Clinton Touts Experience in Iowa

Hillary Clinton remained in Iowa on Tuesday where she hosted three Get out the Caucus events. During each of the events, she highlighted her experience and pragmatism arguing that she is the best choice for the Democratic nominee. During her first event in Decorah, Clinton spoke before taking questions from the audience. One of the questions was whether she would consider appointing President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court. President Obama has expressed interest in the court, and it would not the unprecedented. President William Howard Taft served on the Supreme Court after his term as president. Clinton thought the idea of appointing President Obama was a good idea. A partial video from the event is below. A full video will be added when/if available.

Clinton then traveled to Cedar Falls where she focused on the economy and those who have not yet recovered from the financial crisis. She spoke about her platform and how she has laid out her platform and explained how she is going to pay for her plans. Clinton vowed not to raise taxes on those in the middle or lower classes. During her speech, she also explained how disastrous it would be to elect a Republican president because they would begin to undo the progress of the last eight years. She said, “I want you to know that I’m not just shouting slogans. I’m not just engaging in rhetoric. I’ve thought this through. I have a plan. I don’t think you can get what we need done in this election, or in the presidency, unless you level with people.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

The final event of the day was in Marshalltown, where Clinton spoke about the importance of a Democrat succeeding President Obama and why she should be is successor. She then spoke about the key focuses of her campaign, including the economy, heath care, and clean energy. A video of her speech is below.

Today, Clinton has one event in Iowa, then a fundraiser in Philadelphia. Tomorrow, Clinton returns to Iowa for three events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Des Moines Register, The Courier

Bill Clinton Returns to Iowa


In his second week campaigning for Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton returned to Iowa for three organizing events in support of Hillary for America. The events were held in Sioux City, Marshalltown, and Coralville. At each of the events, he spoke about the issues facing the country, including heath care, and how Hillary planned to work to fix it. He spoke about her experience and qualifications, and urged voters to support her in the upcoming caucus. He called her the best changemaker he’s ever known, and that is why her rivals fear her. He said, “The reason Republicans have been so hard on her for over a year now is they know that too. They’ve basically been screaming at all of us Democrats saying please nominate somebody else. We don’t want to run against her.” A video from the event in Marshalltown is below, and videos from the other events will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Bill will remain in Iowa where he is scheduled to host three more organizing events in Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge, and Des Moines. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KTIV, KCCI, The Des Moines Register

Clinton Goes to Iowa – Day 2

635647067684854628-uscpcent02-6k31d12lf6s1fwnle79o-originalOn her second day in Iowa, Hillary Rodham Clinton continued to meet with potential voters and took part in a roundtable with small business owners from across central Iowa. The event, which took place at Capital City Fruit Company in Norwalk, focused on America’s reliance on small businesses, and the difficulty many small business owners face to start their business and to keep their doors open. Clinton said, “We need to be, we have to be, No. 1 again. Slowly over time it’s become more difficult — more expensive, more red tape, unnecessary regulations that have really put a damper.”

During the roundtable, one of the business owners referred to increasing costs in health care and Clinton spoke about health care and the Affordable Care Act. She acknowledged that was a problem, and said that she was interested in updating aspects of the law. This isn’t new for Clinton, however. In several speeches before announcing her candidacy, Clinton hinted that was open to changes to the ACA.

Other business owners brought up the difficulty of hiring immigrants and having to turn down able works because of the their immigrant status. Because immigration reform is currently stalled in Congress, businesses are stuck in the middle. Clinton blamed the lack of comprehensive immigration reform on political ideologies. She went on to say, “We are really missing out on economic opportunities because we haven’t been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform.”

The event was a listening session where she encouraged the small business owners to talk openly. Clinton shied away from answering questions about her platform and plan for small businesses saying that she was still in the building phase and wanted to hear what people have to say before her platform is complete.

Today wrapped up Clinton’s visit to Iowa, where she also visited Des Moines and Marshalltown, but she promised that she would be back soon. She is expected to head to New Hampshire next where she will likely hold similar listening sessions with different groups of voters.

UPDATE: Hillary for America created a video highlighting Clinton’s trip to Iowa.

You can see pictures from Iowa on the Hillary for America Flickr page. Also, be sure to follow Clinton’s Twitter account and Facebook page. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

New Source: Politico, The Des Moines Register