Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Ohio, New Hampshire


Hillary Clinton began the final Sunday before the election in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she spoke at Sunday morning church services at Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ. She urged members of the congregation to get out and vote on Tuesday and presented her optimistic vision for America.

Clinton then held a get out the vote event in Cleveland, Ohio where she appeared with NBA star LeBron James. James introduced Clinton and spoke about his support of Clinton and his foundation which helps inner city kids get ahead. When Clinton began her speech, she praised James for his work with children saying that he does a great job of “using the national platform he earned to advocate for children.” Clinton then spoke about a number of her platform points including expanding early childhood education, creating new jobs, raising the minimum wage, and rebuilding the middle class. She stressed her focus on the middle class saying that we need to “grow our economy from the middle out…not from the top down…” Clinton said that all this can be accomplished without raising taxes on families making less than $250,000 per year. She concluded by urging everyone to consider the future of the country before voting on Tuesday and to ensure that their voice is heard. A video from the event is below.

Clinton then spoke at a get out the vote rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. After being introduced by Khizr Khan, Clinton made her final case for before Tuesday’s election. She spoke about the key points to her platform and her optimistic vision for the future of America. She contrasted that vision with the negative and divisive vision presented by Trump. She concluded her speech by asking everyone to consider the future of our country and vote for her on Tuesday. Watch a video from the event below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS Philly, WKYC, San Francisco Chronicle, WMUR

Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Senator Warren in New Hampshire

MANCHESTER, NH - OCTOBER 24:  Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) greet supporters during a campaign rally at Saint Anselm College on October 24, 2016 in Manchester, New Hampshire. With just over two weeks to go until the election, Hillary Clinton is campaigning in New Hampshire.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, NH – OCTOBER 24: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) greet supporters during a campaign rally at Saint Anselm College on October 24, 2016 in Manchester, New Hampshire. With just over two weeks to go until the election, Hillary Clinton is campaigning in New Hampshire. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton campaigned with Senator Elizabeth Warren today on the campus of St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. Senator Warren spoke first and went directly after Donald Trump and his comments about immigrants, Muslims, and women saying that it is important that we elect Clinton president. When Clinton took the stage, she spoke about a number of her platform points such as job creation, building the economy, and making college more affordable. But she also spoke about the support she is going to need in Congress to get that work done. Clinton urged everyone to vote for Democratic Senate candidate Maggie Hassan and to pay attention to more than just the presidential election. She concluded asking everyone to vote adding, “Please come out and vote on November 8 here in New Hampshire and prove once and for all that love trumps hate.” Watch a video from the event below.

Meanwhile, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NDTV, Boston Globe, Bloomberg, WMUR

Bill Clinton, Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Iowa. His first stop was in Indianola where he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points before challenging Donald Trump’s vision of America. Bill criticized the Trump campaign for its “venom and poison and nastiness,” and he also went after the campaign’s slogan “make America great again.” Bill said he did not like what that implied saying, “That’s an economic and a social message. It is (a message that says), ‘We’ve become too diverse and I’ll move you back up the social totem pole and give you the economy you had 50 years ago.’” Following the event, Bill traveled to his next stop, but made a surprise stop for coffee in Ames. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Bill’s final event of the day was an organizing event in Waterloo. Speaking for nearly an hour, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points saying that while there has been progress, some people are not seeing it. But Bill said that he does not buy into Trump’s vision of America. “I have heard now for a year and a half how terrible America is, how we’re going to hell in a handbasket, how we’re being by overrun by people from somewhere else, and it’s us against them. So, here we are in Waterloo, you’ve got an African-American mayor. I met in the line people associated with every religion, from at least five different European countries … and at least two Muslims. That’s America,” he said. Bill called for an inclusive country saying that our diverse population is our country’s biggest asset. A video from the event is below.

Anne Holton, meanwhile, spoke at events in Manchester and Salem, New Hampshire. During each event, Holton focused on Hillary’s platform plans to expand education for the youngest Americans as well as those who are going to college. Holton, the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, has been holding roundtable events for the campaign since her husband, Tim Kaine, was announced as Hillary’s running mate. Videos from the events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Des Moines Register, Iowa State Daily, The Courier, NH1

Campaign Events held in support of Clinton in PA, OH, and NH


Today, a number of politicians and celebrities campaigned in support of Hillary Clinton while she prepares for Monday’s night’s debate with Republican Donald Trump. Chelsea Clinton began at an event at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown in Pennsylvania. Chelsea spoke about her mother’s career saying, “I’m supporting her because she’s the most qualified person for the job.” Chelsea discussed a number of Hillary’s key platform points, including her plans to reduce the debt of students and ensure future generations of students can graduate from college debt-free.

Chelsea then traveled to Youngstown, Ohio where she was joined by actress Sally Field. At the event, Chelsea and Field spoke about why they are supporting Hillary and urged Ohioans to register to vote. Field said that she is a long time supporter of Hillary and will continue to work to ensure she is elected. Chelsea echoed that sentiment, and spoke about a number of Hillary’s proposals and how they differ from Trump’s. “Various analyst say that his tax plans would raise taxes on tens of millions of working class families, including millions of single mothers. I don’t think that’s a family value whether you’re standing here in Youngstown or anywhere across the country,” she said. A video from the Johnstown event is available on CSPAN.


In New Hampshire, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke at a series of events across the state. She spoke at canvass events in Nashua and Manchester before speaking at an organizing event in Durham. At each of the events, Warren fired up supporters and volunteers by speaking about the importance of the election. Warren went after Trump calling him a “pathological liar” and attacked his hateful campaign. She said, “We’re here to say hate is not OK. We build a stronger America together. That’s what this is about.” In addition to Clinton, Warren also pledged her support for New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan who is seeking a seat in the US Senate. Videos from today’s event will be added when/if available.

Members from the cast of West Wing were also on the campaign trail today in Ohio. Actors Richard Schiff, Allison Janney, Bradley Whitford, Dulé Hill, Joshua Malina, and Mary McCormack attended events in Boardman, Garfield Heights, Sandusky, Toledo. At each of the events, the actors took turns speaking to supporters and volunteers urging them to support Hillary and to register to vote by Ohio’s October 11 deadline. The cast members will remain in Ohio on Sunday for events in Columbus and Dayton.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Daily Item, The Tribune-Democrat, Trib Today, WKBN, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, ABC News, WKYC

Vice President Biden, Anne Holton, Senator Sanders Campaign for Clinton on Labor Day


A number of Labor Day events were held across the country today on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Vice President Joe Biden and Tim Kaine took part in a Labor Day parade and each spoke to a crowd of supporters and parade goers. Biden spoke about the importance of the upcoming election saying that Donald Trump is not a friend of workers saying, “Look at the man’s behavior — personal behavior. He really does believe that workers make too much.” Kaine then took the stage and delivered a similar message talking about Clinton’s dedication to job creation and the economy. A video of Biden’s and Kaine’s speeches are below.

In Virginia, Kaine wife, Anne Holton, campaigned on behalf of Clinton and Kaine at two separate events. The first was the 7th Annual Salute to Labor Unions & Community Leaders Breakfast in Hampton where she spoke about Clinton’s dedication to labor unions and their rights. Then, at an event in Newport News, Holton was joined by Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for the Bobby Scott Annual Labor Day Picnic. During her remarks, Holton focused on her specialty, education. As the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, Holton spoke about the importance of understanding the needs of educators and students. She said, “Really, what Hillary has asked me to do is talk to teachers. Listen to teachers, educators, parents, students and bring feedback back to her. I’m excited to be doing that on the campaign trail.” Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

Finally, in Lebanon, New Hampshire, Senator Bernie Sanders spoke to a group of supporters at Lebanon High School where he campaigned on behalf of Clinton. During his speech, Sanders spoke about Clinton’s job plan and her dedication to improving the country’s economy. Following his speech, Governor Maggie Hassan also spoke on Clinton’s behalf. A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Daily Press, WMUR

Kaine and Holton Visit with Supporters in New Hampshire


Tim Kaine and Anne Holton campaigned in four New Hampshire cities today. Kaine and his wife stopped at two Hillary for America offices and a local Democratic party office today where they spoke with volunteers and Holton helped out with a phone bank. Kaine and Holton visited offices in Dover, Laconia, Manchester, and Nashua. At three of the four events, Kaine and Holton spoke with Hillary Clinton supporters as well as campaign volunteers. Kaine thanked the volunteers and urged them to keep fighting. He also spoke with voters urging them to come out and support himself and Clinton in November.

At the event in Manchester, Kaine and Holton took part in a roundtable discussion at Manchester Community College. The discussion focused on education and featured a professor from the college and former Governor John Lynch. Holton is the former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia, and she and Kaine spoke about the importance of higher education and ensuring that students are not burdened by loan debt after college. He said, “We ought to be able to do college debt-free. Other nations do that.” Videos from the events in Laconia and Nashua are below and other videos from the day will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WMUR, WGME

Kaine Campaigns in Manchester, NH


Tim Kaine spoke to a group of supporters on Saturday in Manchester, New Hampshire. During the rally at Saint Anselm College, Kaine touted Hillary Clinton’s economic plans and her proposed investment in the country’s infrastructure. He said that her plan would create millions of jobs across the country, while her opponent’s economic plan would not. Kaine also went after Donald Trump for not releasing his income tax returns after Clinton released her 2015 return and Kaine released ten years of his returns yesterday. Speaking about the tradition of presidents and presidential candidates releasing their returns, he said, “Everybody’s done it. Trump is not doing it. He says the rules that apply to everybody else do not apply to Donald J. Trump.” A video from the event is below.

On Friday, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America in New York City. Senator Cory Booker was the guest at the event. Then, on Saturday, Phil Angelides attended a fundraiser in Los Angeles, California. The event was hosted by Steve Hely, Vali Chandrasekaran, Melissa Lo, and Matt Warburton. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia, Senator Booker attended a for45 event.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC News, The Washington Post

Clinton Second to Sanders in New Hampshire

Despite being behind in the New Hampshire polls, Hillary Clinton focused her time and resources in the state hoping to close the gap between her and Senator Bernie Sanders. For the last several week, Clinton and her supporters have canvassed the state. Even today, both Hillary and Bill Clinton visited with voters as they waited in line to vote at polling places across the state. Hillary trailed in the polls by 30 points at one point, but it appears the margin of victory will be about 20 points for Senator Sanders. While the loss stings, she did manage to close the gap by about 10 points.

Clinton spoke to supporters in Manchester following the results of today’s primary. During the speech, she thanked her supporters and staff in New Hampshire and vowed to not give up. Instead, she vowed to fight harder. She said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down that matters, it’s whether you get back up.” Her speech was optimistic, and she looked forward to securing the Democratic nomination this summer A video of her speech is available on C-SPAN.

The next Democratic debate is scheduled for Thursday. The debate will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and will air on PBS. The next caucus will be held in Nevada on February 20. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Clintons Campaign on Eve of NH Primary


On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton attended events across the state drumming up last minute support. Bill attended a Get Out the Vote event in Rochester. During the event, Bill went after Bernie Sanders and criticized his tactics saying, “You can’t have a debate with somebody if every time you raise the question, ‘Oh, you’re part of the establishment, you’re attacking me.’ All we need is a conversation about what policies are best and who has the best chance of enacting them and I trust the voters.”

All three Clintons attended events in Manchester and Hudson. During her speeches, Hillary defended her record, specifically her ties to Wall Street. She pointed out that Sanders has been the recipient of Wall Street money as well. She said, “You know, Senator Sanders took about $200,000 from Wall Street firms, not directly, but through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. There nothing wrong with that. It hasn’t changed his view. It hasn’t changed my view or my vote either.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

While Clinton is trailing in the Democratic primary polls, the weather is going to be snowy and cold, which could affect turnout. The Clinton campaign has seized on the opportunity to offer rides to the polls. Today she said, “I think Granite Staters are pretty hardy. Obviously, if roads are slick, people will have to be careful. I hope that we’ll be able to help. Anybody who needs a ride to the polls, call my campaign. We’ll be happy to get you there. We’ve got a great organization ready to turn out as many voters as possible.”

Results from the primary will be posted tomorrow night. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, The Washington Post, WMUR

Hillary Goes to the Ground Game in New Hampshire


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton remained in New Hampshire where she attended a number of Get Out the Vote rallies, but Clinton also took the ground and knocked on doors in Manchester. She stopped at a number of houses and visited with local residents. Clinton is behind in the New Hampshire primary polls, but she has not given up on the state. In addition to her efforts, a number of other politicians were in the state campaigning on her behalf including former Secretary of State Madeleline Albright, Senator Al Franken, and Senator Cory Booker.

Clinton attended three rallies in New Hampshire on Saturday. The events in Concord and Portsmouth were typical events during which Clinton spoke to the crowd before taking questions from the audience. However, the event she held at New England College in Henniker was different in that the campaign challenged Bernie Sanders supports to attend the town hall event. She was asked tough questions about her ties to Wall Street, and she was able to defend herself in person. It was an interesting strategy that might earn her some respect and support. A video from her event in Portsmouth is below.

Today, Hillary will be on CNN’s State of the Union and will hold a community event in Flint, Michigan. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WTOC, NBC News, NECN, The Wall Street Journal