HFA Releases Series of Ads as Election Nears


On Tuesday, Hillary for America released a series of ads targeting Donald Trump a week before the election on November 8th. The first three ads feature Republicans and one former Trump supporter who have vowed to support Hillary Clinton in light of Trump’s comments about women. The final video highlights a number of comment Trump has made about women over the decades. Next is a video titled “27 million Strong” about how the Latino immigrants in the United States can send Trump a message on election day. The ad is being released in both English and Spanish. Then, the Briefing has a video called “The Trump Effect” which looks at how Trump’s divisive statements affect Americans. Then, an ad that encourages African American voters to get out and reject Trump’s divisive platform. Next is an ad titled “We are America” and outlines the dangers a Trump presidency would present to the American democracy. Then, the next video features Katy Perry’s song Roar and outlines a number of reasons to vote for Clinton. The next video imagines what life in America will be like after a year of a Trump presidency. The final ad is a radio ad talking about Trump’s history of demeaning African Americans. Watch the videos below.

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