10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women

Thursday, December 4, 2014

-1c6843da61c5505eHillary Rodham Clinton took part in the 10th annual Massachusetts Conference for Women. As the keynote speaker for the luncheon, she spoke about a variety topics and praised voters for requiring employers to offer paid sick leave. Clinton also briefly spoke about the issues of race and justice in wake of the decisions in the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. Clinton spoke primarily about the advancement of women saying, “Too many women here and around the world still face ceilings that hold them down, that make it harder for them to pursue their own God-given potential.”

A video for this event is not currently available and one will be posted when/if available.

News and Image Source: MassLive

Dreamforce Conference

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the keynote address at the Dreamforce Conference in San Francisco. Clinton spoke to the technology community and urged them to continue to innovate. The conference, sponsored by SalesForce, focused on the future of technology. Clinton said, “What we have to be really focused on now is making sure that the benefits of technology to people’s lives outweigh the pitfalls — and it is as evenly distributed as it is possible to do — creating more jobs, connecting up more families and communities, and expanding our horizons.” In addition, Clinton praised SalesForce CEO Marc Benioff for his charity work. She also voiced her support for Net Neutrality as broadband internet companies begin to stream certain businesses content faster in return for payment. Net Neutrality would ensure that the internet provider could not slow down a sites content simply because they did not pay.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: Government Technology

AdvaMed 2014 Conference

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

hillarymarylee_webHillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the AdvaMed 2014 Conference luncheon in Chicago. Speaking the to the group of medical professionals, Clinton answered a number of questions related to Obamacare (aka: The Affordable Care Act). The group’s chief concern is the medical device tax enforced by the healthcare law. Clinton did not seem supportive of the tax saying, “I don’t know what the right answer about the tax is, but I think we could, taking a look at everything and not standing there with out arms folding staring at each other across the partisan divide, begin to sort it out.” This is no the first time Clinton has question parts of the law and she has hinted that she is open to possible updates the law in the future.

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News Source: CNN

Image Source: Medill Reports Chicago


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the keynote address at the OpenSDx conference hosted by Nexenta. She address the crowd of Silicon Valley execs, tech investors, and journalists where she admitted that she was not the most techie person, but she understood how important the companies of Silicon Valley are to the advancement of America in the 21st Century.

Clinton also addressed the situation in Ferguson, Missouri for the first time. She said the killing of teenager Michael Brown by local police shows the economic and social inequalities in America that still needs to be resolved. Many in the media criticized Clinton for not speaking about the incident sooner.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: eWeek

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Conference

Monday, April 28, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Conference (HIPPY) in Washington, DC. Clinton helped bring the group to Arkansas, and HIPPY is currently active in DC and 21 states. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the group, she stressed the importance of early childhood education. She said, “It is now wonderful to see so many people in so many walks of life talking about early childhood, talking about the importance of parents, particularly mothers, as a child’s first teacher, and you’re a big part of that. The reason that so many – from elected officials to economists to education experts all over the country – are finally catching on is because the evidence has become so compelling.”

A full video will be posted when/if available.

Photo and News Source: US News & World Report

Video Source: YouTube

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the keynote address for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference in Florida. Clinton defended parts the Affordable Care Act, but noted her concern for small businesses. She made it clear that she has concerns with parts of the law and that she is open to changes. The conference was for IT professionals in the healthcare industry, and she told the crowd that they were part of the solution to the challenges of healthcare reform.

The event was closed to the press, so there is currently no high quality video available. The video above is only part of the event, and a full video will be posted when/if one is available.. If you know where to find a video of this event, please Contact us.

Video Source: YouTube

New Source: Politico