Hillary Clinton Attends Daytona Beach Canvass Kick-Off


Hillary Clinton spoke at a canvass kick-off rally in Daytona Beach, Florida on Saturday. She began the event by addressing yesterday’s revelation that the FBI is is looking into “new evidence” related to her emails. Clinton called on FBI Director James Comey to release the full details of the investigation for the benefit of American voters saying, “Some of you may have heard about a letter written by the FBI director. You probably have a few questions about it. It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange, it’s unprecedented and deeply troubling.”

Clinton then gave one of her typical campaign stump speeches in which she laid out several of her proposed policies. She stressed the importance of the election and said it is about more then just Republican vs. Democrat. This election is about the direction of our country. She said, “Everything we care about is at stake. The American dream itself is at stake.” Clinton said that Donald Trump’s hope is that women, young people, and minorities do not turn out to vote, but she urged everyone to vote saying, “That goes against everything we stand for. And do you know how to stop him? By showing up with the greatest turnout of voters ever. Let’s break every record.” Watch a video Clinton’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Orlando Sentinel

Anne Holton and Jill Biden Campaign for Hillary in North Carolina


On Saturday, the current Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden campaigned with the woman hoping to soon hold that title, Anne Holton. The pair attended events in North Carolina, and they began their day in Fayetteville. They spoke at Fayetteville Technical Community College about the importance of the election and, how as military moms, they both trust Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. “I trust Hillary Clinton. She understands the importance of using our military power when it is needed – but only when it’s needed,” Holton said.

While in Fayeteville, they also attended a canvass kick-off event before heading to an early voting rally in Jacksonville. The two spoke about similar topics at each event and highlighted a number of Clinton’s key platform points. Their primary message, however, was about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone has their say in this election. Speaking about the access to early voting in North Carolina, Holton said, “You have strong early voting laws in this state. You had to fight to get it. You can’t take them for granted.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fayetteville Observer

Tim Kaine, Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


Tim Kaine attended three campaign events on Wednesday. The first two events were in Ohio, and he began by speaking at a canvass kick-off event in Upper Arlington. Kaine spoke about the importance of Ohio in this election and urged supporters and volunteers to canvass for Hillary Clinton. “Donald Trump cannot be president without Ohio. That means you’ve got this election right in the palm of your hands, Ohio,” he said. Kaine wrapped up by urging everyone to vote on November 8th. A video form the event is below.

Kaine then traveled to Springfield where he spoke to a crowd of supporters about the importance of 2016 election and Clinton’s plans to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to prosper in America. As in Upper Arlington, he spoke about the importance of Ohio and urged voters to reject the hateful rhetoric spread by the Trump campaign. Kaine also went after Trump for comments he made about women saying, “To just say this is the way men are, this is the real Donald Trump. But, this isn’t real men, folks.” A video from the Springfield event is below.

Kaine’s final event of the day was in Asheville, North Carolina where he spoke to supporters on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Kaine attacked Trump for spreading the idea that the American democracy is rigged. Now (Trump) is attacking American democracy itself. Donald Trump is now perpertrating the lie that, ‘Oh the election is all set against me.’ We know what’s going on: He’s losing. Donald Trump has never been willing to take responsibility for anything so it’s not like he’s going to stand up and say, ‘Well, I lost. I guess must have run a divisive campaign.’ … If he loses, it’s going to be somebody else’s fault and so he’s he’s going around saying the election’s set against him.” Watch a video of the rally below.

Anne Holton, Kaine’s wife, was in Iowa where she held events in four cities. Her first event was in Des Moines where she held a discussion with local educators and parents about bullying in schools. Holton then spoke at early voting events in Ottumwa and Burlington. At each event, she encouraged everyone to get out and vote on, or before, election day. Holton’s final Iowa event was in Davenport where she attended a debate watch party with a group of supporters. Full coverage from today’s Iowa events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, WLWT, Citizen-Times

Tim Kaine, Anne Holton Campaign in Florida


Today, Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, campaigned in Florida. They began the day by attending Sunday morning church services at Pneuma Church in Miami and The Faith Center in Sunrise. At Pneuma, a Hispanic church, Kaine spoke in fluent Spanish and encouraged everyone to register to vote before Tuesday’s deadline. Kaine did the same at The Faith Center, but in English. Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to give everyone an equal chance saying, “There’s a lot of people lying on the side of the road in the society we live in and all over this country… Some need education, some need an opportunity, some just need a word of friendship because they’re lonely and they’re on the side of the road. And the question that’s before us is do we pass by or do we go over, even if we don’t know all the answers, even if we don’t know all the words to say, do we at least roll up our sleeves and walk over and try to do what we can to help out? … This is not a congregation of people who walk on by, and Hillary Clinton is not a person who walks on by, and that’s why I’m so proud to be with her.”

Holton held two events in Florida, a Women for Hillary event in Tallahassee and a Canvass Kick-Off event in Panama City. At each, Holton stressed the importance of electing the Clinton/Kaine ticket to the White House. Holton also spoke about the importance of voting urging everyone to register before Tuesday’s extended deadline and asked everyone to vote on November 8th. She thanked the volunteers in Panama City and urged them to keep making calls, knocking on doors, and helping people register to vote. Videos from today’s event will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, Sun Sentinel, Tallahassee.com

Clinton Addresses Trade Agreement in Iowa

Following yesterday’s campaign rally, Clinton took her campaign message on the road today to Des Moines, Iowa. Speaking to a crowd at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Clinton covered a number of points that she hit on yesterday during the kick-off rally in New York, including the Four Fights that serve as the basis of her campaign platform.

For the first time, Clinton addressed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade proposal that has been opposed by Democrats in Congress. She expressed concern about the deal in its current form, but believes that the right partnership can benefit the United States. She said, “I kind of fall in the group that says ‘what’s in it?’ And ‘let’s make it as good as it can be, and then let’s make a decision.'”

While she was in Iowa, Clinton also stopped at a fundraiser in Burlington where she spoke with a group of about 80 people. The focus of her conversation was mental health, a subject that she has learned about by talking to people early in the campaign. She said, “That’s why I do this, I know people are interested to get the razzle-dazzle and the big rallies, but I want to hear from the people, I want to know whats actually happening so that I can come up with proposals that may actually change people’s lives.”

Tomorrow, Clinton goes to New Hampshire where she expected to talk about a number of the points she outlined yesterday in New York and Today in Iowa. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, WQAD

June 13 Kick-Off Rally Details [Updated (3)]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video has been posted HERE.

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has been embedded above.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

6/13 – Update: Michelle Kwan, now working for Clinton’s campaign, is sending a live feed from the event via Periscope. Follow along by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the kick-off rally for Hillary for America on Roosevelt Island in New York. Hillary Rodham Clinton will give a major speech that is expected to begin to outline her platform for her 2016 presidential campaign. Since announcing her campaign in April, Clinton has been holding roundtable events gathering information. In the background, her political team has been meeting with advisers and gathering information on a wide range of topics including economic policy, LBGT rights, income inequality, women’s rights, and immigration. Following the rally tomorrow, Clinton begins a cross-country campaign where she will continue to flesh out her platform.

Attendees will be allowed in the park at 9:30 AM and Clinton is expected to give her speech in the late morning, but a time has yet to be announced. The event will be streamed live, and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Once the time of the speech and link to the live video are available, this post will be updated. In the meantime, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

6/12 – UPDATE 1: Added information about the time the park will open tomorrow and when Clinton is expected to deliver her speech.