Hillary’s Platform Speeches

Hillary Clinton leads the discussion at a manufacturing roundtable in Syracuse, New York on April 1, 2016.
Hillary Clinton leads the discussion at a manufacturing roundtable in Syracuse, New York on April 1, 2016.

Since launching her campaign in April, Hillary Clinton has given a number of platform setting speeches across the country. When she has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June to the announcement of her manufacturing plans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

Clinton’s platform displays her breadth of knowledge on both domestic and foreign policy issues. While the Republicans continue to bicker among the crowd, Clinton has been laying out her plans to help everyday Americans, keep our country safe, and maintain our status as a leader in the world.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Presents Manufacturing Plan in Syracuse


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held two public events in Syracuse, New York. The first was a round table discussion during which she unveiled her plans to boost manufacturing. The plan calls for an investment of $10 billion and is called “Make it in America.” The basic components of the plan include:

  • The establishment of “Make it in America Partnerships” that make America the first choice for manufacturing production by harnessing regional strengths.
  • Prevent foreign countries like China from abusing global trade rules, and reject trade agreements that do not meet high standards.
  • Revitalize the hardest-hit manufacturing communities.
  • Crack down on companies shipping jobs and earnings overseas – and create incentives for companies to bring back jobs to the U.S.
  • Invest in America’s manufacturing workforce to ensure that they will always be the best in the world.

Full details of her plan can be read on The Briefing, and a video from the round table event is below.

Clinton then held a public rally in Syracuse’s Regional Market where she covered a number of topics including her pledge to fight for equal pay for women, making higher education more affordable, and growing the economy of New York and and the country. She also touched on the topic she covered earlier in the day at the small business round table saying, “Upstate New York has a storied history of manufacturing. We now have a chance to recapture that.” While in Syracuse, Clinton also made stop at Varsity Pizza where she posed for pictures and signed basketballs. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers today. The first was held before the rally in Syracuse where donors could meet Clinton. She then traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser in Tenafly.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Syracuse.com, WXXI, Syracuse.com, The Briefing

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Detroit


While Louisiana, Kansas, and Nebraska held their Democratic primaries on Saturday, Bill Clinton was in Detroit looking ahead to Tuesday’s primary in Michigan. Campaigning for Hillary Clinton, Bill spoke at a canvass kickoff event. He focused on the jobs plan that Hillary unveiled during a speech in Detroit yesterday. Speaking at the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 25’s auditorium, Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans for building upon heath care, supporting labor unions, strengthening manufacturing, and improving the nation’s infrastructure. On the subject of infrastructure, Bill referenced the water crisis in Flint, commending both Hillary and rival Bernie Sanders for calling national attention to the issue.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is preparing for tomorrow night’s Democratic debate, which will air on CNN. She attended an evening pre-debate reception hosted the Michigan Democratic Party. Held at the MGM Grand Detroit, guests included Michigan’s Congressional Delegation, Democratic members of Michigan’s state Legislature, local government officials, and former Governor Jim Blanchard. Details from Hillary’s speech can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, Fox 2

Hillary Interviewed on CNBC

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On Friday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by John Harwood live on CNBC. Appearing on this afternoon’s episode of Closing Bell, Clinton was asked about her primary race against Bernie Sanders, her thoughts on Republican rival Donald Trump, and about the continued FBI investigation into her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. Clinton said that she is focuses on helping the middle class and protecting jobs in the United States, something that her Republican rivals have not talked about. Clips from the interview can be watched at the following links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNBC (1, 2)

Hillary Clinton Announces Jobs Plan in Detroit


On Friday, Hillary Clinton gave a speech at an auto manufacturing plant in Detroit where she unveiled her jobs plan. Clinton’s proposed plan, dubbed the “New Bargain,” focuses on American works and rewards American companies who expand their domestic workforce. During her speech, she criticized Wall Street firms, spoke about the decline of labor unions, spoke out against Chinese trade practices, and bashed uneven executive pay. She said, “Companies have to start treating workers as assets to be invested in — not costs to be cut.”

In a speech that had a populist tone, Clinton focused on job creation and manufacturing in the United States. She covered a wide variety of topics including raising the minimum wage, taxing corporations that outsource jobs, and criticized “inversion” practices which allow corporations to merge with overseas corporations thus moving their headquarters and avoiding taxes.

During her speech, Clinton also spoke about the Republican debate, which took place in Detroit on Thursday night. She blasted Republicans for their anti-worker and pro-business policies. Clinton said that she was most offended by the lack of discussion of any material topics by the candidates, especially the economy. She speculated that they avoided the topic “because all of the Republican candidates support the same failing policies: cut taxes for the rich, get out of the way of corporations, don’t raise the minimum wage.” A video of Clinton’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, CNN, Time

Clinton Outlines Manufacturing Plan

Clinton hold a roundtable discussion in Las Vegas on May 5, 2015
Clinton hold a roundtable discussion in Las Vegas on May 5, 2015

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign released her outline to boost the United States’ manufacturing sector and assist communities that once had a strong manufacturing economy. Her plan includes a series of tax credits for communities that have lost manufacturing jobs, expanding access to grants and capital for smaller startups and manufacturers, stricter regulations for companies, and added emphasis on training and education. In the plan, Clinton argues that manufacturing is key to our economy because it provides higher paying jobs and boosts innovation. Losing these jobs not only hurts the economy, but diminishes America’s status as the leader in advanced manufacturing. Details of the full plan are available on The Briefing and are outlined below.

  • Revitalize the hardest-hit manufacturing communities
    • Provide tax relief by introducing the “Manufacturing Renaissance Tax Credit”
    • Prevent hard hit areas from becoming worse
  • Create Incentives for companies to bring jobs back to the United States
    • Provide tax relief for research and innovation
    • End inversions and other tax loopholes that reward companies for shifting earnings overseas
    • Double support for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership
    • Expand access to capital for smaller manufacturers
  • Level the global playing field for American workers, businesses, and manufacturers and aggressively combat trade violations
    • Crack down on currency manipulation
    • Vigorously and consistently prosecute trade violations
    • Enter trade agreement that benefit American jobs
  • Strengthen long-term investment in America’s “industrial commons” through regional innovation, infrastructure, and R&D.
    • Build upon the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
    • Prevent abuse of labor rights by supporting workers’ right to unionize and collectively bargain
    • Enhance links between university researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry
    • Insist on strong domestic sourcing requirements that make being “Made in the USA” a priority throughout investments in manufacturing and infrastructure
    • Provide more Americans with access to tools for innovative design, prototyping, and engineering projects
  • Support skills and training for America’s workforce
    • Encourage proven, high-quality training and apprenticeships
    • Provide a $1,500 tax credit for every apprentice hired through a bona fide apprenticeship program
    • Expand nationwide credentialing with strong industry input
    • Build on models that allow federal student aid to be used toward high-quality career and technical training programs with promising or proven records
    • Provide tuition-free community college, and reduce student debt by allowing students to refinance their loans

Tonight, Clinton is scheduled to attend a town hall in Salem, New Hampshire. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time, The Briefing