Kaine, Bill Clinton, Senator Warren Campaign for Hillary on Friday


On Friday, campaign events were held across on the country on behalf of Hillary Clinton and featured speeches from Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton, and Senator Elizabeth Warren. Kaine began in Birmingham, Alabama where he attended a fundraiser, toured the 16th Street Baptist Church, and spoke to the press about Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric and the allegations that the Trump Foundation illegally gave campaign donations to the Florida state Attorney General. A video of Kaine’s press briefing is below.

Kaine then returned to his home state of Virginia where he and his wife, Anne Holton, attended a rally in Norfolk. During his speech, Kaine spoke about his time in Virginia where he has served a Governor and is currently one of the state’s Senators. Kaine spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform points and went after Donald Trump for his praise of dictators saying, “If you can’t tell the difference between leadership and dictatorship, you wouldn’t have passed a fifth-grade civics exam. You shouldn’t be a president of the United States. … Tyranny is not leadership. Persecution is not leadership.” A video from the event is below.

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bill campaigned on behalf of his wife and spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points and criticized a number of proposals made by Trump. Bill spoke about the importance of this election, but said that can sympathize with the anger that many voters and Trump supporters are feeling. He warned, “Don’t substitute anger for answers. Don’t substitute resentment for responsibility. Remember empowerment comes from being stronger together. We can do it. You can do it. But Hillary, to do it, has to win Pennsylvania and that’s you.” Bill continued, “We need answers, not anger. And she [Hillary] is the only candidate offering any.” A video of Bill’s speech is below.

The final event of the day was a speech by Senator Warren who campaigned on behalf of Hillary in Philadelphia. Warren spoke to a crowd of supporters about the importance of defeating Trump and electing Hillary in November. She covered a number of Hillary’s proposals before delivering a series of one-liners attacking Trump. In her speech, Warren referred to Trump as “the large orange elephant in the room,” called the controversial Trump University “Scam University,” and went after his praise of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Warren’s speech offers a mix of clever criticism of Trump and important policy proposals. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, a Hillary for America fundraiser was held for American citizens living abroad. The event featured a conversation with Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues for the State Department.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: AL.com, The Virginian-Pilot, Pittsburgh Gazette, NBC News

Clinton Proposes Protections for Small Business


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton and her campaign released her proposal to protect small businesses that do business with larger businesses. Clinton cited the failure of Republican Donald Trump’s Atlantic City casino as an example of a decision that harmed a number of small, local businesses. The key point of the plan to prevent big business from stiffing small businesses when the bill is due. The plan would give small business owners the tools to fight back. The full proposal can be read on The Briefing, but an outline of the plan is below:

  • Enhance legal protections for small businesses that are repeatedly stiffed by large firms and give them better tools to protect themselves against predatory behavior by large companies.
  • Use the leverage of more than $400 billion in federal government contracting to encourage businesses to pay their suppliers in full and on time.
  • Expand working capital for small businesses so they can thrive and grow, and weather difficulties when larger customers stiff them or do not pay on time.
  • Strengthen oversight and penalties when large companies repeatedly stiff smaller businesses and give small businesses better tools to protect themselves against predatory behavior.
    • Ensure federal regulatory oversight of proven bad actors.
    • Stop large companies from using expensive litigation hurdles to deny small businesses their right to a remedy – and give small businesses recourse to take on predatory behavior.
  • Use the leverage of more than $400 billion in federal government contracting to ensure big businesses pay their suppliers on time.
    • Push for prompt payment through the power of the federal purse.
    • Expedite payments to federal contractors.
    • Increase federal contracting with small businesses.
  • Expand support for working capital so small businesses can grow and thrive.
    • Expand access to working capital.
    • Lower working capital fees for small businesses in underserved communities.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The Washington Post