10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women

Thursday, December 4, 2014

-1c6843da61c5505eHillary Rodham Clinton took part in the 10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women. As the keynote speaker for the luncheon, she spoke about a variety topics and praised voters for requiring employers to offer paid sick leave. Clinton also briefly spoke about the issues of race and justice in wake of the decisions in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. Clinton spoke primarily about the advancement of women saying, “Too many women here and around the world still face ceilings that hold them down, that make it harder for them to pursue their own God-given potential.”

A video for this event is not currently available and one will be posted when/if available.

News and Image Source: MassLive

Campaign for Gubernatorial Candidate Martha Coakley (MA)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 11.44.12 AM 2Hillary Rodham Clinton made a speech at a campaign event for Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidate Martha Coakley. In her 25-minute long speech, Clinton talked about better pay for women, improved childcare, and paid family leave. Clinton also attacked Wall Street for its part in the crisis and praised Senator Elizabeth Warren for her dealings with the Wall Street banks following the crisis in 2009. Governor Deval Patrick and U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey also attended the rally.

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News Source: WHDH

Simmons Leadership Conference

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. She continued her theme of focusing on women’s issues in the United States. Clinton spoke about the struggles of low wage women in the US, particularly those who work tip-based jobs. She also focused on the wage gap for women across all income levels. Clinton said, “Women can drive our economy, they can lift up themselves and, indeed, our entire country. If we can ensure equal pay for equal work it helps all of us.”

The video above is only a clip from an attendee, but a better quality video will be added when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: MassLive