing Clinton. Clinton has laid out detailed plans to create good, high paying jobs through investment in infrastructure, research, technology, and more, as well as other policies that strengthen the climate for businesses to grow and hire. Through cost cutting, new innovations and reforms to our tax code, Clinton’s policy plans are deficit neutral.

“Hillary Clinton understands what we need to do to strengthen the economy and the top priority of her administration is to create jobs and make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top,” Campaign Chair John Podesta said. “We’re fortunate a growing number of business leaders recognize Hillary Clinton is the right candidate for the economy. Donald Trump’s plan would balloon the debt while costing jobs – setting our economy back and leaving the middle class out in the cold.”

Our campaign continues to hear from a wide range of business leaders like these from around the country who believe Hillary Clinton understands the complex world we live in and is proposing serious solutions.

“As a business leader, I know we need to balance our budgets and pay our bills, and I’ve always looked for that kind of fiscally responsible approach in elected leaders too. Hillary Clinton has laid out detailed and concrete plans to invest in things like infrastructure, to cut spending, and to reform our tax code. And she has a plan to pay for these proposals.” Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido said. “Multiple independent studies have shown that Donald Trump’s plans would balloon the national debt by trillions of dollars – and leave the bill to be paid by our kids and grandkids. In these turbulent times, we need steady, levelheaded leadership, and I would not want Donald Trump making decisions about my company, let alone our country’s economy. The choice is clear in this election – Hillary Clinton not only has the temperament and necessary experience to be President, but she has the capability to handle the economic challenges facing the nation.” 

The full list of business leaders endorsing today is below.

  • Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk
  • Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido
  • Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals
  • Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer
  • Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint
  • Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International
  • Don Cornwell, Co-Founder and Retired Chairman and CEO of Granite Broadcasting Corporation
  • Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
  • Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic
  • Dagmar Dolby
  • John Donahoe, Chairman of PayPal and former CEO of eBay
  • Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure
  • Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam
  • Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp
  • Leo Hindery, Jr., Managing Partner of InterMedia Partners and former CEO of AT&T Broadband
  • Jacqueline C. Hinman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CH2M
  • Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.
  • Jerry Jasinowski, Former President of the National Association of Manufacturers
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chairman of DreamWorks New Media
  • Vinod Khosla, Founder of Khosla Ventures
  • Dara Khosrowshahi, President and CEO of Expedia, Inc.
  • Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health
  • Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower
  • Stephen Luczo, CEO of Seagate Technology PLC
  • Ted Maidenberg, Co-Founder and Partner of Social Capital
  • Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group
  • Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC
  • Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures
  • David Nevins, CEO of Showtime Networks, Inc.
  • Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Jeff Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation and former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Tricia Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation
  • Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.
  • Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social
  • Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove
  • Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates
  • Diana Taylor, Vice Chair of Solera Capital
  • Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels
  • Diane von Furstenberg
  • Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco
  • Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group
  • Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube

The individuals listed herein have endorsed in their personal capacity and this does not reflect the endorsement of any organization, corporation or entity to which they are affiliated. Titles and affiliations of each individual are provided for identification purposes only.

Additional quotes by some of the business leaders endorsing are available below.

“I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because she is the only candidate with the intelligence, judgment and experience necessary to do the job.” – Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk

“I support the election of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. I do not agree with all of her policy positions. When I consider the candidates’ experience, judgment, and temperament, though, there is only one choice – I’m with her.” – Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals

“In a time of uncertainty and global unrest, the US needs the leadership of someone who knows how to solve problems and get things done. That’s Hillary Clinton and I am voting for her in November.” – Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer

“I am proud to support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States of America. No one is more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton and she has a proven track record of fighting for all Americans. She understands the responsibility that comes with governance, and won’t pursue risky policies that jeopardize America’s future or further divide our country. As a Hispanic immigrant, I am so very fortunate to have experienced the American dream first-hand. And many others like me should be afforded that same opportunity. That’s why we need comprehensive immigration reform. Hillary Clinton understands that and is the right leader that will ensure the United States remains a global leader working toward a more just, equal, and prosperous society.” – Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint

“America is a great country whose greatness enables entrepreneurs, who can come from nothing and from anywhere in the world, to create the small and medium-sized businesses that produce good jobs and are the best of America. Hillary Clinton stands for those values and will continue to support policies that allow our businesses to grow and entrepreneurialism to foster the jobs of our future. Democrats are the party of small business and entrepreneurialism and Secretary Clinton is the only candidate in the race qualified to lead and nurture the kind of economic growth that our middle class needs and that harnesses the American dream.” – Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International

“Hillary Clinton is by far the most qualified candidate for President in this election. I believe she will do a first class job of governing our country and will fulfill her duties as President in an exemplary manner. Her intelligence, warmth, and depth of character has been demonstrated throughout her career in public service and these qualities will shine through during her time as President.” – Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment

“Hillary Clinton’s deep experience, seasoned judgment, and measured temperament make her one of the most qualified presidential candidates in the history of our nation. Her plans to build infrastructure, support entrepreneurship, and expand the economy, show that she is a steady and fiscally responsible leader with the foresight to lead our country confidently into the future. Donald Trump has none of the necessary attributes, nor the temperament, to qualify him to be president and commander-in-chief. His economic plans for our country are unrealistic and would balloon the national debt, leading to economic disaster. In this election, there is just no comparison – Hillary Clinton is the clear choice to lead our country.” – Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic

“Hillary Clinton is eminently qualified to be President of the United States. She understands that good businesses contribute to their communities and help move America forward. Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. For our country, for our families, for our children we need Hillary Clinton as our next President. Her opponent doesn’t have the temperament, the qualifications or the experience to be in the Oval Office.” – Dagmar Dolby

“…because she understands that the presidency is a job, not a prize.” – Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure

“The 2016 election is without doubt the most important election in all our lifetimes. The next President must possess wisdom, experience, a steady hand, a willingness to bring all Americans together. The world around us requires understanding, delicacy, and the courage to act with intelligence. We must move all humanity toward the good. In this contentious election, the only choice is Hillary Clinton.” – Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam

“As a native New Yorker, I’ve spent a good part of my life working to improve the city I call home. I supported Hillary Clinton when she was the Senator from New York and I support her now for President. Hillary is the candidate in this race who has consistently put forth concrete proposals to grow our economy and invest in vital infrastructure. We need her as our next President.” – Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp

“Hillary Clinton’s plan to support new entrepreneurs will ensure innovation and progress remain a cornerstone of our economy. Donald Trump has failed to put forth concrete proposals to help American business owners succeed and grow their companies. Instead of offering policy proposals, he is trafficking in divisive rhetoric that threatens to take our country backwards. The choice is clear in this election, and I am choosing the candidate of progress – Hillary Clinton.” – Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.

“The ACA has dramatically lowered our uninsured rate, but we still have a long road to improve healthcare access and lower medical expenses in the United States. Hillary Clinton’s commitment to the fight for affordable, quality health care has been a defining element of her public service.  She is the only candidate in this race who has a plan to deliver the innovation we need to offer affordable care to everyday working Americans.” – Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health

“In the next eight years, American leadership will either set the world on the path to a clean energy future or condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond saving. Hillary Clinton is ready to do what’s necessary: implement ambitious climate standards, aggressively cut energy waste, and accelerate our transition to a thriving clean energy economy. She’s the only candidate who can build on the progress we’ve already made, and I could not be prouder to offer my endorsement.” – Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower

“I have been an entrepreneur, business owner, and active New York citizen for over 30 years. I know firsthand how important a vibrant economic environment is to ensuring that businesses and cultural institutions – large and small – succeed and thrive. I had the privilege of watching Hillary Clinton up close when she was our remarkable and tireless US Senator for New York. I’m completely confident that she will make sure that entrepreneurs have a front-row seat at the table – and that she will activate an economy that works for everyone. She is the clear choice for president in this election.” – Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group

“The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has never endorsed a candidate in its nearly fifteen year history, but the stakes have never been so high for the future of the LGBT business community. Hillary Clinton is the progressive champion our businesses and our families need to thrive. The LGBT community has come too far to lose its seat at the table, and we are certain that Secretary Clinton will be the President fighting for the collective economic and social longevity of America’s 1.4 million LGBT business owners.” – Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC

“Hillary Clinton understands that innovation is the surest path to a better future. She is the only candidate who has concrete plans to strengthen the American economy by investing in basic science research, increasing access to science and engineering education, and paving the way for high-tech startups and entrepreneurs to create next-generation technologies and high-quality jobs. As a scientist, inventor and technology entrepreneur, I have seen firsthand how invention, and the scientific research that drives it, are powerful engines for sustained economic growth. As President, Hillary Clinton will put her commitment to science and her belief in American ingenuity to work to create better opportunities for all Americans.” – Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures

“In this election there is absolutely no question which candidate is prepared to be Commander in Chief for all Americans. That candidate and our choice for President of the United States is Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton.” – Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

“I am an international entrepreneur having founded more than 40 companies in the consumer, hospitality and real estate sectors. I have lived my entire professional life overseas. From the perspective of an American abroad, I know firsthand how important American leadership and strength is to ensure success. And our strength flows not just from our military but from our economic vitality and from our values. When we as a nation are seen as strong and respected, it has been good for us and good for the world. This is why I’m such a strong supporter of Secretary Clinton for President. When she served as Secretary of State, she tirelessly worked to defend and protect American interests across Asia and push for American exports that promote good jobs here at home. She has earned respect and demonstrated good judgment the hard way, by listening, leading and engaging relentlessly. She will bring these same qualities and more to the highest office in the land.” –Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.

“Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. Donald Trump is more focused on tearing down groups of Americans than he is on building us all up. He has failed to offer serious economic policies, and instead cites business credentials that have allowed him to get rich off the backs of others. Hillary Clinton will put workers’ and businesses’ interests first, and promote policies that will grow the economy for all Americans.” – Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social

“We must extend, not undermine, the hard-won progress of the last eight years. Hillary Clinton has the policies, the persistence, and the proven experience to lead that charge.” – Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove

“Given Hillary’s track record with respect to local, state, and national issues, she will obviously be a President that represents our nation in a most exemplary fashion.” – Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates

“In an age of economic interconnectedness, Hillary Clinton understands the importance of secure borders as well as open doors. She believes America can continue to be both welcoming and secure, advancing our nation’s interests while extending hospitality to millions of allies and friends.” – Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels

“As President, Hillary Clinton would fight to be sure all Americans share in a growing economy. She has concrete plans to increase access to higher education and build a skilled workforce. As a business leader, I understand the value investing in people has not only for the success of a company, but the success of our country.” – Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco

“Hillary Clinton’s economic and environmental policies offer strategic, forward-thinking leadership that our country needs at this pivotal moment in history. Her clean energy infrastructure plan contains specific, actionable ideas to create jobs, drive innovation and discovery, and most importantly, preserve our planet for future generations.” – Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Meets with Bipartisan Group of National Security Officials


On Friday, Hillary Clinton convened a group of bipartisan National Security experts to discuss a number of global issues. The key focus of the group’s discussion was defeating ISIS and combating terrorism. Following the meeting, Clinton held a press briefing during which she spoke about the importance of Republicans and Democrats working together on issues of national security. She also criticized Donald Trump saying that the experts she has spoken with are “chilled” by what Trump has said and proposed. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below as is a release from Hillary for America about the meeting, including list of those who attended.

Hillary Clinton today brought together a bipartisan group of distinguished national security officials to discuss the challenges our next commander-in-chief will face. Today’s conversation, which focused largely on defeating ISIS and the global network of terrorism, gave Clinton the opportunity to discuss these crucial issues with a wide range of experts with different background and diverse perspectives – something she has always been deeply committed to and will continue to seek as president.

Clinton said, “We won’t always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we can’t let party affiliations stand between us. We need to put partisanship aside and work together for the good of all of us. I know we can do it. I have seen it happen under both Republican and Democratic presidents. That will be my goal if I am elected this fall.”

Clinton added, “National security experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what they’re hearing from the Republican nominee. That may be the number one reason why this election is the most important in our lifetime. So I’m not waiting until November, I’m bringing Democrats and Republicans together now because I plan to get right down to work on Day One. The stakes are too high, and the issues too serious for anything less than that level of preparedness. Americans should be able to count on their president and Commander-in-Chief to provide rational, confident and even keeled leadership, especially in tumultuous times like these so I’m very grateful to the men and women that I met with today — experts with a broad range of understanding and willingness to share their insights– and I look forward to receiving their advice in the days and weeks ahead.”

Today’s conversation included a wide range of experts, including nonpartisan military leaders as well as top national security officials who served under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Working Session Participants:

  • General John Allen, USMC (ret.), former Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Rand Beers, former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor and former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Daniel Benjamin, Former Ambassador-at-large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the U.S. Department of State
  • Ambassador Reuben Brigety, Former U.S. Ambassador to the AU, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
  • Secretary Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Richard Fontaine, former foreign policy advisor to Senator John McCain
  • Chris Fussell, former Aide-de-Camp to then-Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal at the Joint Special Operations Command, former Navy Seal
  • Kathleen Hicks, former Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Forces
  • Juliette Kayyem, former Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security
  • Michael Morell, former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the CIA
  • Secretary Janet Napolitano, former Secretary of Homeland Security (via videoconference)
  • Matt Olsen, former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
  • General David Petraeus, USA (ret.), former Director of the CIA, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Admiral James Stavridis, USN (ret.), former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (via videoconference)
  • Vikram Singh, Former Deputy Assistant secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia
  • Michael Vickers, former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

This morning, the campaign also rolled out an updated list of 110 retired generals and admirals who have endorsed Hillary Clinton as the only candidate in this race prepared to be commander-in-chief, 15 of whom came out in the 48 hours after the Commander-In-Chief Forum.

Clinton is honored by the overwhelming support of those who have served our country and looks forward to continuing these important national security discussions with bipartisan leaders in the coming months. In a new Hillary for America television ad released today, Hillary Clinton makes the case that the “Only Way” we solve problems is bringing people together like she did today.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN

HFA Fundraisers Held on Sunday, Kutcher in Iowa


On Sunday, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a LGBT and Allies reception in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event featured a conversation with Mayor Michael Nutter and music by DJ Samantha Ronson. Then, in Providence, Rhode Island, a fundraiser was hosted by Michelle Kwan and Clay Pell. The event featured a conversation with actor Tony Goldwyn.


Hillary Clinton has also received several celebrity endorsements. Actor Ashton Kutcher visited a local Hillary for America campaign office in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A native Iowan, Kutcher criticized Donald Trump for doing anything to get elected. “In an effort to get himself elected, he’s willing to say whatever he has to and make you promises that ultimately I don’t think he can keep, but what most common sense people think is right,” he said. Kutcher continued, “I think Hillary stands for all of the things we stand for.” Meanwhile, in an interview with Katie Couric, DJ Khaled said he was supporting Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Gazette, Thump

Clinton Campaign Responds to Resignation of Paul Manafort


Hillary for America responded to the resignation of Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort. Their statement, video, and release are below.

Statement from Robby Mook on Manafort’s Resignation and Trump’s Continued Pro-Kremlin Ties

Friday, Hillary For American Campaign Manager Robby Mook issued the following statement on the resignation of Trump’s Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and the many continuing ties between Trump and his campaign and pro-Kremlin forces:

“Paul Manafort’s resignation is a clear admission that the disturbing connections between Donald Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Russia and Ukraine are untenable.  But this is not the end of the story.  It’s just the beginning.  You can get rid of Manafort, but that doesn’t end the odd bromance Trump has with Putin. Trump still has to answer serious questions hovering over his campaign given his propensity to parrot Putin’s talking points, the roster of advisers like Carter Page and Mike Flynn with deep ties to Russia, the recent Russian government hacking and disclosure of Democratic Party records, and reports that Breitbart published articles advocating pro-Kremlin positions on Ukraine.  It’s also time for Donald Trump to come clean on his own business dealings with Russian interests, given recent news reports about his web of deep financial connections to business groups with Kremlin ties.”

HFA also released a new video on Donald Trump’s tendency to echo Vladimir Putin’s talking points:


Trump Campaign Advisers’ Russia Connections Extend Far Beyond Manafort

Carter Page, Trump’s pro-Putin foreign policy adviser, built his career on deals with Russia’s state owned gas company, Gazprom, and traveled to Moscow just last month.

Washington Post: Trump adviser’s public comments, ties to Moscow stir unease in both parties

“In early June, a little-known adviser to Donald Trump stunned a gathering of high-powered Washington foreign policy experts meeting with the visiting prime minister of India, going off topic with effusive praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump. The adviser, Carter Page, hailed Putin as stronger and more reliable than President Obama, according to three people who were present at the closed-door meeting at Blair House — and then touted the positive effect a Trump presidency would have on U.S.-Russia relations. A month later, Page dumbfounded foreign policy experts again by giving another speech harshly critical of U.S. policy — this time in Moscow.”

Bloomberg: Trump’s New Russia Adviser Has Deep Ties to Kremlin’s Gazprom

A globe-trotting American investment banker who’s built a career on deals with Russia and its state-run gas company, Carter Page says his business has suffered directly from the U.S. economic sanctions imposed after Russia’s escalating involvement in the Ukraine. When Donald Trump named him last week as one of his foreign-policy advisers, Page says his e-mail inbox filled up with positive notes from Russian contacts. “So many people who I know and have worked with have been so adversely affected by the sanctions policy,” Page said in a two-hour interview last week. “There’s a lot of excitement in terms of the possibilities for creating a better situation.”

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the adviser who joined Trump this week for his first classified intelligence briefing, has been paid by Kremlin-run RT and sat next to Putin at the outlet’s 10th anniversary gala.

Washington Post: He was one of the most respected intel officers of his generation. Now he’s leading ‘Lock her up’ chants.

Like Trump, Flynn has advocated forging closer ties with Russia. In interviews with The Washington Post, Flynn acknowledged being paid to give a speech and attend a lavish anniversary party for the Kremlin-controlled RT television network in Moscow last year, where he was seated next to Russian President Vladi­mir Putin…. Asked why he would want to be so closely associated with a Kremlin propaganda platform, Flynn said he sees no distinction between RT and other news outlets. “What’s CNN? What’s MSNBC? Come on!” said Flynn, who also has appeared occasionally as an unpaid on-air analyst for RT and other foreign broadcasters.

Politico: The Kremlin’s Candidate

At a moment of semi-hostility between the U.S. and Russia, the presence of such an important figure at Putin’s table startled current and former members of the Obama administration. “It was extremely odd that he showed up in a tuxedo to the Russian government propaganda arm’s party,” one former Pentagon official told me.

Daily Beast: Trump Embraces Ex-Top Obama Intel Official

Three former U.S. officials said that a trip Flynn took last December to Moscow—where he was filmed sitting at the head table next to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a formal dinner—set off alarms within military and intelligence circles over whether Flynn had notified the U.S. government about his foreign travel, as his security clearance requires.

Mike McSherry, an aide who helped lead Trump’s convention strategy, worked alongside Manafort and Gates to lobby for Putin puppet Yanukovych.

BuzzFeed: Ukraine Lobbying Contract Linked To Manafort Also Involved Another Trump Aide

“Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort is not the only Trump aide to have been involved in lobbying for Ukraine’s pro-Russian ex-president. Mike McSherry, a senior vice president at Mercury Public Affairs who helped lead the Trump campaign’s convention committee strategy last month, is listed in Mercury’s lobbying disclosure forms as having represented a Brussels-based nonprofit group linked to former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine.”

Howard Lorber, a Trump economic adviser, traveled with Trump to Moscow in the 1990s seeking real estate deals

Washington Post: Another Trump adviser with deep ties to Russia

This week Donald Trump released a new roster of economic advisers, including a businessman with extensive investments in Russia who tried to get a Trump Tower built in Moscow. It’s the latest in a long list of relationships that give Trump a financial stake in warm U.S.-Russian relations. Businessman and investor Howard Lorber already donated $100,000 to the Trump Victory fund, has been named as one of Trump’s “best friends” and even appeared once on “The Apprentice.” He is also president and chief executive of the Vector Group, a holding company that has various business interests in Russia. In 1996, Lorber brought Trump to Moscow to look for opportunities for Trump to lend his famous name to development projects there. “Howard has major investments in Russia,” Trump told Russian politician Alexander Ivanovich Lebed after his trip to Moscow with Lorber, according to a 1997 profile of Trump in the New Yorker.

Boris Epshteyn, a senior Trump adviser and surrogate, moderated a 2013 forum at the “Invest In Moscow!” Conference and has echoed Kremlin talking points on TV.

Huffington Post: When It Comes To Donald Trump’s Russia Ties, It’s All About The Aides

And there’s also Boris Epshteyn, a Trump surrogate who frequently appears on television and describes himself as a senior adviser to the campaign. The Russia-born investment banker and attorney moderated a panel at an October 2013 conference in New York City called “Invest in Moscow!” The panel was mainly comprised of Moscow city government officials, like Sergey Cheremin, a city minister who heads Moscow’s foreign economic and international relations department…. “In Russia, where business and the state are so closely linked, business dealings automatically imply ties to people high up in government as well,” said Kathryn Stoner, an expert in U.S.-Russia relations at Stanford University.

Talking Points Memo: Trump Surrogate Pushes Pro-Putin Line That Russia Hasn’t Seized Crimea

A surrogate for Donald Trump’s campaign argued on Sunday that Russia has not seized Crimea from Ukraine, even though Vladimir Putin seized the region more than two years ago. While discussing the GOP nominee’s recent remarks about Putin on CNN Sunday, campaign surrogate Boris Epshteyn said, “First of all, Russia did not seize Crimea.”

Richard Burt, who has been an adviser to Trump and helped write his first major foreign policy speech, has deep ties to Russia as well.

Reuters: Former Reagan aide helped write Trump foreign policy speech

“I was asked to contribute material” for Trump’s April 27 speech at the Center for the National Interest, a Washington, D.C., think tank, said Richard Burt.

Vice: How Putin’s American Fixers Keep Russian Sanctions Toothless

Richard Burt, a former Reagan White House official who now works at the lobbying firm McLarty Associates, serves on the US-Russia Business Council board. According to the Wall Street Journal, Burt, who has argued against unilateral sanctions against Russia…

Michael Caputo, a former top Trump adviser who also recently resigned, did public relations work for Putin years ago, promoting his image in the Western world.

Washington Post: Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin

An adviser who helped run Trump’s efforts in the New York primary, Michael Caputo, lived in Russia in the 1990s. Caputo also had a contract for several months in 2000 with the Russian conglomerate Gazprom Media to improve Putin’s image in the United States. Caputo declined to comment but told the Buffalo News, his hometown paper, that he was “not proud of the work today. But at the time, Putin wasn’t such a bad guy.”

Trump’s Russia Problems Run Deep, Concerning Experts

Trump’s policies align closely with Putin’s agenda, contrary to American interests.

Op-ed by Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul: Why Putin wants a Trump victory (so much he might even be trying to help him)

Putin has rational motives for wanting Trump to win: Trump champions many foreign policies that Putin supports. Trump’s most shocking, pro-Kremlin proposal is to “look into” recognition of Crimea as a part of Russia…. Trump has demanded that other NATO members essentially pay us for protection… Trump has also disparaged our allies in Asia, creating new opportunities for Russian influence…. On the whole, Trump advocates isolationist policies and an abdication of U.S. leadership in the world. He cares little about promoting democracy and human rights. A U.S. retreat from global affairs fits precisely with Putin’s international interests.

Vox: Trump’s policies are objectively pro-Russia

Nothing Russia could do, on its own, would help its foreign policy more than what Trump is proposing. He is literally suggesting the United States transform global politics to make it more favorable to Russian interests.

Slate: Putin’s Puppet: If the Russian president could design a candidate to undermine American interests—and advance his own—he’d look a lot like Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is like the Kremlin’s favored candidates, only more so. He celebrated the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU. He denounces NATO with feeling. He is also a great admirer of Vladimir Putin.

Trump personally has business ties with Russian oligarchs.

Donald Trump on his Miss Universe Contest in Moscow: “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.”

Donald Trump Jr.: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

CNN: That time a Russian billionaire paid Trump $95 million for a mansion

Washington Post: Former Mafia-linked figure describes association with Trump

On the 24th floor of Trump Tower, in an office two floors below Donald Trump, Felix Sater was trying to revive his career. The Russian-born businessman had already done a stint in prison for stabbing a man in the face with the stem of a margarita glass, and he was now awaiting sentencing for his role in a Mafia-orchestrated stock fraud scheme… Trump and his lawyers have said that he was not aware of Sater’s criminal past when he first signed on to do business with Sater’s firm, Bayrock Group. Sater’s involvement in the stock fraud was kept secret for years by federal prosecutors because of his role as an informant. But even after elements of Sater’s background were disclosed in a 2007 New York Times article, he remained in close proximity to Trump — at one point using Trump Organization office space and business cards.

Washington Post: “Putin canceled at the last minute, but he sent a decorative lacquered box, a traditional Russian gift, and a warm note, according to Aras Agalarov, a Moscow billionaire who served as a liaison between Trump and the Russian leader. Still, the weekend was fruitful for Trump. He received a portion of the $14 million paid by Agalarov and other investors to bring the pageant to Moscow. Agalarov said he and Trump signed an agreement to build a Trump Tower in the heart of Moscow — at least Trump’s fifth attempt at such a venture.”

Trump and his campaign have been aligned with the Russians while they attempt to defeat Hillary Clinton.

New York Times: Spy Agency Consensus Grows That Russia Hacked D.N.C.

American intelligence agencies have told the White House they now have “high confidence” that the Russian government was behind the theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee, according to federal officials who have been briefed on the evidence.

AP: Donald Trump encourages Russian hackers to spy on Hillary Clinton

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you’ll be rewarded mightily by our press!”

Washington Post: Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks

Trump campaign surrogates are fueling a conspiracy theory that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was connected to the hacking of the DNC, a theory being pushed by WikiLeaks and the Russian state-controlled press.

BuzzFeed: Exclusive: How Ukraine Wooed Conservative Websites

Several conservative bloggers repeated talking points given to them by a proxy group for the Ukrainian government — and at least one writer was paid by a representative of the Ukrainian group, according to documents and emails obtained by BuzzFeed. The Ukrainian campaign began in the run-up to high-stakes Ukrainian parliamentary elections last year, and sought to convince skeptical American conservatives that the pro-Russian Party of Regions, led by President Viktor Yanukovych, deserved American support. During that period, articles echoing Ukrainian government talking points appeared on leading conservative online outlets, including RedState, Breitbart, and Pajamas Media. [emphasis added]

Some experts have gone as far as to say that Putin is explicitly using Trump to further his agenda.

Reuters: Senior ex-CIA official: Putin made Trump ‘an unwitting agent’ of Russia

A former top CIA official attacked Donald Trump on Friday as a danger to national security, saying President Vladimir Putin had made the Republican presidential candidate an “unwitting agent” of Russia. Putin had flattered Trump into supporting positions favorable to Russia, Michael Morell, a longtime CIA officer and former deputy director of the agency, said in an opinion piece in The New York Times. “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation,” Morell said”

Politico: Is Putin playing Trump like he did Berlusconi?

[T]he Berlusconi-Putin bromance has acquired a new resonance, as foreign policy analysts and even some U.S. officials see unsettling echoes in the recent long-distance kinship between the Russian leader and Donald J. Trump. It may even suggest that Putin is applying a specific method to the GOP nominee. In recent years Putin has befriended several major Western European politicians, including former leaders of France and Germany, who openly challenge U.S. and European policies toward Russia, including NATO’s buildup in Eastern Europe and economic sanctions punishing Putin’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Even top Republicans have raised serious concerns about Trump’s relationship with Putin’s Russia.

New York Times: 50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’

Many of those signing it had declined to add their names to the letter released in March. But a number said in recent interviews that they changed their minds once they heard Mr. Trump invite Russia to hack Mrs. Clinton’s email server — a sarcastic remark, he said later — and say that he would check to see how much NATO members contributed to the alliance before sending forces to help stave off a Russian attack. They viewed Mr. Trump’s comments on NATO as an abandonment of America’s most significant alliance relationship. Mr. Trump has said throughout his campaign that he intends to upend Republican foreign policy orthodoxy on everything from trade to Russia, where he has been complimentary of President Vladimir V. Putin, saying nothing about its crackdown on human rights and little about its annexation of Crimea.

Washington Post: Republicans are among a new list of foreign policy experts denouncing Trump

Several Republicans are among a group of former cabinet officers, senior officials and career military officers who denounced Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday, calling his recent remarks on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Russia “disgraceful.” The open letter, released first to The Washington Post, takes issue with Trump statements that appear to question the alliance, encourage Russia to hack and release Hillary Clinton’s deleted State Department emails, and seem to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which the United States considers illegitimate.

Trump has praised Putin for a decade, and Putin has returned the favor.

Trump, 2007: “[Putin’s] doing a great job. In rebuilding the image of Russia and also rebuilding Russia period. Forget about image.”

Trump, 2011: “I often speak highly [of Putin] for his intelligence and no-nonsense way…. Putin has also announced his grand vision: the creation of a ‘Eurasian Union’ made up of former Soviet nations that can dominate the region. I respect Putin…”

Trump, 2013, on Putin’s NYT op-ed denouncing American exceptionalism: “I thought he did an amazing job…. He’s making him look like a — he’s the professor and the President is a school child… He really becomes with this letter, almost, the world leader”

Trump, 2013: “Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?”

Washington Post on Trump’s 2013 Miss Universe Contest in Moscow: “Putin canceled at the last minute, but he sent a decorative lacquered box, a traditional Russian gift, and a warm note”

Trump, 2014: “Putin has become a big hero in Russia with an all time high popularity.”

Trump, 2015: “In terms of leadership, [Putin’s] getting an ‘A,’ and our president is not doing so well.”

Putin, 2015 on Trump: “He’s a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt.”

Trump, 2016: “[Putin] called me a genius, I’m going to disavow it? Are you crazy? Can you believe it? How stupid are they.”

AP, 2016: Russia’s Putin Reaffirms Praise for Trump, Calling Him ‘Bright’

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Memo: Trump Unfit To Be Commander In Chief


Today, Jake Sullivan, Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor, released the following memo outlining the campaign’s arguments as to why they believe Donald Trump is unfit to be president. The full release and video are below.

To: Interested Parties
From: Jake Sullivan, Hillary For America Senior Policy Adviser
Re: Trump Unfit To Be Commander In Chief
Date: Monday, August 15, 2016

This is not a normal election. Simply put, Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief. This isn’t overcranked campaign rhetoric – national security experts across the political spectrum are issuing the same warning.

Trump is erratic. He’s thin-skinned. He’s vindictive. He praises dictators and displays a strange affinity for Putin. He trash talks America and threatens to abandon our allies. He uses dangerous rhetoric and proposes dangerous policies that play into the hands of terrorists. He talks casually about nuclear weapons. He knows nothing about foreign policy and he has no interest in learning.

Last week, we got yet another clear and alarming reminder of his lack of fitness for the job.  Reading off the talking points of Vladimir Putin and our other adversaries, Trump falsely claimed that Barack Obama founded ISIS. The world noticed. Just days later, the leader of Hezbollah – a terrorist organization that seeks Israel’s destruction – approvingly quoted Trump’s comments.

Hillary Clinton is uniquely qualified and prepared to assume the role of commander in chief. And Donald Trump is uniquely unqualified. She has serious plans to make our country more secure, and a record of leadership to back it up. He has neither. She is proud to call herself an American and of her work as a public servant. He calls America a third-world country.

The choice is clear. It’s not a choice between a Democrat and a Republican, but between a responsible leader who will keep us safe, and a volatile man who threatens our security.


Arrogance And Ignorance: A Dangerous Combination

When it comes to foreign policy – just like everything else – Donald Trump is convinced he knows more than anyone in the room. Asked who he consults to help shape his views, Trump explained that he mostly just relies on himself because he has “a very good brain.” His lack of interest in learning from others is reflected in his lack of knowledge of basic facts on foreign affairs:

  • Donald Trump on who he speaks to on foreign policy: “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”
  • Donald Trump on foreign policy experts: “Honestly, most of them are no good.”
  • Donald Trump: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”
  • USA Today: Trump attributes Russia knowledge to hosting Miss Universe pageant there
  • Boston Globe Editorial: “Not only did Trump not know the basics of the US nuclear triad (the Pentagon’s land, sea, and air contingent of nuclear forces)…”
  • Washington Post: Trump’s top example of foreign experience: A Scottish golf course losing millions
  • Weekly Standard: Trump Confuses Iran’s Quds Forces and Kurds Fighting ISIS

Proposals Trump Has Made Would Make Us Less Safe

Donald Trump has offered a lot of rhetoric but very few actual proposals. The few plans he has put forth – like his Muslim ban – are out of step with our values and our common sense. From suggesting we should abandon our allies to calling for bringing back torture, Trump’s policies would make us less safe. Some align with Vladimir Putin’s interests and not with American interests; others play into ISIS’ hands:

  • Donald Trump: Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.
  • Donald Trump: “It’s really rather amazing, maybe Syria should be a free zone for ISIS, let them fight and then you pick up the remnants.”
  • Vox: Donald Trump: make America great again by letting more countries have nukes
  • Donald Trump: “We don’t really need NATO in its current form. NATO is obsolete… if we have to walk, we walk.”
  • BBC: Trump says US may abandon automatic protections for NATO countries
  • Politico: Trump calls Geneva Conventions ‘the problem’
  • Donald Trump: “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families”
  • Donald Trump: “Don’t tell me it doesn’t work — torture works… Waterboarding is fine, but it’s not nearly tough enough, ok?”
  • Donald Trump: “The case could be made, that let [Japan] protect themselves against North Korea. They’d probably wipe them out pretty quick….Good luck, folks, enjoy yourself. If they fight, that would be terrible, right? But if they do, they do.
  • AP: Donald Trump encourages Russian hackers to spy on Hillary Clinton
  • Politico: Trump changed views on Ukraine after hiring Manafort
  • New York Times: “It is not clear that Mr. Manafort’s work in Ukraine ended with his work with Mr. Trump’s campaign. A communications aide for Mr. Lyovochkin, who financed Mr. Manafort’s work, declined to say whether he was still on retainer or how much he had been paid.”
  • Mother Jones: Is Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager Still on the Payroll of a Ukrainian Political Leader?
  • New York Times: “Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials.”
  • New York Times: “A separate deal also funneled Russian-linked oligarchic money into Ukraine… Mr. Deripaska agreed to pay a 2 percent annual management fee to Mr. Manafort and his partners, and put $100 million into the fund…”

Dangerous Rhetoric: Trump Praises Dictators, Bashes America And Our Leaders, Stokes Islamophobia

The Trump *candidacy* alone is undermining our national security.  He is the nominee representing one of America’s two major political parties.  His words matter.  Whether he’s praising dictators, channeling the talking points of our enemies, attacking American leaders and those who have sacrificed the most for our country, or stoking Islamophobia, those words are doing harm to our friends and emboldening our adversaries:

  • Donald Trump: “You’ve got to give [Kim Jong Un] credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals…. It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one.”
  • NBC News: Trump Calls Tiananmen Square Protests a ‘Riot,’ Defends Calling Crackdown ‘Strong’
  • Donald Trump: “I will tell you in terms of leadership [Putin] is getting an ‘A,’ and our president is not doing so well.”
  • Washington Post: Donald Trump praises Saddam Hussein for killing terrorists ‘so good’
  • Huffington Post: Trump Once Praised Tyrants For Not Being Politically Correct
  • Washington Post: The 100-plus times Donald Trump assured us that America is a laughingstock
  • New York Times: Donald Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’ and Says It Honors Him
  • ABC News: Hezbollah Leader Echoes Trump That Obama, Clinton Founded ISIS
  • Donald Trump: “[John McCain’s] not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, ok? I hate to tell you.”
  • BuzzFeed: Trump: I Don’t Regret McCain Comments, My Poll Numbers Went Up
  • Donald Trump on our generals: “Well, they don’t know much, because they’re not winning.”
  • Washington Post: Donald Trump says he ‘always wanted to get the Purple Heart’
  • Reuters: Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Is Fueling More Islamophobic Incidents

Independent and Republican Experts Agree: Trump Is Uniquely Dangerous

When all of this is taken together, it paints a striking picture: Donald Trump isn’t a normal presidential nominee. He is a uniquely dangerous candidate. The result? Foreign policy experts across the board – from lifelong Republicans to apolitical national security officials – are speaking out to say they cannot accept the prospect of a Trump presidency:

  • New York Times (8/8/16): 50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’: “He does not encourage conflicting views. He lacks self-control and acts impetuously. He cannot tolerate personal criticism. He has alarmed our closest allies with his erratic behavior. All of these are dangerous qualities in an individual who aspires to be president and commander in chief, with command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.”
  • Washington Post (8/8/16): Former GOP national security officials: Trump would be ‘most reckless’ American president in history
  • Washington Post (8/4/16): Republicans are among a new list of foreign policy experts denouncing Trump: “We find Trump’s comments to be reckless, dangerous, and extremely unwise.  They contradict a core, bipartisan principle found in every U.S. administration — that our security in North America is indivisible with our democratic allies in Europe.”
  • Washington Post (3/3/16): Trump is ‘fundamentally dishonest,’ say GOP national security leaders in open letter: “[Trump’s] vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle. He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence.”
  • Former Acting CIA Director Mike Morell: In sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump has no experience on national security. Even more important, the character traits he has exhibited during the primary season suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief…. In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”
  • GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “I’m an American before I’m a Republican. I’m saying for me personally, how can I support that? Because he’s crossed so many red lines that a commander in chief or a candidate for commander in chief should never cross.”
  • GOP Rep. Richard Hanna: “[Trump’s] unhinged. It’s difficult to imagine why anyone could support him. He comes across as a demagogue. He comes across as a guy who, frankly, Putin has made a fool of.”
  • ABC News: Gen. John Allen Says Donald Trump Could Cause ‘Civil Military Crisis’: “What we do have to do, George, is listen to what he’s been saying about our military,” Allen said. “He’s called it a disaster. He says our military can’t win anymore. That’s a direct insult to every single man and woman who’s wearing the uniform today.”
  • Defense One: Former Bush Officials — Negroponte and Donley — Endorse Clinton. Former Air Force Secretary Michael Donley: “Her deep experience in public service, even temperament, willingness to listen to others and unifying message stands in stark contrast with Donald Trump, who has sown divisiveness at home, confused our allies abroad and shown repeatedly that he lacks the temperament, judgment, character and common decency the American people deserve and should expect in their leadership.”
  • PoliticsUSA: Former Reagan/Bush Ambassador Calls Trump Incompetent As Republicans Flock To Clinton: “The Republican nominee for President has no government experience and has done nothing in his career to demonstrate that he is competent to be President. He has made repeated misstatements and inaccurate statements. He has insulted minorities, women, a war hero and Gold Star parents. He is unqualified and unfit to be President.”
  • Republican foreign policy expert Max Boot: “Trump is an ignorant demagogue who traffics in racist and misogynistic slurs and crazy conspiracy theories. He champions protectionism and isolationism — the policies that brought us the Great Depression and World War II.”

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