Hillary Clinton Statement on Orlando Terrorist Attack

A shooting overnight at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida is being investigated as an act of terrorism. The shooting is one of the worst in US history as 50 were killed and 53 are left injured. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released a statement offering her prayers for the victims and their families. Clinton also condemned gun violence, terrorism, and violence against the LGBT community. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I join Americans in praying for the victims of the attack in Orlando, their families and the first responders who did everything they could to save lives.

This was an act of terror.  Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are hard at work, and we will learn more in the hours and days ahead.  For now, we can say for certain that we need to redouble our efforts to defend our country from threats at home and abroad.  That means defeating international terror groups, working with allies and partners to go after them wherever they are, countering their attempts to recruit people here and everywhere, and hardening our defenses at home. It also means refusing to be intimidated and staying true to our values.

This was also an act of hate.  The gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.  To the LGBT community: please know that you have millions of allies across our country.  I am one of them.  We will keep fighting for your right to live freely, openly and without fear.  Hate has absolutely no place in America.

Finally, we need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals.  This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets. 

This is a time to stand together and resolve to do everything we can to defend our communities and country.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Los Angeles Area


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held four campaign events in the Los Angeles, California area. Her first event was in Culver City and featured appearances by Elizabeth Banks, Sophia Bush, Michelle Kwan, Debra Messing, Mary Steenburgen, and Sally Field. Each actress took a few minutes to speak about why they supported Clinton. When Clinton took the stage, she stressed the importance of the 2016 election and defeating Republican nominee Donald Trump. Clinton concluded by asking for voters’ support in Tuesday’s primary saying, “Starting next Tuesday, we’re on our way to breaking the highest and hardest glass ceiling.” A video from the event is below.

She then traveled to Westminster where she spoke with supporters at a Get Out the Vote rally. During her speech, she spoke about a number of platform points including expanding health care, passing immigration reform, and lowering the cost of higher education. She continued to go after Trump saying that he has “set a very bad example” for not condemning violence at a number of his rallies. Clinton said that she does not want her supporters to provoke violence, but to be respectful of others. She said, “I don’t think any of this helps anybody.” Clinton went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals and comments before asking for voters’ support on June 7.

Clinton met with community leaders in Santa Ana. She gave a brief speech to the supporters present before sitting down with a group of city leaders and business owners to discuss local and national issues. The listening event has been a staple of Clinton’s 2016 campaign, and she has held at least one a day during this trip to California. Topics covered during the event included health care, immigration reform, and a number of other platform topics. A video of Clinton’s speech from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in San Bernardino, a city still recovering the December 2015 terror inspired mass shooting. Clinton’s speech focused on national security and her vow to do everything she can to keep America and Americans safe from foreign and domestic threats. She said, “I want you to know from the bottom of my heart I will do whatever I can to protect America and Americans and do whatever I can to support our brave law enforcement, who were there protecting people right in this city.” Clinton discussed a number of other platform points during her 30-minute speech before asking for voters’ support in the state’s primary on Tuesday. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Orange County Register, The Desert Sun, The Wall Street Journal, CBS Los Angeles, US News & World Report

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Philadelphia


Following her landslide win in New York, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday before next week’s primary contests by attending two events in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She began by attending a community discussion  at St. Paul’s Baptist Church on police conduct that included former Attorney General Eric Holder, Geneva Reed-Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland, and other families affected by the actions of law enforcement. During the discussion, Reed-Veal recalled the actions of police officers that took the life of her daughter. Clinton vowed to work with law enforcement to change policies, demilitarize police forces, and improve police training. She said that she was willing to work with anyone to provide solutions saying, “They’re asking us to be there for them. I will do everything I can imagine. I want these women and so many other family members to hold me accountable for everything I can possibly do, because it is wrong.” A full video of the event is below.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event at The Fillmore where she spoke about a number of her platform points and took shots at the Republican presidential candidate field. While Clinton’s message has been focused on the work to be done, she is optimistic saying, “I want us all to be reminded of the incredible legacy that we’ve all inherited. [But] I believe that our best years can still be ahead of us.” She went on to ask for voters’ support next Tuesday, and she said that she looks forward to returning to Philadelphia in June for the Democratic National Convention.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Los Angeles Times, The Daily Pennsylvanian

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New York


On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail attending two events in New York. The first event was in New York City where she spoke a celebration of the newly signed $15 minimum wage law. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill surrounded by supporters and workers at the Javits Center. Clinton attended the event and gave brief remarks praising the efforts of the movement that brought about the bill and praised the governor and state legislator for acting. A clip from her speech is below and a full video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Tonight, Clinton is scheduled to speak at an organizing event in Cohoes. Full coverage from the event will be posted tomorrow.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WABC

Clinton Calls for Justice System Overhaul in Alabama


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton traveled to Montgomery, Alabama to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. At the event hosted by the National Bar Association, Clinton honored Rosa Parks and the spirit of the protesters who brought an end to segregation on the Montgomery public transit system. But, Clinton said that the work of they began 60 years ago is not yet finished. The Supreme Court’s ruling to dismantle the Voting Rights Act and Alabama’s voter ID law and others like it have made it more difficult for black voters. Speaking at the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, the church where Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached for six years, Clinton said, “Even as we celebrate all that our country has achieved in the past 60 years. We must in keeping with the legacy of those who have gone before look to the future and the work that is left to do.” A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then traveled to Florida where she attended a private fundraiser in Miami Beach hosted by Dawn McCall and Gail Williams. As with all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in Florida where she is scheduled to attend several fundraisers and a grassroots organizing event in Orlando. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Local 10, Time, The New York Times

Clinton Begins Health Care Discussion in Louisiana and Arkansas

Screen_Shot_2015-09-21_at_6.01.08_PM_t630 Hillary Rodham Clinton began the day by making a speech at the Louisiana Leadership Institute in which she vowed to support the Affordable Care Act and announced that she is preparing to address some of its shortcomings. She was critical of Republicans for trying to repeal the law, and she said it is too important of a law to abandon. Clinton said, “I’m not going to let them tear up that law, kick 16 million people off their health coverage and force the country to start the health care debate all over again. Not on my watch. I want to build on the progress we’ve made.” The level of uninsured Americans is at it lowest rate in nearly fifty years. Following the event, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in Baton Rouge at the home of businessman Jim Bernhard and his wife, Dana.

In Little Rock, Arkansas, Clinton made a speech at a grassroots event on the campus of Philander Smith College. In her speech, she focused on her plans to give every American a “fair shot.” The focus of her speech was on heath care, raising the minimum wage, more affordable education, and a reformed tax system. Arkansas is home to Clinton as she lived there for a number of years, practiced law there, and was the state’s First Lady. She thanked the people of Arkansas for their continued support and recalled that the state “holds so many wonderful memories for me and my family.” A video from her speech in Little Rock is below.

A videos from today’s event in Louisiana will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to unveil her prescription drug plans at an event in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, Arkansas Online