June 13 Kick-Off Rally Details [Updated (3)]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video has been posted HERE.

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has been embedded above.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

6/13 – Update: Michelle Kwan, now working for Clinton’s campaign, is sending a live feed from the event via Periscope. Follow along by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the kick-off rally for Hillary for America on Roosevelt Island in New York. Hillary Rodham Clinton will give a major speech that is expected to begin to outline her platform for her 2016 presidential campaign. Since announcing her campaign in April, Clinton has been holding roundtable events gathering information. In the background, her political team has been meeting with advisers and gathering information on a wide range of topics including economic policy, LBGT rights, income inequality, women’s rights, and immigration. Following the rally tomorrow, Clinton begins a cross-country campaign where she will continue to flesh out her platform.

Attendees will be allowed in the park at 9:30 AM and Clinton is expected to give her speech in the late morning, but a time has yet to be announced. The event will be streamed live, and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Once the time of the speech and link to the live video are available, this post will be updated. In the meantime, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

6/12 – UPDATE 1: Added information about the time the park will open tomorrow and when Clinton is expected to deliver her speech.

2016 Kickoff Rally to be Held June 13 [Updated]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video will be posted HERE once available.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

Hillary for America announced today that a kickoff rally will be held on Roosevelt Island, New York on Saturday, June 13. Hillary Rodham Clinton will use the event to layout key parts of her campaign’s platform and her vision for America. For the last several weeks, Clinton has been holding roundtable events in key states to gather information to assist in building her campaign platform. The campaign has indicated that these events will continue after the rally on June 13 as the campaign continues to ramp up. After the rally, Clinton will makes campaign stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada, states she has already visited since announcing her presidential campaign.

The campaign announced that the event will be free, but space is limited and it is first come, first served. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: Politico

Clinton Foundation: Not There Yet: A Data Driven Analysis of Gender Equality

Monday, March 9, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 8.20.03 PMHillary Rodham Clinton took part in a major release from the Clinton Foundation entitled Not There Yet: A Data Driven Analysis of Gender Equality. Part of the No Ceilings Project, the report outlines the progress of women around the world. To read the findings of the report, visit the website by clicking above. The full press release about the report is below and you may watch a video from the event by CLICKING HERE.


The No Ceilings Initiative Releases its Full Participation Report and Data on the Status of Women and Girls through NoCeilings.org
New York, NY

20 years of global data compiled by No Ceilings show that while progress is possible, more must be done to achieve ‘full and equal participation’ for women and girls worldwide

New York, NY — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Gates Foundation Co-Chair Melinda Gates and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton will join global and community leaders for the official release of the No Ceilings Full Participation Report and data visualization site NoCeilings.org on Monday, March 9, at 11:00am in New York City. The release coincides with the commencement of the 59th session of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women.

The No Ceilings Full Participation Report is the culmination of a year-long effort to aggregate and analyze new and existing global data by the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in collaboration with The Economist Intelligence Unit, UCLA WORLD Policy Analysis Center, and Fathom Information Design. This comprehensive data is available in written form, as well as through a collection of interactive and sharable visualizations, graphics, stories, and compelling videos produced by Scratch, a division of Viacom. The data is open and easily downloadable.

The No Ceilings Full Participation Report and NoCeilings.org builds on the momentum of “NOT THERE,” an awareness effort launched on International Women’s Day, which brought together leading publications, fashion and consumer brands, celebrities, artists, and members of the social media community to make the point that we’re “not there” yet on issues of gender equality, both at home and abroad.

The No Ceilings data advances the evidence-based case for gender equality. The analysis finds that progress is possible – particularly when countries commit resources and political will. However, more must be done to accelerate the pace of change and achieve the full participation of women and girls in the 21st century.

The report and NoCeilings.org identifies and brings to life the significant gains women and girls have made – and the gaps that still remain – since the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, when Secretary Clinton called on the international community to ensure “women’s rights are human rights.” Key highlights from the report and data include:

Significant progress has been made in the areas of health and education; for example, the rate of maternal mortality has almost been cut in half since 1995, and the gap between the number of boys and girls completing primary schools globally has nearly closed.

In other areas, the pace of change has been far too slow, including women’s economic participation, leadership, and security.  Even where there has been progress, the gains have not been shared by all: geography, income, age, race, ethnicity disability, sexual orientation, and cultural norms remain powerful determinants of a woman’s chance at equal rights and opportunities.

The world has reached a critical moment and can no longer afford to overlook the potential of half the population. Not only is the evidence about the benefits of full participation of women and girls to prosperity and stability stronger than ever before, but we have stronger tools to help accelerate progress, including 21st century technologies and dedicated private sector allies.

Findings from the report and NoCeilings.org will be on display and brought to life at today’s No Ceilings event: “Not There Yet: A Data Driven Analysis of Gender Equality.” The event, which begins at 11:00a.m., ET, at the Best Buy Theatre in New York City, will bring together and showcase the compelling stories of global and community leaders who are actively taking steps to advance the full participation of women and girls in their nations and communities. Storytellers, speakers and participants include:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
Melinda Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair, Clinton Foundation
Her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia
Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of LIberia
Darril Astrida Saunders, Founder, Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride
Shabana Basij-Rasikh, Co-founder and President, School of Leadership, Afghanistan
Ikram Ben Said, Founder and President, Aswat Nisaa
Usha Choudhary, Secretary and Program Director, Vikalp Sansthan
America Ferrera, Actor, Producer, Activist
Nely Galan, Founder of The Adelante Movement
Helene D. Gayle, MD, MPH, President and CEO, CARE
Wanjira Mathai, Director, wPOWER: Women’s Partnerships in Renewables
Mrs. Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice
Debra Sterling, CEO, GoldieBlox
Dr. Lisa Su, President and CEO, AMD
Genette Thelusmond, Auxiliare Midwife, Midwives for Haiti
Dr. Marcela Tovar-Restrepo, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Uzma, School of Leadership, Afghanistan Scholar
Yogesh Vaishnav, Treasurer and Program Manager, Vikalp Sansthan
Melanne Verveer, Executive Director, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security
Bruce Wilkinson, President & Chief Executive Officer, Catholic Medical Mission Board
Sheryl WuDunn, Co-author, A Path Appears
Malala Yousafzai, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Co-Founder of the Malala Fund (via video)

About The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation convenes businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for women and girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change. Because of our work, 26,000 American schools are providing kids with healthy food choices in an effort to eradicate childhood obesity; more than 40,000 farmers in Malawi, Tanzania, and Rwanda have improved their incomes by more than 500 percent; 33,500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions being reduced annually across the U.S.; more than 5,000 people have been trained in marketable job skills in Colombia; 8.2 million people have access to lifesaving HIV/AIDS medications; $200 million in strategic investments have been made, impacting the health of 75 million people in the U.S.; and members of the Clinton Global Initiative have made nearly 3,100 Commitments to Action to improve more than 430 million lives around the world.

Learn more at http://www.clintonfoundation.org, on Facebook at Facebook.com/ClintonFoundation and on Twitter @ClintonFdn.

About The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Sue Desmond-Hellmann and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

About The Economist Intelligence Unit
The Economist Intelligence Unit is the research arm of The Economist Group, publisher of The Economist. As the world’s leading provider of country intelligence, we help governments, institutions and businesses by providing timely, reliable and impartial analysis of economic and development strategies. Through our public policy practice, we provide evidence-based research for policymakers and stakeholders seeking measureable outcomes, in fields ranging from gender and finance to energy and technology. We conduct our research through interviews, regulatory analysis, quantitative modelling and forecasting, and we display the results via interactive data visualisation tools. Through a global network of more than 350 analysts and contributors, we continuously assess and forecast political, economic and business conditions in more than 200 countries. For more information, visit http://www.eiu.com

About UCLA WORLD Policy Analysis Center
The WORLD Policy Analysis Center at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health is the first and largest data center providing quantitatively analyzable data on policies and laws in 197 countries and Beijing Platform signatories in a range of critical areas, including education, health, environment, poverty, families, adult labor, marriage, childhood, child labor, equal rights and discrimination, aging, disability and gender.

About Fathom Information Design
Fathom Information Design partners with clients to understand, express, and navigate complex data through visualizations, interactive tools, and software.  Fathom founder Ben Fry received his doctoral degree from the Aesthetics + Computation Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, where his research focused on combining fields such as computer science, statistics, graphic design, and data visualization as a means for understanding information. Fry founded Fathom in 2010 and in 2011 he won the National Design Award for Interaction Design.  Based in Boston, Fathom’s recent projects include OpenIndia with the World Bank Group, Connected China with Reuters, and What the World Eats with National Geographic.  http://www.fathom.info

Video Source: Livestream

News Source: Clinton Foundation

CGI University – No Ceilings Project

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 6.32.36 PMHillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative University event held at the University of Miami. Clinton was joined on stage by her daughter, Chelsea, and together they previewed a report that is going to be released Monday by a Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings Project. The report will highlight the advancement of women and girls over the last twenty years around the world in education, economic impact, and in leadership roles. The report will also call out areas of concern and areas of improvement.

A video from the event is available by CLICKING HERE.

Video Source: Livestream

News Source: CBS

Emily’s List 30th Anniversary Gala

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

150304-hillary-clinton-1134p_490d349844dfcfbbdb7ced6a56264840Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech at the 30th Anniversary Gala for Emily’s List where she received the We Are EMILY Award. During her speech, Clinton spoke about women in politics and the guidance her mother offered as she grew up. Several times, Clinton teased a possible 2016 presidential run, but she avoided talking about allegations that she used personal email addresses while she was Secretary of State and possibly violating the rules of the National Archives and Records Administration. Details are still emerging, but Clinton did turn over 55,000 pages of her email to the State Department and several hundred pages of her emails have been provided to a Congressional committee investigating the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Since learning that Clinton used personal emails, the committee has subpoenaed additional emails from her personal email accounts.

Clinton was not the only speaker at the event. Other speakers included Gabrielle Giffords, Ayanna Pressley, Uzo Aduba, and Nancy Pelosi

The video from the Emily’s List event can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Clinton begins speaking at 1:11:45.

Video Source: Emily’s List

News and Photo Source: NBC News

News Source: ABC News

CGI Annual Meeting: Equality for Girls & Women: 2034 instead of 2134?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 6.11.56 PMIn the final day of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Annual Meeting, Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in two events. The first was a discussion entitled “Equality for Girls & Women: 2034 instead of 2134?,” which focused on the inequality of employment and education opportunities for women around the world. With the first panel moderated by The New York Times Editor, David Leonhardt, Clinton was joined on stage by Melinda Gates and the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. A second panel was then introduced to continue the discussion. The second panel was moderated by Katie Couric and included Western Union CEO Hikmet Ersek, President of Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa Leymah Gbowee, and CEO of American University of Afghanistan Nilofar Sakhi. There was also a short speech by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

The full video from the event may be viewed by CLICKING HERE as we are unable to embed the video directly.

In the time between the two panels’ discussions, Hillary was joined on stage by Chelsea Clinton to announce a new CGI initiative called CHARGE. CGI and its partners have pledged $600 million to assist 14 million girls between the ages of 11 and 16 with attending school. While this announcement is part of the video above, you may watch a video of the announcement only by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: ABC News

Video Source: CGI’s Livesteam

CGI Annual Meeting: Putting Education to Work

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 6.09.44 PM 1Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the third day of scheduled discussions at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting. The discussion, “Putting Education to Work,” was in two parts. The first part was a panel which included Cisco CEO John Chambers, United Arab Emirates Minister of State Reem Al Hashimy, Education for Employment Alumna Nisreen Mitwally, and Mara Foundation Founder Ashish Thakkar. The group discussed the future of education in the United States.

For the second part of the discussion, Clinton took the stage after the panel to deliver the closing remarks. She talked about the future of education and how businesses in America need to invest in eduction as they go hand-in-hand. On the job training and education are both important to businesses, and Clinton announced that many business had committed to help CGI with their efforts.

The full video from the event may be viewed by CLICKING HERE as we are unable to embed the video directly.

ByQaEyKCUAA6cah.jpg-largeAt the end of the speech, Clinton was joined on stage by Chelsea Clinton to announce CGI’s progress in its efforts to protect the African Elephant and stop poaching, stop illegal trafficking, and stop the demand for elephant ivory. Hillary and Chelsea were also joined by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, President of the Gabonese Republic Ali Bongo Ondimba, and representatives from Vietnam, Zambia, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, and the United States State Department. President Bongo spoke on behalf of the group. After the speech, the group was joined on stage by representatives of several wildlife foundations who have partnered with CGI to protect the elephant.

A separate video of announcement about CGI’s continued efforts to save the African Elephant is available by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the final day of CGI’s Annual Meeting, and Clinton is scheduled to take part in two sessions (and appear in one video):

8:45 – 10:30 AM – “Equality for Girls and Women: 2034 Instead of 2134″

Film – “The Science of Success: Investing in Babies’ Minds”

3:30 – 4:45 PM – “Aiming for the Moon and Beyond”

Tune in to the Livestream to watch all the events as they happen.

Video Source: CGI Livestream

CGI Annual Meeting: Reimagining Impact

Monday, September 22, 2014

International Leaders And Luminaries Attend Clinton Global InitiativeHillary Rodham Clinton took part in one of the opening discussion of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Annual Meeting in New York. The theme of the discussion was Reimagining Impact. The session was divided into two panels. The first included Hillary Clinton, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty. The second panel consisted of Bill Clinton, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, and King of Jordan His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein.

The full video from the event may be viewed by CLICKING HERE as we are unable to embed the video directly.

Video Source: CGI Livestream

CGI Annual Meeting Begins Tomorrow

Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 7.06.23 PMThe 10th Annual Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting begins tomorrow and runs through Wednesday, September 24. The event is being held in New York City and will feature a wide variety of speakers including Matt Damon, General Motors CEO Mary Barra, King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein of Jordan, Melinda Gates, President Barack Obama, and countless other world leaders, CEOs, and leaders of non-profit groups that have partnered with CGI. The event will feature four days of roundtable discussions covering a wide variety of topics including the environment, leadership, education, and women’s rights. Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton are hosting the Annual Meeting and will participate in a number of the discussions.

This year’s theme is “Reimagining Impact” which CGI has designed “to facilitate the development of forward-thinking approaches that re-envision the way we impact the world.” The key idea throughout the discussions and breakout sessions will be creating a better future. The majority of the sessions include a number of speakers from different backgrounds to bring a unique perspective to each topic. Hillary will participate in five of the discussions, which are outlined below (all times are EST):

September 22 – 12:00 – 1:30 PM – “Reimagining Impact”

-September 23 – 4:15 – 5:30 PM – “Putting Education to Work”

September 24 – 8:45 – 10:30 AM – “Equality for Girls and Women: 2034 Instead of 2134”

September 24 – Film – “The Science of Success: Investing in Babies’ Minds”

September 24 – 3:30 – 4:45 PM – “Aiming for the Moon and Beyond”

We will post a summary and video from Hillary’s discussions at the end of each day. In the meantime, you may visit the CGI website for more information, including a full list of speakers and the complete agenda. CGI will also broadcast each of the sessions live on LiveStream, which we encourage you to watch.

An image of the schedule is below. Discussions in which Hillary is participating are outlined in red, Bill Clinton’s discussions are outlined in blue, and Chelsea Clinton’s are outlined in green.

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CGI U – “The Future of Higher Education”

Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton opened this afternoon’s live session of the Clinton Global Initiative University on the campus of Arizona State University. Clinton spoke for about fifteen minutes to introduce the event, “The Future of Higher Education: Redefining Learning As We Know It.” She spoke about the importance of higher eduction in America, but also the importance of preparing young people for the job market through the university system and technical training. Clinton stressed the importance of cooperation between students, educational facilities, non-profits, and all levels of government.

The event was streamed live on LiveStream, and WordPress will not allow us to embed the video. However, you may view the event by CLICKING HERE. While Clinton only spoke for a short time, the full video is very informative.

Video Source: LiveStream