Hillary Campaigns in MA, VA on Eve of Super Tuesday


On Monday, Hillary Clinton was on the campaign trail for the final day before tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries. Clinton began her day in Massachusetts attending Get Out the Vote events in Springfield and Boston. Speaking to a crowd of over 700 in Springfield, Clinton focused on jobs and eliminating the benefits companies are receiving for outsourcing jobs to countries overseas. She spoke about a number of other platform points before asking voters to support her in tomorrow’s primary saying, “Massachusetts is right in the middle of it and I need your help. I need your help to go and vote tomorrow and bring people to go with you.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Boston, Clinton spoke to supporters at the Old South Meeting House. She used her speech to turn her attention to Republicans and how her plans contrast from theirs. Clinton spoke about several platform points including heath care, the economy, and making higher education more affordable, but she also spoke about bipartisanship. She said that while Republicans have failed to compromise, the founders of this country relied on it adding that, “Democracy requires that we play well with others.” A video from her speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Fairfax, Virginia. During her speech, she turned attention way from the primaries and focused on her strategy against the Republican Party. She criticized Republicans for threatening to take America backwards by re-introducing trickle-down economics, privatizing Social Security, and repealing the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said that the next president needs to build upon what is in place. In addition, she criticized Republicans for rolling back voter rights and standing in the way of women’s rights and LBGT rights saying, “It doesn’t seem like the Republicans respect anybody’s rights except the wealthy and well-connected.” A video from the speech is below.

In Norfolk, Clinton spoke at Lake Taylor Senior High School where she continued to go after Republicans and focused on her platform and plans for the future. She spoke about the importance of foreign policy and working with our Muslim allies to fight ISIS. Clinton said that Trump’s comments play into the hands of ISIS. She said, “It’s not only offensive, it’s dangerous. It matters what you say when you run for president. And it really matters if you are president.” A video from the Norfolk event is below.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea and Bill are expected to join Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WAVY, News 10, WRGB, Boston Globe

Clinton Strong at MSNBC Democratic Town Hall

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during in a televised town hall meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas on February 18, 2016. The town hall discussion focused on issues affecting Nevada and the Latino Community was held just two days before Nevadas First in the West presidential caucus on†Saturday, February 20, 2016.  / AFP / JOHN GURZINSKIJOHN GURZINSKI/AFP/Getty Images
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during in a televised town hall meeting with Senator Bernie Sanders at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas on February 18, 2016.
The town hall discussion focused on issues affecting Nevada and the Latino Community was held just two days before Nevadas First in the West presidential caucus on†Saturday, February 20, 2016.

Last night, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took part in a town hall event in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event was moderated by Jose Diaz-Balart and Chuck Todd on MSNBC. While the candidates did not appear on stage together, they did have a lot to say about each other. Clinton suggested that Sanders was not a true Democrat since he has run for the Senate as an Independent. With the town hall being co-hosted by Telemundo, a major topic of discussion was immigration reform. Clinton promised to make immigration a “big political issue” and said that she would build upon President Barack Obama’s executive actions. Other topics discussed included Wall Street, the Supreme Court, LBGT issues, and her plan to secure the Democratic nomination. A video of Clinton’s portion of the town hall is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Washington Post, MSNBC

Clinton gives Speech at Jefferson-Jackson Event

Hillary Rodham Clinton was a featured speaker at the Jefferson-Jackson Event held by the Virginia Democratic Party at the Patriot Center on the campus of George Mason University. After being introduced by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, Clinton praised the recent Supreme Court decision which upheld the Affordable Care Act. The court also ruled in favor of marriage equality, which is a major victory for the LGBT community. Clinton celebrated the decisions and also criticized Republicans for being “the party of the past, not the future.” Republicans have been vocal in their criticism of both decisions.

News Source: MSNBC, Politico

Clinton Introduces “Four Fights” of Campaign

6/13 UPDATE: A full transcript of the speech is available from Time by CLICKING HERE.

In her first official campaign rally held at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined what she called the “four fights” of her campaign. Throughout the 45 minute speech, Clinton made references to her experience as a lawyer, Senator, Secretary of State, and as a mother and grandmother. The theme of the speech was the prosperity of Americans, and she shared stories from people she has met and her mother to make her points. In her speech, Clinton also criticized Republicans for not looking forward and believing too much in “yesterday.” She vowed to fight for everyday Americans and prepare the United States for the future.

The key to her speech was the “four fights.” She outlined what those will be, but said that said will outline specific policy changes in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, her vision is clearly outlined by the four fights:

Economy: Clinton outlined a number of changes that would serve to strengthen the economy including strengthening the middle class, increasing the minimum wage, providing equal pay for women, making it illegal to discriminate against LBGT workers, rewriting the tax code, and focusing on lifelong learning that will allow works to adapt to a changing workplace. She also called for more affordable college for everyone and improving the infrastructure by creating an infrastructure bank that would sell bonds to help fund improvements roads, bridges, power grids, and broadband Internet. She called for protecting the environment by investing in clean energy and ending the denial of climate change. All these changes, which she will continue to outline in the coming weeks, will create jobs and improve the lives of American workers.

Family: Families have struggled since the recession and Clinton believes that more attention needs to be paid to helping families by guaranteeing paid sick days, paid family leave, pre-school and child care. She also wants to focus on the uneven incarceration polices and provide help to those suffering with mental health issues and addiction.

America’s Leadership: America has long been the leader in the world, but for America to maintain its leadership and influence, Clinton argues that we have not only show strength in our military, but we have to create economic and diplomatic partnerships across the globe. At the same time, we have to stand up to our adversaries and stand by our allies. We need to be better prepared against cyber attacks and provide better services to our veterans after they have served our country.

Governmental Reform: Clinton argued that now is the time to take government out of corporate hands and back into the hands of Americans. She called for stopping the flow of unaccountable campaign funds, undoing Citizens United, and improving government technology so it is more open to the pubic. She also called for improvements to voting including universal registration, longer early voting periods, and ensuring that voting rights are protected despite the Supreme Court’s recent decision.

061315_clinton_rally2_ap1_1160x629Clinton’s speech is only the beginning of the next phase of her campaign. Over the coming weeks, Clinton will travel across the country to spread her message and continue to flesh out her campaign platform. We will follow along and continue to cover her campaign events as she continues to build a strong platform for America’s future.

Join Hillary for America by donating, or you can text JOIN to 47246. As always, you can also follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and her all new Instagram page.

Image Source: Politico

June 13 Kick-Off Rally Details [Updated (3)]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video has been posted HERE.

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has been embedded above.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

6/13 – Update: Michelle Kwan, now working for Clinton’s campaign, is sending a live feed from the event via Periscope. Follow along by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the kick-off rally for Hillary for America on Roosevelt Island in New York. Hillary Rodham Clinton will give a major speech that is expected to begin to outline her platform for her 2016 presidential campaign. Since announcing her campaign in April, Clinton has been holding roundtable events gathering information. In the background, her political team has been meeting with advisers and gathering information on a wide range of topics including economic policy, LBGT rights, income inequality, women’s rights, and immigration. Following the rally tomorrow, Clinton begins a cross-country campaign where she will continue to flesh out her platform.

Attendees will be allowed in the park at 9:30 AM and Clinton is expected to give her speech in the late morning, but a time has yet to be announced. The event will be streamed live, and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Once the time of the speech and link to the live video are available, this post will be updated. In the meantime, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

6/12 – UPDATE 1: Added information about the time the park will open tomorrow and when Clinton is expected to deliver her speech.

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Maryland and DC

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in Maryland and Washington, DC. In Bethesda, she attended a fundraiser at the home of Susan Ness and Larry Schneider, where about 120 people gathered. Then on Monday evening, Clinton attended a LGBT fundraiser at the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by Olivia founders Claire Lucas and her partner, Judy Dlugacz. Clinton has been a vocal supporter of LGBT rights and featured a gay couple in her launch video in December. Because both events were closed to the press, details about wheat Clinton said at each event are not available.

Clinton is expected to be in Boston and Rhode Island later this week before her campaign rally on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

New Source: Bethesda Magazine, The Huffington Post