Hillary for America Releases new Campaign Videos


Hillary for America released four new campaign videos focusing on Donald Trump. The first two focus on American manufacturing and how products with Trump’s name are made in China, Mexico, India, and other foreign countries. The third video criticizes Trump’s hateful rhetoric toward immigrants including his plan to build a wall with Mexico and deport 16 million people. The final criticizes Trump’s message to African-American communities. The videos are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Continues to Focus on Jobs During Florida Campaign Events


Hillary Clinton continued to speak in Florida today about her plans to help small businesses, bolster manufacturing, and create new jobs. She began in St. Petersburg where she toured the local 3 Daughters Brewery. She briefly spoke to employees and the press before heading to The Coliseum in downtown St. Petersburg. There she spoke to a crowd of 2,000 about her plans to ensure the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, repair the country’s infrastructure, invest in clean energy, and create new jobs by investing in American made products. Clinton criticized Donald Trump’s economic speech, delivered earlier in the day. She said, “It’s really outrageous to me that somebody who claims to be so successful  has done it by stiffing hard working Americans.” During the event, Clinton advised the crowd, “Don’t let a friend vote Trump.” A combined video from both events is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally in Kissimmee where she continued to go after Trump’s economic speech. She criticized his plan saying that he “hasn’t offered any plans on infrastructure besides building a wall and having Mexico pay for it.” Clinton continued to focus on her broad plan to upgrade the country’s infrastructure, focus on small businesses, and bolster American made manufacturing. A plan that many economists have said will create millions of jobs nationwide. She made it clear that her plan is intended to help everyone whereas; Trump is focused on helping the one percent. A video from the rally is below.

In New York City, a fundraising event was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and actor Audra McDonald.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WJXT, The Tampa Bay Times, WFLA,

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Wisconsin and Michigan


Tim Kaine wrapped up the work week with stops in Wisconsin and Michigan. He began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he spoke to a crowd at supporters at the Lakefront Brewery. During his speech, he focused on American made products and Hillary Clinton’s jobs plan. He criticized Donald Trump for his campaigns focus on him and less on the American people saying, “We’re talking about jobs, and Donald Trump is basically shadowboxing with every enemy he can think of.” Kaine also praised a Wisconsin court for striking down a law passed by Republicans to limit early voting. A video from Kaine’s speech is below.

In Michigan, Kaine spoke at the Wealthy Theatre in Grand Rapids. He continued to speak about job creation and Clinton’s plans to upgrade the country’s infrastructure. He continued his attacks on Trump by contrasting the two campaigns and the policies proposed by both candidates. “This is the guy who wants to be commander in chief, but during his entire life Donald Trump has bragged about figuring out every trick to avoid paying taxes,” he said. Kaine also spoke about the significance of Clinton’s nomination as a historical event. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, California, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event included a conversation with Campaign Chair John Podesta and Darren Criss.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, Michigan Live, Wisconsin State Journal

Hillary Clinton Talks about the Economy During Vegas Campaign Stop


Hillary Clinton made two stops in Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday. She began her visit with a tour of Mojave Electric, a company that manufactures state of the art electrical components. She made brief remarks praising the company’s locally made products and their apprenticeship program. Clinton then went to the IBEW Local 357 Hall where she spoke to a crowd of supporters. After being introduced by Senator Harry Reid, Clinton outlined her plans to continue building the economy by focusing on jobs and education. She also discussed her plans to invest in clean energy and improve the country’s infrastructure as a way to create jobs. Clinton attacked Donald Trump again for not having contracts from American businesses for his products saying, “He talks a lot about how he’s going to grow the economy and yet he doesn’t make things in America.” A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, News 3

Hillary Clinton Focuses on Manufacturing in Colorado Visit

Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Knotty Tie Company in Denver, holds up a Donald Trump tie that is not made in the United States.

Hillary Clinton continued to talk about her plans to boost job creation and manufacturing during a stop in Colorado on Wednesday. Her first stop in the state was a local company in Denver called Knotty Tie Company. She toured the facility and spoke with several employees. She also addressed a gathering of the company’s employees and members of the press. During her remarks, she criticized Donald Trump for his double standard when it comes to American manufacturing. She pointed out that while he touts his “Made in America” plan while products bearing his name are made in China. Holding one of Trump’s ties in her hand, she said, “I really would like him to explain why he paid Chinese workers to make Trump ties.” A video of her brief remarks is below.

Clinton then went to Commerce City where she spoke to a crowd where she spoke about a number of key platform points. She spent the majority of her speech talking about manufacturing, jobs, and investing in education. Referring to her jobs and infrastructure plans, she said that she is calling for the largest mobilization of workers and government spending on infrastructure since World War II. Clinton said that while a big part of her infrastructure plan focuses on the country’s aging roads and bridges, a significant portion the plan would ensure access to broadband internet, especially in rural areas. A video from the speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Denver Post, ABC News