Women’s Empowerment Principles Annual Event

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the Women’s Empowerment Principles Annual Event at the United Nations. Clinton focused on the progress of women around the world and highlighted the work that still needs to be done. Her appearance came a day after unveiling the Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings report which studies women’s progress around the world over the last twenty years. While this event was overshadowed Clinton’s press conference where she addressed the issue of using a personal email while at the State Department, it is a continuation of her work empowering women and girls around the world.

Video Source: YouTube

League of Conservation Voters

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker at the League of Conservation Voters dinner. Clinton focused on the environment in her speech and touched on fracking and the future of natural gas. She did avoid the Keystone Pipeline in her speech. Clinton also spoke about climate change saying, “We continue to push forward but that is just the beginning of what is needed. There is no getting around the fact that the kind of ambitious response required to effectively combat climate change is going to be a tough sell at home and around the world.”

The video above is a clip from her speech and a full video if/when available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: CBS News