Clinton Campaigns in Dallas

Hillary Clinton visits Dall

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a grassroots organizing event at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas. Speaking to an energetic crowd for about half an hour, Clinton spoke about her platform and plans if elected president. She began by addressing the recent terrorist attacks in Paris saying how important the president’s role is as commander-in-chief. Clinton also addressed the concern over the United States allowing Syrian refugees to flee to the United States. She said, “Of course we have to have a lot of vigilance and we have to vet people. But we can’t act as though we’re shutting the doors to people in need without undermining who we are as Americans.”

She also took the opportunity to attack Bernie Sanders’ single payer health care system while, at the same time, criticizing Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott for not expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. She said, “I don’t know about you, but I’d be a little concerned about turning it over to Greg Abbott. He won’t even expand Medicaid to help working people.” Clinton has criticized Sanders’ plan because it would lead to a tax increase for working and middle-class families. A video from today’s event will be added when/if available.

Before attending the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the Dallas area hosted by Regina Montoya and Paul Coggins. Montoya is the senior vice-president of Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, and Coggins is the former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

Thursday, Clinton is scheduled to appear on ABC’s Live! with Kelly and Michael. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WFAA, Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Clinton Speaks About Voting Right in Alabama

3604bbf162e341deb7c77de62bb447ac-7f4bbeea50d946f7a12756ae64203b9c-0On Saturday, Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Alabama Democrat Conference in Hoover. She addressed the issues plaguing the state of Alabama including the fact that the state opted not to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. She focused on Gov. Robert Bentley and the state legislature making it more difficult to vote in the state saying, “Here in Alabama, without the right kind of ID, it’s nearly impossible to vote. I followed when Gov. Bentley and his administration closed 31 driver’s license offices across the state. They include every county where African Americans make up 75 percent of the voters. The closings will make getting license and personal identification cards much harder for many African Americans, particularly the elderly, erecting a big barrier to voting.”

Clinton is calling for the restoration of the Voting Rights Act that was gutted by the Supreme Court. Clinton also spoke about making college more affordable for those who want to go and attend a state school. She spoke about other aspects of her platform including investing in renewable energy, raising the minimum wage, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, helping small businesses, and introducing measures to curb gun violence. A full video of the speech will be posted when/if available.

Before attending the Alabama Democrat Conference, Clinton attended a private fundraiser hosted by Representative Terri Sewell in Birmingham. As with all private events, it was closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to attend the New York City premier of Once and For All, a documentary about the 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Montgomery Advertiser, WSFA

Clinton in Florida

85Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton made several appearances in Florida. Her only public event was a grassroots organizing event at Broward College in Davie where she gave a speech. In her speech, Clinton responded to yesterday’s shooting at a community college in Oregon by criticizing Republicans for backing down from imposing stricter gun regulations because they are heavily influenced by the NRA. She used strong language saying that Republicans continue to, “put the NRA ahead of American families.” During her half hour speech, Clinton also addressed a number of topics including climate change and the expansion of Medicaid for Floridians. A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Florida, Clinton also attended three private fundraisers. The first, in North Palm Beach, was hosted by Robin Noyes and Fred Cunningham. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham, Whalen & Gaspari. The second event was held at the home of Sharon and Mitchell Berger in Fort Lauderdale. The final fundraiser took place this evening at the Miami Beach home of prominent Democratic fundraisers Abigail and F.J. Pollak. As with all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to attend the Human Rights Campaign’s National Dinner before appearing on Saturday Night Live. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WFLA, Tampa Bay Times, CNN