Clinton Endorsed by the National Association of Letter Carriers


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). In a statement, President Fredric Rolando said, “Secretary Clinton has a long history of supporting the issues most important to letter carriers—a strong Postal Service, collective-bargaining rights for postal employees and decent pay and benefits for all American workers. She has been a friend of NALC since her first meeting with us in 1994.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to have earned the group’s endorsement and she will continue to fight for labor unions and their rights. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the National Association of Letter Carriers.

The Postal Service is consistently ranked as the most trusted government agency, and the brothers and sisters of NALC are one reason why. Since our nation’s founding, efficient and effective mail service has connected families and enabled commerce. Today, more than 160 billion pieces of mail travel through the postal system each year—many of them in the hands of a Letter Carrier.

As President, I will stand with the Letter Carriers to protect workers’ fundamental rights to organize, to bargain collectively, to be safe on the job, and to retire with dignity and security. And I will work with the Letter Carriers to build a bright future for the postal system and postal workers in the 21st century. I know that the postal system is still a vital lifeline for American communities from coast to coast, and recognize the Letter Carriers’ vital role in building the American middle class.

Above all, workers deserve a seat at the table and a champion in the White House. Because when workers are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NALC

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by California Governor


On Tuesday, California Governor Jerry Brown endorsed Hillary Clinton in his state’s upcoming primary and for President of the United States. Writing in an open letter, Brown urged Democrats and Independents to work together to stop presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from reaching the White House. Brown praised Bernie Sanders for his impressive campaign, but said that Clinton possesses the votes, skills, and vision for the United States. Brown went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals and praising Clinton’s experience. A copy of Brown’s letter is below.

On Tuesday, June 7, I have decided to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe this is the only path forward to win the presidency and stop the dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump.

I have closely watched the primaries and am deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sanders has done. He has driven home the message that the top one percent has unfairly captured way too much of America’s wealth, leaving the majority of people far behind. In 1992, I attempted a similar campaign.

For her part, Hillary Clinton has convincingly made the case that she knows how to get things done and has the tenacity and skill to advance the Democratic agenda. Voters have responded by giving her approximately 3 million more votes – and hundreds more delegates – than Sanders. If Clinton were to win only 10 percent of the remaining delegates – wildly improbable – she would still exceed the number needed for the nomination. In other words, Clinton’s lead is insurmountable and Democrats have shown – by millions of votes – that they want her as their nominee.

But there is more at stake than mere numbers. The Republican nominee, Donald Trump, has called climate change a “hoax” and said he will tear up the Paris Climate Agreement. He has promised to deport millions of immigrants and ominously suggested that other countries may need the nuclear bomb. He has also pledged to pack the Supreme Court with only those who please the extreme right.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Our country faces an existential threat from climate change and the spread of nuclear weapons. A new cold war is on the horizon. This is no time for Democrats to keep fighting each other. The general election has already begun. Hillary Clinton, with her long experience, especially as Secretary of State, has a firm grasp of the issues and will be prepared to lead our country on day one.

Next January, I want to be sure that it is Hillary Clinton who takes the oath of office, not Donald Trump.

With respect,

Jerry Brown

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, CNN

Clinton Releases Medical Records and Clean Bill of Health

Clinton takes part in a New Hampshire Independence Day Parade
Clinton takes part in a New Hampshire Independence Day Parade

Yesterday, the State Department released another batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails from her tenure as Secretary of States, and Clinton released two additional disclosures. The first release is common among those seeking public office: tax returns. The Clintons’ released their tax returns for 2007-2014, meaning that 38 years of personal tax records are now available to the public. But she also released something that isn’t common for any candidate: a note from her doctor.

The campaign released a letter from Dr. Lisa Bardack, chair of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group and Clinton’s personal physician since 2001. The letter contained information from her latest physical (dated March 21, 2015) including her blood pressure (100 over 65), cholesterol scores (Overall: 195; LDL:118; HDL: 64), various test results, and a list of her current medications (Coumadin, Armour Thyroid, antihistamines, and Vitamin B12) Dr. Bardack also addressed a concussion and blood clot Clinton suffered in 2012 for which Clinton still takes an anticoagulant. Dr. Bardack stated, “She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.”

There have been questions about Clinton’s health and age since she announced her candidacy in April. She and her campaign have opted to address the issue head on by releasing Clinton’s personal medical information. You can read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, Politico

Hillary for America Writes Open Letter to The New York Times

Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.
Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

After releasing a false story about a criminal investigation into the use of a personal email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Clinton campaign has released an open letter criticizing the inaccurate reporting by The New York Times. The letter, penned by communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was directed to Dean Baquet, the executive editor. The story originally said that the Department of Justice had been urged to open a criminal investigation. The story was later corrected to indicate the investigation was not criminal in nature but was a “security referral.”

In the letter, Palmieri wrote about the lack of response time given to the campaign by the news organization and she questioned the sources used for the article. She concluded by saying, “In closing, I wish to emphasize our genuine wish to have a constructive relationship with The New York Times. But we also are extremely troubled by the events that went into this erroneous report, and will be looking forward to discussing our concerns related to this incident so we can have confidence that it is not repeated in the future.”

Read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Business Insider, Hillary for America

Hillary Clinton Gets Political on Twitter

Hillary Rodham Clinton took to Twitter today to voice her concerns about the Republican budget introduced in the House of Representatives which cut funds for the Affordable Care Act and Pell Grants. Yesterday, she blasted Senate Republicans for failing to pass the Human Trafficking bill and holding up the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. The Tweets came a week after she publicly criticized 47 Republican lawmakers for sending a letter to Iran in attempts to block any possible nuclear deal between Iran and the United States.

As she is expected to announce her 2016 presidential in a few weeks, Clinton is becoming more and more political in her statements and on Twitter. Her Tweets from yesterday and today are below: