Vice President Biden, Anne Holton, Senator Sanders Campaign for Clinton on Labor Day


A number of Labor Day events were held across the country today on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Vice President Joe Biden and Tim Kaine took part in a Labor Day parade and each spoke to a crowd of supporters and parade goers. Biden spoke about the importance of the upcoming election saying that Donald Trump is not a friend of workers saying, “Look at the man’s behavior — personal behavior. He really does believe that workers make too much.” Kaine then took the stage and delivered a similar message talking about Clinton’s dedication to job creation and the economy. A video of Biden’s and Kaine’s speeches are below.

In Virginia, Kaine wife, Anne Holton, campaigned on behalf of Clinton and Kaine at two separate events. The first was the 7th Annual Salute to Labor Unions & Community Leaders Breakfast in Hampton where she spoke about Clinton’s dedication to labor unions and their rights. Then, at an event in Newport News, Holton was joined by Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for the Bobby Scott Annual Labor Day Picnic. During her remarks, Holton focused on her specialty, education. As the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, Holton spoke about the importance of understanding the needs of educators and students. She said, “Really, what Hillary has asked me to do is talk to teachers. Listen to teachers, educators, parents, students and bring feedback back to her. I’m excited to be doing that on the campaign trail.” Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

Finally, in Lebanon, New Hampshire, Senator Bernie Sanders spoke to a group of supporters at Lebanon High School where he campaigned on behalf of Clinton. During his speech, Sanders spoke about Clinton’s job plan and her dedication to improving the country’s economy. Following his speech, Governor Maggie Hassan also spoke on Clinton’s behalf. A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Daily Press, WMUR

Lena Dunham and Abby Wambach Campaign for Hillary

Campaigning with dream babe @abbywambach ! Dress by All Knitwear by @annieleelarson with shoes by @charlotte_olympia. -Lena

A photo posted by Hillary Clinton (@hillaryclinton) on

Yesterday, two major stars joined the Hillary for America ranks in support of Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. Actress Lena Dunham and US Women’s Soccer star Abby Wambach spent Friday traveling around New Hampshire talking to voters and fans about Clinton and why they support her as our next president. They both spoke about issues that are important to them including women’s rights and LGBT issues. Wambach said, “I want to see Hillary Clinton in the office. She has amazing, amazing stamina. She’s smart and she has been basically doing it by herself as a woman alone among all other men for how many years. It’s time people. It’s time for women to be seen as real equals.”

Dunham and Wambach appeared together at an event in Portsmouth before they attended individual events in Manchester, Dover, Concord, Salem, Lebanon, and Keene. Wambach even took part in a phone bank call out campaign in Concord. Dunham concluded the day by attending an evening event in Chicago.

Today, Dunham was in Des Moines and Iowa City holding conversation events. Dunham and Wambach weren’t the only supporters on trail for Hillary this week. Former President Bill Clinton hosted a number of organizing events in New Hampshire and Iowa. He also attended a number of fundraisers. Today and tomorrow in Iowa, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe will meet with volunteers and supporters as they prepare to go out and knock on doors or make phone calls in support of Hillary.

Follow Dunham and Wambach on Twitter to keep up with their intense campaign schedule. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post

Clinton Supports Iran Deal

Clinton speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on July 14
Clinton speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on July 14

In a statement released late Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton voiced her support of the deal announced today with Iran. The agreement will limit Iran’s use of nuclear materials and enforce strict oversight of its enrichment plants. Many are skeptical of the deal, but others say it is a step in the right direction. The full text of Clinton’s statement is below:

I am still studying the details, but based on the briefings I received and a review of the documents, I support the agreement because it can help us prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer.

In light of the international community’s long history and experience with Iranian behavior, the highest priority must be given to effective enforcement of the agreement.  Signing is just the beginning.  As President, I would use every tool in our arsenal to compel rigorous Iranian compliance.  At the outset, we must see the verified roll back of the Iranian nuclear program required by the agreement.  We can never permit Iran to evade its obligations or to place any suspicious site off limits to inspectors.  And the response to any cheating must be immediate and decisive – starting with the return of sanctions but taking no options off the table, including, if necessary, our military options.

The message to Iran should be loud and clear:  We will never allow you to acquire a nuclear weapon; not just during the term of this agreement – never.

Today’s agreement is the culmination of a sustained strategy of pressure and engagement executed over many years.  As Secretary of State, I logged tens of thousands of miles and twisted a lot of arms to build a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history. That unprecedented pressure delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table, starting in Oman in 2012.  I know from experience what it took to build a global effort to get this done; I know what it will take to rally our partners to enforce it.

Going forward, we have to be clear-eyed when it comes to the broader threat Iran represents.  Even with a nuclear agreement, Iran poses a real challenge to the United States and our partners and a grave threat to our ally Israel. It continues to destabilize countries from Yemen to Lebanon, while exacerbating the conflict in Syria. It is developing missiles that can strike every country in the Middle East. And it fuels terrorism throughout the region and beyond, including through direct support to Hamas and Hizballah.  We have to broadly confront and raise the costs for Iran’s destabilizing activities, insist on the return of U.S. citizens being held in Iranian prisons, and strengthen security cooperation with our allies and partners. Sanctions for terrorism, and other non-nuclear sanctions, must remain a key part of our strategy and must be vigorously enforced.

Israel has to be confident that the United States will always ensure its Qualitative Military Edge in the region and its capacity to defend itself by itself.  As President, I would invite the senior Israeli leadership to Washington for early talks on further strengthening our alliance.  We must also deepen our security relationship with our Arab partners threatened by Iran. This includes our continued presence and providing needed capabilities.  Iran should have no doubt about our support for the security of our partners.

I know that there are people of good faith who oppose this deal – people I respect. They raise concerns that have to be taken seriously.  They are right to call for extreme vigilance.  I am as familiar with Iranian behavior and the need to confront it as anyone.  I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

So we should applaud President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and Secretary Moniz for getting this done, and proceed with wisdom and strength in enforcing this deal to the fullest and in meeting the broader Iranian challenge.

News Source: Vox

Image Source: The New York Post

Clinton talks Health Care in New Hampshire

03firstdraft-hillary-clinton-nh-2-tmagArticleOn Friday, Clinton met with the citizens of Hanover, New Hampshire. She delivered a speech to an estimated crowd of 850 at The Bema. Clinton focused her attacks on Republicans and their reaction to the recent Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said the Republican candidates would repeal the act after taking office. Clinton also spoke about the need for new gun control laws and the potential nuclear deal with Iran. She also confronted recent criticism by defending her record as a liberal. She said, “I will fight hard against what I see as the injustice and unfairness in our society. I take a back seat to no one when you look at my record of standing up and fighting for progressive values.”

After giving her speech, Clinton went to Lebanon where she visited with people at Dairy Twirl ice cream parlor. She continues to focus on a grass roots effort in the early stages of the campaign. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

A video from the event is available below:

News Source: New York Times