Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Arizona and Nevada


Hillary Clinton campaigned in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday where she spoke about the importance of the election and electing down ballot Democrats such as Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto. During her speech, Clinton outlined a number of her key platform points including her plans to create jobs, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and build an economy that works for everyone. Clinton attacked rival Donald Trump for admitting that he would only accept the results of the election if he won and for his divisive comments and policies. She concluded her speech by asking everyone to vote. “The question is what kind of change are we going to have? Are we going to build a fairer stronger better America or are we going to fear the future and each other?” she said. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally in Tempe, Arizona. She appeared at the event with former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of platform points including passing common sense control, creating jobs, and building an economy that works for everyone. She also went after Trump saying, “Imagine a president who demeans women, mocks the disabled, insults Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, POWs, who pits people against each other, instead of pulling us together. Someone with a very thin skin, who lashes out at anyone who challenges him, who praises adversaries like Vladimir Putin and picks fights with our allies and even insults the Pope.” Clinton concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th turn “turn Arizona blue.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, The Arizona Republic

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Ohio


Hillary Clinton returned to Ohio on Monday where she began the day at an event on the campus of Kent State University. During her speech, Clinton briefly addressed the FBI’s investigation into her email, and she urged the bureau to release the findings to the American voters. She said that she is confident that nothing will be found. Clinton then spoke about a number of her platform points including her plans to create jobs, build an economy that works for everyone, and make college more affordable. Clinton also attacked Donald Trump for his temperament and divisive rhetoric saying, “Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis. Imagine him plunging us into a war because someone got under his very thin skin.” She then asked everyone to get out and vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally in Cincinnati where she was introduced by Mark Kelly and former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Clinton, again, opened her speech by addressing the FBI’s investigation into her emails saying, “Go ahead: Look at them.” She then spoke about the importance of the election and far reaching effects the next four years will have on this country. She presented her plans to continue the economic growth started by the administration of President Barack Obama and said that she wanted to make even more progress. She also attacked Trump for his relationship with Russia and his famously short temper. Clinton concluded by asking voters to support her because she wants to win Ohio. Watch a video from the event below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland.com, WKBN, Cincinnati.com, Fox 19

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Tallahassee


Tim Kaine rallied supporters in Tallahassee, Florida today as he stressed the importance of voting during a campaign stop on the campus of Florida State University. Campaigning with Mark Kelly and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to enact commonsense gun control, including mandatory background checks and closing a number of loopholes that allows people who should not own a firearm to obtain one. He said, “Second Amendment supports support background checks. Gun owners support background checks. NRA members support background checks. We just need a Congress that’s willing to listen.” Kaine said that Florida is an important state in the election and urged everyone to get out and vote on election day or vote early. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Tallahassee Democrat, Florida Politics

Republicans to Trump: American Elections Are Not Rigged


The following was released by Hillary for America:

At last night’s debate, and again today at his rally, Donald Trump declared his unwillingness to respect the electoral process that is the foundation of American democracy by refusing to accept the outcome of the election. American elections are not rigged. Peaceful transfers of power are a hallmark of our republic – and the envy of the world.

The backlash from fellow Republicans has been swift, leaving Trump increasingly isolated after members of his own party repudiated his position in forceful terms:

Reactions to Trump’s Comments at Debate and Post-Debate Rally:

Elected Officials

Senator Bob Corker (TN), 10/19/16: “It is imperative that Donald Trump clearly state that he will accept the results of the election when complete.”

Senator Jeff Flake (AZ), 10/19/16: “.@realDonaldTrump saying that he might not accept election results is beyond the pale”

Senator Lindsey Graham (SC), 10/19/16: “Like most Americans I have confidence in our democracy and election system… If he loses, it will not be because the system is ‘rigged’ but because he failed as a candidate.

Senator Ben Sasse (NE), 10/20/16: “Talking about rigged elections with zero evidence is dangerous because it erodes trust without justification and kindles cynicism that undermines self-government… Likewise, every America — Republican, Democrat, or Independent — should absolutely condemn voter intimidation or acts of violence.”

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, 10/20/16: “Gov. Scott Walker says Republican presidential nominee has to accept results of the election, even though Trump hasn’t said whether he will if Hillary Clinton wins. WLUK-TV reports Thursday that Walker said following an event in Green Bay that ‘The bottom line is whether he does or doesn’t, there’s going to be a new president.’”

Other Notable Republicans

Conservative Radio Host Laura Ingraham, 10/19/16: “He should have said he would accept the results of the election. There is no other option unless we’re in a recount again.”

Former McCain Strategist Steve Schmidt, 10/20/16: “It’s absolutely unprecedented for any presidential candidate in the history of the country.”

Former Counsel to Bush/Cheney Campaign Ben Ginsberg, 10/20/16: “I think you’ve seen many leaders of the [Republican] party say our elections are not rigged in the past few days. Of the 15 closest states right now, more or less, 11 of them have Republican secretaries of state so that the responsibility for counting the votes – while there’s a check and balance system in every state – really rests with republican elected officials.” [MSNBC All In, 10/20/16]

Reactions to Trump’s “Rigged Elections” Comments Prior to Final Debate:

Elected Officials (Current and Former)

Senator Jeff Flake (AZ) 10/16/16: “States, backed by tens of thousands of GOP and DEM volunteers, ensure integrity of electoral process. Elections are not rigged.”

Senator Lindsey Graham (SC), 10/6/16: “I don’t think it’s good for democracy to have a major candidate for president doubt the outcome,’ Graham told CNN’s Kate Bolduan and John Berman on ‘At This Hour.’ ‘But being rigged means it’s rigged against you and I think Mr. Trump’s fate is in his own hands.

Senator John Kasich (OH), 10/19/16: “No!” Kasich said emphatically when asked on “CBS This Morning” if the election is rigged. “Look, to say that elections are rigged and all these votes are stolen, that’s like saying we never landed on the moon, frankly. That’s how silly it is,” added Kasich, who noted that his first statewide election was “extremely close.”

Senator Rand Paul (KY), 10/17/16: “The Courier Journal reports, Paul spoke to a Republican student group at St. Xavier High School in Louisville Monday stating concerns of rebellion that some Trump supporters have called for are “overstated” and the elections are accurately recorded.”

Representative Doug Collins (GA-9), 10/17/16: “When Trump says it’s fixed or rigged, my hope is that it’s taken in the vein that the media is against me – not that the voting process is… We can argue the edges, but let’s not cut into the exoskeleton.”

Representative Peter King (NY-2), 10/17/16: “Is it legally rigged? No it’s not. Whoever wins, wins.”

Former Arizona Governor and Former Secretary of State Jan Brewer, 10/17/16: “Even former Gov. Jan Brewer (R, Arizona’s former secretary of state and a top Trump supporter, said: ‘I don’t think there’s a lot of fraud going on.’  Asked whether Arizona’s election results would be rigged, Brewer told The Arizona Republic: ‘Absolutely not in Arizona.’”

Ohio Secretary of State John Husted, 10/17/16: “First of all, I can assure Donald Trump I am in charge of elections in Ohio, and they’re not going to be rigged… Times have gotten tougher for a lot of people who’ve seen their incomes drop during a period where many people have gotten very wealthy. So they’re frustrated by those kinds of things. But our institutions like our election system is one of the bedrocks of American democracy. We should not question it. Or the legitimacy of it.” [Newsroom, CNN, 10/17/16]

  • Husted on Trump’s comments: “Well, it’s irresponsible. He should focus on issues that matter to people… Give them some hope. Don’t create hopelessness in our country. Don’t make people feel despair.”

Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, 10/17/16: “Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson said Monday she has ‘full confidence’ in the state’s decentralized election system, despite broad claims by Republican Donald Trump that the presidential election will be ‘rigged.’

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, 10/17/16: “Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp on Monday joined the tide of Republicans and elections officials who pushed back on Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that a ‘rigged election’ would help Hillary Clinton win in November. Kemp said Georgia’s ‘battle-tested voting equipment and the election officials who manage the system have earned voters’ confidence’ with more than 45 million votes cast and tabulated. ‘As Georgia’s chief elections official,’ he added, ‘I have worked tirelessly to ensure Georgians have safe, accessible, and fair elections in our state.’”

Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, 9/8/16: “I hate the fact that people are questioning whether the outcome of an election could be rigged.”

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate, 10/17/16: “‘Iowa has got one of the cleanest, best election systems in the country and I guarantee every eligible Iowa voter will be able to cast their ballot for the Nov. 8 election,’ added Pate, who said he wanted to clear away any ‘smoke’ over rigged elections by noting the many checks and balances Iowa has to maintain integrity and ferret out fraud.”

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargrett, 10/18/16: “I believe Secretary Clinton and Gov. Pence both talked about, we’re going to accept the results of the election. And in this country, we have a transfer of power that, in my mind, works better than any other country in the world.”

Office of the Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, 10/17/16: “‘Donald Trump has been tweeting about elections being rigged, but he offers no evidence of such,’ Secretary of State Communications Director Lynn Bartels said in a statement to Denver7. ‘I can say on Twitter I’m a super model, but that doesn’t make it so.’”

Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, 10/17/16: “[It’s] irresponsible for a candidate to be casting doubt on the election process and just making these sweeping statements that the election is rigged already and that the outcome is predetermined.”

Philadelphia GOP City Commissioner Al Schmidt, 10/17/16: “The real threat to the integrity of elections in Philadelphia isn’t voter fraud… The real threat to the integrity of elections is irresponsible accusations that undermine confidence in the electoral process.”

Other Notable Republicans

Former Romney Policy Adviser Lanhee Chen, 10/11/16: “Credible Republicans have to be a note of sobriety, and we do have to respect the outcome of the election.”

Former George W. Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, 10/16/16: “[If] Donald Trump loses and fights the outcome, it will make many of his followers, which means millions of people, question the legitimacy of our American government. That’s destructive and corrosive.”

Former George W. Bush Aide Tony Fratto, 10/16/16: “You hate to have to fight something like this, but it is very corrosive, so you do have to fight it. You don’t want it to even pick up with a small segment of the population. Reince and Ryan and McConnell will have to concede for him, for the party. They just have to take things out of his hands.”

Former McCain Strategist Steve Schmidt, 10/16/16: “What this would be is an assault on the foundations of the long-established traditions of the country, an assault on democracy, vandalizing it.”

Robert Kelner, an attorney that has represented the RNC, NRCC and NRSC: “Donald Trump’s effort to stir up trouble at polling places and to question, without any factual foundation, the fairness of the general election is a dangerous and unprecedented attack on our democratic institutions.”

Bill Kristol, 10/17/16: “The only ‘large scale voter fraud’ going on this year is the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign.”

Update (10/21): Republicans Continue to Denounce Trump’s Refusal to Accept Election Outcome

Donald Trump continues to shock the world with his unwillingness to accept the legitimacy of the U.S. presidential election. Trump is only increasing his isolation from the Republican Party – and from reality – as leaders in his own party continue to denounce their nominee.

Today, additional Republicans join the growing list of GOP leaders repudiating Trump’s position:

NEW Reactions to Trump’s Comments at Debate and Post-Debate Rally:

Elected Officials

Senator Lamar Alexander (TN), 10/20/16: “‘The most conspicuous and enduring symbol of the American democracy is the freedom to vote for our leaders and the restraint to respect the results,’ U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said in a statement. ‘When you run for public office, you accept the verdict of the voters.’”

Senator Mike Lee (UT), 10/20/16: “It’s frightening beyond my ability to describe,” Lee, R-Utah, told The Daily Universe, the student newspaper at Brigham Young University. “It’s almost an anticipated repudiation of the outcome of the election. … It delegitimizes the entire process in a way that is really dangerous.”

Senator John Thune (SD), 10/20/16: “The American electoral process is the cornerstone of our democracy. Suggesting otherwise undermines an electoral system that is a model for nations around the world.”

Representative Jason Chaffetz (UT-3), 10/20/16: “And Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said he has faith in the elections. ‘Vigilance is wise, but to suggest it is rigged, I see no evidence of that. I have confidence in the integrity of the vote,’ he said. ‘Our nation has a rich history of integrity in elections, and I would expect that to be the same here again.’”

 Representative Diane Black (UT-6), 10/20/16: “But regardless of the outcome, both candidates should honor the results once they are certified and accept the legitimacy of the process.”

Representative Mike Kelly (PA-3), 10/20/16: “The office of U.S. Rep Mike Kelly, R-Butler, said he would ‘accept the legitimately determined results of the election… America’s faith in the democratic process is more durable than any candidate’s campaign rhetoric,’ it added.”

Maine Governor Paul LePage, 10/20/16: “LePage advised Trump to ‘take your licks and let’s move on four years.’ ‘Not accepting the results, I think, is a stupid comment. I mean, c’mon. Get over yourself,’ LePage said.”

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, 10/20/16: “‘This election is not rigged, and it’s irresponsible to say that it is,’ Gov. Nikki Haley said in a statement provided to The Post and Courier. ‘Faith in the democratic process is one of America’s greatest strengths, and it’s more important than the outcome of any election.’”

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, 10/20/16: “Gov. Bill Haslam, who has said he does not support Trump’s candidacy, told reporters on Thursday that the United States is ‘predicated on a peaceful transfer of power and I think one of the basics of that is the acceptance of election results.’ He pointed to the outcome of the 2000 presidential election between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush that went weeks past Election Day because of a close contest in Florida. ‘Now it’s one thing if an election is — we had the election in 2000 that was obviously too close to call and had to be played out but we had a process for playing that out,’ Haslam said. ‘But again the whole system is based on a peaceful transfer of power and part of that includes you know accepting election results.’”

Other Notable Republicans

Former Oklahoma Secretary of State Tom Cole, 10/18/16: “I just don’t believe there is any risk of massive voter fraud in the elections . . . It does concern me, because you’ve got a national platform running for president, and you delegitimize the process by which presidents are chosen when you raise doubts.”

NCGOP Executive Director Dallas Woodhouse, 10/20/16: “We at the North Carolina Republican Party are not aware of election results being optional.”

Update (10/21): Battleground Editorials Rebuke Trump’s Attempt to Undermine the Election

Voting is easy and we’re seeing record turnout this election cycle.  That’s one of the reasons battleground state editorial boards are rejecting Trump’s attempts to undermine our democratic process by refusing to commit to accepting the election results if he loses.

Here’s what voters are reading in their hometown papers:


 Akron Beacon Journal: “What Trump Doesn’t Know About Elections And Other Presidential Things.” On Sunday, Donald Trump tweeted: “The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary — but also at many polling places — SAD.” The Republican presidential candidate has persisted with this theme though he offers no supporting evidence. Sad isn’t the word that comes first to mind in weighing his claim. Try pathetic, outrageous or ridiculous.”

Boston Globe: Trump’s Attempt To Delegitimize The Election. “Trump’s claims that the election is “rigged” against him have no basis in fact. Election fraud in the United States is so rare as to be nearly nonexistent. All 50 states and countless local boards control their own elections, and rigging the vote on a nationwide basis would be nearly impossible. The actual counting of votes is closely watched by observers from both parties. Early voting is underway across the nation, and no credible allegations of fraud have emerged.”

Buffalo News: “GOP Must Disavow Trump’s Attempt To Undermine Confidence In The Election.” In a campaign overflowing with accusations from the Republican presidential nominee, perhaps the worst yet is just now infecting the country. Donald Trump is working, purposefully and relentlessly, to convince people that the election, itself, is rigged against him. He is doing this without a shred of evidence beyond his own collapse in the public’s estimation.”

Charlotte Gazette-Mail: Trump’s Claim “Ridiculous” And “Laughable” “On some level, Trump’s answer wasn’t a surprise. It’s become apparent that he’s likely to lose this election, and he’s spent the past several weeks whipping his supporters into a frenzy by claiming the Nov. 8 vote will be rigged against him. It is a ridiculous claim. It should be laughable. A conspiracy to rig votes across the country would, by definition, involve thousands of people of all political leanings, starting with local poll workers and observers. But Trump, never one to concern himself with facts, has continued to fan the flames. It was still shocking to hear him refuse, when asked point-blank, to accept the upcoming election results.”

Chicago Sun-Times: Shameful Trump Declines To Accept Elections Results. “Trump took every opportunity to undermine the confidence of the American people in the integrity of our national elections. It’s an outrageously irresponsible game. Without the public’s confidence — a confidence that is fully warranted, we should add — our democratic system cannot work.”

Chicago Tribune: Trump, You Think Illinois Elections Are Rigged? Here’s What You Don’t Know. “Did you giggle when you heard the Republican nominee for president say that America’s election process is “rigged”? And when he warned about insiders stealing the election process, did you convulse with laughter? Of course, you did. You’re from Illinois. You know that what’s corrupt often is perfectly legal. That’s the real outrage. Many of Trump’s allegations are fantastic, impossible. He’s wrong — although Trump never minds being wrong.”

Cincinnat!: Trump Is Over The Top And Out Of Bounds. “Donald Trump’s claims of a rigged presidential election aren’t only unprecedented and irresponsible. They are dangerous….”

Concord Monitor: This is Trump – now lets vote “The bottom fell out of Republican Donald Trump’s sagging campaign at Wednesday night’s presidential debate when he refused to say – twice – whether he would accept the results of the Nov. 8 election. It is wrong for any candidate for president to toy with our nation’s confidence in fundamental tenets of our democracy – free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power. We believe Trump has cemented what should be obvious by now – that he is totally unfit to be president of the United States. He is not even fit to lose the presidential race.”

Daily Record: “To Trump, Any Loss Will Be ‘Rigged.” So Donald Trump finally went too far. Or maybe not. Either way, the third and – mercifully – last presidential debate of the season largely boiled down to one singular and unprecedented moment, when Trump refused to say he will accept the results of the election. “I will look at it at the time,” Trump said in responding to a direct question on the issue from debate moderator Chris Wallace.

Daily Progress: Trump should take cue from Adams, Jefferson race “Donald Trump at the third presidential debate, on the other hand, wouldn’t commit to honoring the results on Election Day and told America he would “keep you in suspense … We have never seen in a modern election — even the narrowest, nastiest of campaigns — a candidate so openly question the integrity of the democratic process that he might not even accept defeat.”

Las Vegas Sun Editorial: Refusing to concede would be disrespectful Trump’s final insult “Voters should reject Trump. And then he can sulk all he wants — as he did when his TV show didn’t win an Emmy — and retreat to his gilded lifestyle. But if he refuses to respect the peaceful electoral ritual that distinguishes our nation, shame on him, and he will have revealed himself as fools gold, a phony who came to the end of his run.”

Miami Herald: At Final Debate, Trump Shocks By Saying He May Not Accept Election Results. “His unwillingness to say whether he would accept the decision by voters served once again to remind Americans tuning in for the third and final debate of this topsy-turvy electoral season that Mr. Trump does not respect American political traditions — and actually seems to hold them in contempt. He compounded his failure by again raising the issue of rigged elections without providing anything in the way of evidence.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Donald Trump’s Reckless End Game “Will Trump ever concede if he loses? Or will he encourage his ardent supporters to reject the legitimacy of the election — attacking the very cornerstone of our democratic republic? Trump must realize he is losing. He is trailing in every credible national poll and in most battleground states.But after pinning the “loser” label on everyone from his Republican primary opponents to past prisoners of war to troops who suffer from battle fatigue, this pampered prince of privilege cannot imagine a graceful exit. And so he claims without evidence to be the victim of a massive conspiracy that no reasonable observer believes is real ”

Roanoke Times: Republicans must disavow Trump on not accepting election results “Before we say anything about the third and final presidential debate, we must say this: Republicans must condemn Donald Trump’s declaration that he might not accept the election results.We usually like to be able to see things in many shades of gray but there is only one way to see this: Trump just made a brazen assault on one of the basic tenets of American democracy — that we abide by election results and peacefully transfer power. What, exactly, is Trump proposing when he says he will keep the nation “in suspense” until he announces whether he will accept the results”

Sacramento Bee: Talk Of ‘Rigged’ Election Is Slippery Slope To Violence. “Imagine voting on Nov. 8 under the watchful gaze of, say, a posse of poll watchers, assault-style rifles slung over their shoulders, “Make America Great Again” hats perched on their heads. Sounds farfetched? Voter fraud is exceedingly rare, as researchers have found over and over.”

San Diego Union-Tribune: “Donald Trump Makes Joe McCarthy Look Good With ‘Rigged Election’ Talk. “Republican nominee Donald Trump’s unhinged behavior in the last week will go down in American history as among the most wide-ranging assaults on fundamentals of democracy and civility this nation has seen from a leading politician.”

Seattle Times: Donald Trump Has Invented A Conspiracy That Could Do Serious Damage. “DONALD Trump is preparing a crash-landing pad for the likelihood of his resounding defeat in the Nov. 8 election. His claims about “large-scale voter fraud” and a “rigged election” are self-serving and, worse, damaging to the American electoral process. Like so many other claims from Trump’s demagogic campaign, his claims take a gossamer thread of fact and weave them into conspiracy.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Trump’s Worst Offense: The Vile Attempt To Discredit The Election.  “Of all the reckless assertions uttered by Donald Trump over the past two years, the most dangerous and despicable are those charging that the Nov. 8 election will be rigged. Unity and democracy do not concern Trump. Since the primary season, he has been casting doubt — with no evidence whatsoever — on the legitimacy of the democratic process.”

Star Tribune: Disgraceful defiance from Donald Trump “Unwilling to accept his backslide in the polls, Trump has been malevolently cultivating the notion that the American system of elections, whose heart is a peaceful, orderly transition of power every four years that is the envy of many nations, is so manipulated, so corrupt, that it cannot be trusted, nor its results necessarily accepted. Not only does Trump bring no evidence for such astounding assertions, he has made his claims in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.”

Philadelphia Inquirer: Trump’s rigged election claim is a danger “His belligerent comments at Wednesday’s final presidential debate strike at the very structure of American democracy, where elections are used to transfer power peacefully from one administration to the next. Trump’s remarks are rooted in an alternate reality. He believes dead citizens and undocumented immigrants will vote in the Nov. 8 election. He claims the upcoming election is rigged against him, without offering a speck of proof.”

Philly Daily News: DN editorial: Trump’s claims of a rigged election are racist in nature “YOU DON’T HAVE to dig too deeply to hit the roots of the allegations over voter fraud in Philadelphia. It’s racism. Donald Trump may have used dog-whistle phrases in speeches in Altoona and Wilkes-Barre while claiming the election could be stolen because of widespread voter fraud in Philadelphia.”

Post And Courier: No, The Election’s Not Rigged. “As for Mr. Trump’s reckless contention that polling places will be rigged against him, that goes far beyond an early alibi for what many analysts now foresee as his defeat three weeks from today.That baseless accusation feeds the dangerous myth that Mrs. Clinton will win the presidential election outcome via a fraudulent process.And that sets the stage for even more widespread distrust by the electorate in our self-governing system.”

Tampa Bay Times: Republicans Should Defend Elections, Not Trump. “That follows his constant warnings that the election could be rigged, and it threatens the underpinnings of our peaceful democracy. There is no basis for Trump’s fearmongering, and Republicans such as Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi should stand up for the electoral process now before their presidential candidate fuels more public distrust. Trump’s harping about rigged elections is a fact-free, pre-emptive strike to blunt the sting of his failing campaign.”

Union Leader: Loser’s Lament: Trump Conspiracies Are Nonsense. “ It’s fairly clear Donald Trump now believes he will not win the presidential election. Trump says the media is “rigging” the election by focusing on his myriad flaws … Trump can whine about the press all he wants, though he wouldn’t be the Republican nominee without the wall-to-wall coverage he received over the past year. He goes too far in suggesting the election could be stolen at polling places.”

Virginian-Pilot: Trump’s Dangerous Indictment Of Democracy “His attack on the foundations of democracy is unhinged, especially since the apparatus of American elections is controlled by the states, most of which are run by Republican executives. Such is the state of the 2016 campaign that Republican luminaries across the nation, and even Trump’s own advisers, immediately began trying to undo the damage that his reckless rhetoric unleashed. That’s likely to be a futile effort. Wednesday was another example in a long campaign of Trump being Trump.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton Campaign for Hillary Following Debate


Just hours after the conclusion of Monday’s night debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Hillary’s running mate, Time Kaine, spoke at a canvass kickoff event in Orlando, Florida. During the event, he spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone registered to vote. “I don’t have to tell you how important Florida is. (In) Florida, the election is going to be very, very close,” he said. While in Orlando, Kaine visited the site of the “Pulse” nightclub shooting with former Representative Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. A video from Kaine’s event will be added when/if available.

In Ohio, Bill Clinton spoke at National Voter Registration Day events in Toledo and Cleveland. In Toledo, he spoke about last night’s debate saying that it is clear which candidate is working for everyone and which candidate is running for himself. Bill spoke about a number Hillary’s platform points, but he focused on job growth and ensuring that the economy works for everyone and not just those at the top. He went on to say that it is important that everyone register to vote and head to the polls in November to ensure that their voice is heard. “We‘ve got a chance to do something together where nobody is left out and left behind. We need to go seize it and it all starts in Ohio by registering and voting,” he said. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill wrapped up the day speaking at a rally in Cleveland. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points and attacked Trump for his divisive views. But Clinton’s primary focus was voting and ensuring that everyone is registered. “This election is about you and your future and you need to claim it,” he said. On National Voter Registration, he urged everyone to vote because they have a voice. And he encouraged those in attendance to ensure their friends and family were registered as well saying, “I want you to promise yourselves that you’re going to vote, you’re going to get people registered. You’re going to get them to vote.”  A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended three events in Michigan today. The first was a voter protection roundtable event in Detroit where she spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that the right to vote is protected. Holton then traveled to Livonia where she took part in a phone bank at a local Hillary for America office.

Holton’s final event of the day was in Ann Arbor where she spoke at an organizing event. Speaking to volunteers and supporters at a local campaign office, Holton urged them to ensure that they, their friends, and their family are all registered to vote and exercise their right on November 8. Holton stressed the importance of Michigan saying, “I’m going to talk about you. You are the key to this election. You all know that, right? You all know Michigan is often the key to the national election.” Video’s from Holton’s events will be posted when/if available.


In New York City, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Laura Benjamin, Anahi DeCanio, Peter Gumpel, Drue Kataoka, Martha McAleer, and Leonore Robins.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland.com, The Michigan Daily, Click Orlando, ABC News, Toledo Blade, Detroit Free Press

HFA Response To Trump’s New Ad


In response to Donald Trumps new campaign ad focusing on Hillary Clinton’s comments about Trump’s supporters, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds released the following statement and response:

“As we’ve come to expect, Donald Trump gets quite a bit wrong in his new TV ad, ignoring Hillary Clinton’s comments that she did not mean half of his supporters were deplorable and her reference to the economic concerns of many of his supporters. That said, if he’d like to argue against Hillary’s claim that people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or Islamophobic are deplorable, we are happy to have that debate. Trump has spent the entire campaign offering divisive views that have given rise to far too much hatred and bigotry—Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine will continue to call that out.”

VOICEOVER: Speaking to wealthy donors, Hillary Clinton called tens of millions of Americans “deplorable” CLINTON CLARIFIED REMARKS

Clinton Said She Regretted Being “Grossly Generalistic” In Her Comments. “Last night I was ‘grossly generalistic,’ and that’s never a good idea. I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong. But let’s be clear, what’s really ‘deplorable’ is that Donald Trump hired a major advocate for the so-called ‘alt-right’ movement to run his campaign and that David Duke and other white supremacists see him as a champion of their values. It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and given a national platform to hateful views and voices, including by retweeting fringe bigots with a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 million people. It’s deplorable that he’s attacked a federal judge for his ‘Mexican heritage,’ bullied a Gold Star family because of their Muslim faith, and promoted the lie that our first black president is not a true American. So I won’t stop calling out bigotry and racist rhetoric in this campaign.” [Hillary for America, Statement, 9/10/16]


Clinton Said We Have To “Understand And Empathize With” Trump Supporters Who Feel “The Government Has Let Them Down” And Who Are “Desperate For Change.” “…thankfully they are not America. But the other basket, the other basket, and I know because I see friends from all over America here. I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas, as well as you know New York and California. But that other basket of people who are people who feel that government has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they are just desperate for change. It doesn’t really even matter where it comes from. They don’t buy everything he says but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won’t wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroine, feel like they’re in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.’” [Transcript via NPR, 9/10/16]


Clinton: “As I Said, Many Of Trump’s Supporters Are Hard-Working Americans Who Just Don’t Feel Like The Economy Or Our Political System Are Working For Them.” “I also meant what I said last night about empathy, and the very real challenges we face as a country where so many people have been left out and left behind. As I said, many of Trump’s supporters are hard-working Americans who just don’t feel like the economy or our political system are working for them.  I’m determined to bring our country together and make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. Because we really are ‘stronger together.’” [Hillary for America, Statement, 9/10/16]

Clinton: “So There May Be Some Folks Who Buy Into His Dark, Negative Vision, And Think He Maybe Could Be Their Voice, But I Don’t Think That Represents The Vast Majority Of Americans.” “And you know, the other thing that struck me about his speech was when he said, ‘I am your voice.’  Now, look, I will admit, maybe he does speak for some people, but I think it’s kind of hard to imagine him speaking for immigrants, for people with disabilities, for African Americans, for Latinos, for women, or even for working people who he has a history of stiffing, not supporting.  So there may be some folks who buy into his dark, negative vision, and think he maybe could be their voice, but I don’t think that represents the vast majority of Americans.” [Voter Registration Event in Charlotte, NC, 7/25/16]

Asked If Americans Are Becoming Desensitized To Trump’s Rhetoric, Clinton Said “The Vast Majority Of Americans Are People Who Are Decent And Caring And Looking For Ways That We Can Come Together, Not To Be Divided By Fear And Hatred.” “QUESTION: Do you worry that Americans are becoming desensitized to this kind of rhetoric? HILLARY CLINTON: I think the uproar from Americans across our country in response to a number of the comments that Trump has made, but in particular to his derogatory comments about the Khans shows to the contrary, that the vast majority of Americans are people who are decent and caring and looking for ways that we can come together, not to be divided by fear and hatred.” [Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine at Press Avail in Ashland, OH, 7/31/16]

Clinton On Trump Supporters: “I Think That The Core Of His Support Really Centers On The Disappointment In The Economy That So Many Americans Feel.” “YAMICHE ALCINDOR: My question is you’ve accused Donald Trump of using racist and sexist language, what does it say about the electorate that so many Americans are supporting him? HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I really believe that the core of his support — I’m not going to speak for everyone who supports him because I think there have been some quite distressing statements coming out of his rallies and his supporters and who has aligned themselves with him. But I think that the core of his support really centers on the disappointment in the economy that so many Americans feel. And what I have been saying is, you know, I want to bring this country together. I think we have three overarching goals: we need more economic opportunity; we need to protect our national security; and we have got to work toward American unity.” [Q&A at NABJ & NAHJ Convention in Washington, D.C., 8/5/16]


Clinton: “Trump Is Reinforcing Harmful Stereotypes And Offering A Dog Whistle To His Most Hateful Supporters.” “Now, Trump’s lack of knowledge or experience or solutions would be bad enough.  But what he’s doing here is more sinister.  Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. It’s a disturbing preview of what kind of President he’d be.” [Remarks on Trump’s Prejudice and Paranoia in Reno, NV, 8/25/16]

Clinton: “This Is A Moment Of Reckoning For Every Republican Dismayed That The Party Of Lincoln Has Become The Party Of Trump.  It’s A Moment Of Reckoning For All Of Us Who Love Our Country.” “We wouldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior before and we wouldn’t tolerate it in our own homes.  And we shouldn’t stand for it in a presidential candidate. My friends, this is a moment of reckoning for every Republican dismayed that the Party of Lincoln has become the Party of Trump.  It’s a moment of reckoning for all of us who love our country and believe that America is better than this.” [Remarks on Trump’s Prejudice and Paranoia in Reno, NV, 8/25/16]

Clinton On Trump: “Every Day, More Americans Are Standing Up And Saying ‘Enough Is Enough’ – Including A Lot Of Republicans.  And I Am Honored To Have Their Support In This Campaign.” “We can have our disagreements, and believe me, I understand that. I think that’s healthy. We need good debates, but we need to do it in a respectful way, not finger pointing and blaming, and stirring up this bigotry and prejudice.  Every day, more Americans are standing up and saying ‘enough is enough’ – including a lot of Republicans.  And I am honored to have their support in this campaign.” [Remarks on Trump’s Prejudice and Paranoia in Reno, NV, 8/25/16]

HILLARY CLINTON: You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. The racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. TRUMP’S CANDIDACY HAS GIVEN THE ALT-RIGHT “LEGITIMACY THEY HAVE CRAVED FOR YEARS.”

HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Alt-Right Brain” [Editorial, New York Times, 9/5/16]

New York Times Editorial Board: Trump’s Candidacy Granted The Alternative-Right “The Legitimacy They Have Craved For Years.” “Mr. Trump says he isn’t signaling the alt-right when he says of immigrants, as he did again on Wednesday: ‘We have no idea who these people are, where they come from. I always say Trojan Horse. Watch what’s going to happen, folks. It’s not going to be pretty.’ Or when he said — in a line widely quoted on alt-right websites — ‘There is only one core issue in the immigration debate and it is this: the well-being of the American people.’ Mr. Trump’s white supremacist followers don’t take his disavowals too seriously. After all, he has enthusiastically retweeted bogus crime statistics and incendiary imagery from these websites and hired one of their biggest lights, Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, to manage his campaign.  There aren’t enough of these people to put Mr. Trump in the White House. But his candidacy has granted them the legitimacy they have craved for years. For the first time, a candidate is using a major-party megaphone to shout the ideas they once could only mutter among themselves in the shadowy fringes of national debate.” [Editorial, New York Times, 9/5/16]


Donald Trump Was A Boon For White Supremacists, Who Used His Candidacy As A Tool To Expand Their Movement. “The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s. As hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump’s rhetoric is conducive to anti-Muslim violence, white nationalist leaders are capitalizing on his candidacy to invigorate and expand their movement.” [Politico, 12/10/15]

Politico: “The Ku Klux Klan Is Using Donald Trump As A Talking Point In Its Outreach Efforts.” [Politico, 12/10/15]

Politico: “Stormfront, The Most Prominent American White Supremacist Website, Is Upgrading Its Servers In Part To Cope With A Trump Traffic Spike.” [Politico, 12/10/15]

Stormfront Founder Don Black: “Demoralization Has Been The Biggest Enemy And Trump Is Changing All That.” “As hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League warn that Trump’s rhetoric is conducive to anti-Muslim violence, white nationalist leaders are capitalizing on his candidacy to invigorate and expand their movement. ‘Demoralization has been the biggest enemy and Trump is changing all that,’ said Stormfront founder Don Black, who reports additional listeners and call volume to his phone-in radio show, in addition to the site’s traffic bump.” [Politico, 12/10/15]


Trump On The African-American Community: “You Have So Many In Poverty And The Crime Is Horrible And The Education Is Terrible And They Live Terribly.” TRUMP: “But you have tremendous numbers of African-Americans that have really had a hard time. I mean, beyond belief. And, you know, I read the numbers where you have so many in poverty and the crime is horrible and the education is terrible and they live terribly. And I say, what do you have to lose? I say to them, what do you have to lose? Give it to me. I’m going to fix them. And a lot of people are agreeing with me. What do you have to lose. The Democrats and the Hillary Clintons of the world have done a terrible job. She has been there for 35 years. She has done a terrible job. But the Hillary Clintons of the world have done a terrible job, Eric, and I say, what do you have to lose? I will fix it and you know what? A lot of people are agreeing.” [O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, 9/1/16]


HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Description Of Black America Is Offending Those Living In It” [New York Times, 8/24/16]

New York Times: “The Unrelievedly Dire Picture He Has Painted Of Black America Has Left Many Black Voters Angry, Dumbfounded Or Both. Interviews With Roughly A Dozen Blacks Here Turned Up No One Who Found Any Appeal In Mr. Trump’s Remarks.” “But the unrelievedly dire picture he has painted of black America has left many black voters angry, dumbfounded or both. Interviews with roughly a dozen blacks here turned up no one who found any appeal in Mr. Trump’s remarks. More common was the suggestion that Mr. Trump was trying to appeal to whites who might support him.” [New York Times, 8/24/16]


Trump Claimed Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel Could Not Preside Over His Case Without A Conflict Of Interest Because He Was “Of Mexican Heritage.” “Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had ‘an absolute conflict’ in presiding over the litigation given that he was ‘of Mexican heritage’ and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/2/16]


12/7/15: Trump Called For A “Total And Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering The United States,” Citing “Great Hatred Towards Americans By Large Segments Of The Muslim Populations.” “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim populations.” [Press Release, Donald Trump for President, 12/7/15]

Trump Said He Was Not Rolling Back His Ban On Muslims: “In Fact, You Could Say It’s An Expansion.” “Donald Trump made clear this weekend that he has not rolled back his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, despite top allies insisting that he had… ‘I don’t think so. I actually don’t think it’s a rollback. In fact, you could say it’s an expansion,’ Trump said. ‘I’m looking now at territory. People were so upset when I used the word ‘Muslim’: ‘Oh, you can’t use the word ‘Muslim.’ Remember this. And I’m okay with that, because I’m talking territory instead of Muslim.’” [Washington Post, 7/24/16; Meet the Press, 7/24/16]


Trump: “When Mexico Sends Its People, They’re Not Sending Their Best… They’re Bringing Drugs. They’re Bringing Crime. They’re Rapists.” TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” [Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, New York NY, 6/16/15]


Trump On Megyn Kelly: “You Could See There Was Blood Coming Out Of Her Eyes, Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever.”“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday night that Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly ‘had blood coming out of her eyes’ when she  aggressively questioned him during Thursday’s presidential debate. ‘She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,’ Trump said in a CNN interview. ‘You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base.’” [Washington Post, 8/8/15]

Trump On Fiorina: “Look At That Face! Would Anyone Vote For That? Can You Imagine That, The Face Of Our Next President?”“When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump’s momentum, Trump’s expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. ‘Look at that face!’ he cries. ‘Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!’ The laughter grows halting and faint behind him. ‘I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?’ And there, in a nutshell, is Trump’s blessing and his curse: He can’t seem to quit while he’s ahead.” [Rolling Stone, 9/9/15]

Trump On Hillary Clinton: “Do You Think She Looks Presidential? I Don’t Think So.” “GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump went after Hillary Clinton Tuesday for the way she looks, saying she just doesn’t seem presidential. ‘Do you think she looks presidential? I don’t think so,’ Trump said to his crowd at a rally in Ashburn, Virginia.” [Huffington Post, 8/2/16; Trump Campaign Rally, Ashburn VA, 8/2/16]


Trump Defended His 2013 Tweet Suggesting Sexual Assault Was Inevitable “When They Put Men And Women Together” In The Military: “It Is A Correct Tweet. There Are Many People Think That’s Absolutely Correct.” LAUER: “In 2013, on this subject, you tweeted this. Quote, 26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military. Only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men and women together? End quote.” TRUMP: “Well, it is a correct tweet. There are many people think that’s absolutely correct. We need to have a –“ [Commander In Chief Forum, MSNBC, 9/7/16]


USA Today: Trump “Was Perhaps The Most Prominent Voice Of The ‘Birther’ Movement.” “Trump has been an outspoken critic of President Obama and was perhaps the most prominent voice of the ‘birther’ movement, which asserted, erroneously, that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen. On Monday, he took a shot at the newest entrant to the 2016 Republican field, Jeb Bush, tweeting: ‘Do we really need another Bush in the White House — we have had enough of them.’ If there’s one thing Trump brings to the 2016 campaign, it’s confidence. ‘I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far,’ he told The Des Moines Register in a recent interview.” [USA Today, 6/16/15]

March 2011:  Trump:  “I’m Proud To Be” A Birther.  “Well I thought he was very nice to me, though. I mean, I understand that. And he doesn’t want to be labeled as a birther, probably. I’m proud to be. I mean, I’m very proud of it. I don’t like the term. I think it’s a demeaning term to the people that believe that he should have a birth certificate. .” [Laura Ingraham Show, AUDIO 06:30-07:00, 3/30/11]


HEADLINE: “Donald Trump Criticizes Muslim Family Of Slain U.S. Soldier, Drawing Ire” [New York Times, 7/30/16]

HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Slander Of Captain Humayun Khan’s Family Is Horrifying, Even For Trump” [Vox, 7/30/16]

Trump Claimed The Mother Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier Did Not Speak At The Democratic Nation Convention Because “Maybe She Wasn’t Allowed To Have Anything To Say, You Tell Me.” “Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not ‘allowed’ to speak…But, he added, ‘If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably — maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me.’” [New York Times, 7/30/16; This Week, ABC, 7/31/16]

Trump Suggested His Business Career Was A Sacrifice Comparable To The Loss Of Khizr Khan’s Son: “I Think I Have Made A Lot Of Sacrifices.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “How would you answer that father [Khan]? What sacrifice have you made for your country?” TRUMP: “I think I have made a lot of sacrifices. I’ve work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve done — I’ve had tremendous success.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “Those are sacrifices?” TRUMP: “Oh, sure. I think they’re sacrifices.” [This Week, ABC, 7/31/16]

VOICEOVER: Hillary Clinton viciously demonizing hard working people like you. TRUMP QUESTIONED HOW STUPID THE PEOPLE OF IOWA AND THE COUNTRY WERE

Donald Trump: “How Stupid Are The People Of Iowa? How Stupid Are The People Of The Country To Believe This Crap?” “With his voice growing louder and louder, Trump questioned what sort of person would attack his mother. He questioned how a belt buckle could stop a blade, stepping away from the podium to demonstration how such an attack might happen and how his own belt buckle wouldn’t stay in place long enough to stop a knife. ‘Anybody have a knife?’ Trump asked the audience, which was screened by Secret Service agents who began protecting him this week. ‘You want to try it on me?’ Trump was flabbergast: ‘How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?’” [Washington Post, 11/13/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Dodge Iowa, 11/12/15]


Trump: “We Won With Poorly Educated — I Love The Poorly Educated.” TRUMP: “We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated — I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people.’” [Trump Campaign Rally, Las Vegas NV, 2/23/16]


HEADLINE: “Trump Mocks New York Times Reporter With Disability” [Chicago Tribune, 11/25/15]

Chicago Tribune: “Trump Appeared To Mock Kovaleski’s Physical Condition; The Reporter Has Arthrogryposis, Which Visibly Limits Flexibility In His Arms. ‘Now, The Poor Guy — You’ve Got To See This Guy, “Ah, I Don’t Know What I Said! I Don’t Remember!”’ Trump Said As He Jerked His Arms In Front Of His Body.” “On stage Tuesday, Trump berated Times investigative reporter Serge Kovaleski for his recent recollection of an article he had written a few days after the attacks. Trump appeared to mock Kovaleski’s physical condition; the reporter has arthrogryposis, which visibly limits flexibility in his arms. ‘Now, the poor guy — you’ve got to see this guy, “Ah, I don’t know what I said! I don’t remember!”’ Trump said as he jerked his arms in front of his body. The gesture was all the more personal because Kovaleski covered Trump while reporting for the New York Daily News between 1987 and 1993, a tumultuous period for Trump in which he struggled through several financial setbacks.” [Chicago Tribune, 11/25/15]

DONALD J. TRUMP: I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message.  

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

HFA Response to Trump Saying Clinton Did Not Look Presidential


Following comments from Donald Trump suggesting that Hillary Clinton does not look presidential, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds has released the following:

“This isn’t the first time Donald Trump has had a problem looking at someone different from himself and actually seeing them. He questioned whether a distinguished judge could do his job because of his Mexican heritage. He looked at a mourning Gold Star mother and he made assumptions about her silence in grief. He looked at an accomplished anchor and suggested she was a “bimbo.” And he looked at a sitting president and said he wasn’t American. So it’s not surprising that Donald Trump doesn’t think Hillary Clinton looks presidential. This cycle, voters know all too well what’s not presidential: Donald Trump and his narrow views and divisive rhetoric.”


Trump: “He’s A Mexican. We’re Building A Wall Between Here And Mexico… He Is Giving Us Very Unfair Rulings, Rulings That People Can’t Even Believe.” TRUMP: Do you know that these people went to every attorney general practically in the country that they could and did you know this case was turned down by almost every attorney general from Texas to Florida, to many other states?

TAPPER: Is it not — when Hillary Clinton says this is a racist attack, and you reject that — if you’re saying he can’t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism?

TRUMP: No. I don’t think so at all.


TRUMP: No. He’s proud of his heritage. I respect him for that.

TAPPER: But you’re saying you can’t do his job because of that.

TRUMP: Look, he’s proud of his heritage, OK? I’m building a wall. Now, I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics

TAPPER: He’s a legal citizen – TRUMP: Do you know why I’m going to do well with Hispanics? Because I’m going to bring back jobs and they are going to get jobs right now. They are going to get jobs. I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics. But we are building a wall. He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can’t even believe. This case should have ended years ago in summary judgment. The best lawyers I have spoken to so many lawyers, they said, this is not a case. This is a case that should have ended. [CNN, The Lead, 6/3/16]

A List of Each Time Trump Attacked Judge Curiel for His Mexican Heritage. Fusion outlined “every time that Trump said that Curiel could not be impartial in the case precisely because of his Mexican heritage.”


Trump Claimed The Mother Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier Did Not Speak At The Democratic Nation Convention Because “Maybe She Wasn’t Allowed To Have Anything To Say, You Tell Me.” “Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not ‘allowed’ to speak…But, he added, ‘If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably — maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me.’” [New York Times, 7/30/16; This Week, ABC, 7/31/16]


Donald Trump: “I Refuse To Call Megyn Kelly A ‘Bimbo,’ Because That Would Not Be Politically Correct. Instead I Will Only Call Her A Lightweight Reporter!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/27/16]

Donald Trump Retweeted Several People Calling Kelly a “Bimbo:”herehere and here.


2015: Trump Said He Didn’t Know Whether President Obama Was Actually Born In The US. “Donald Trump says he’s still not convinced President Obama was born in America, but that he’s not interested in rehashing the issue. ‘I don’t know. I really don’t know,’ the 2016 Republican presidential candidate told CNN when asked on Thursday. ‘I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.’” [The Hill, 7/9/15]

USA Today: Trump “Was Perhaps The Most Prominent Voice Of The ‘Birther’ Movement.” “Trump has been an outspoken critic of President Obama and was perhaps the most prominent voice of the ‘birther’ movement, which asserted, erroneously, that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen. On Monday, he took a shot at the newest entrant to the 2016 Republican field, Jeb Bush, tweeting: ‘Do we really need another Bush in the White House — we have had enough of them.’ If there’s one thing Trump brings to the 2016 campaign, it’s confidence. ‘I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far,’ he told The Des Moines Register in a recent interview.” [USA Today, 6/16/15]


In an ABC interview, Trump Said Clinton Didn’t Have a Presidential Look. “I just don’t think she has a presidential look. And you need a presidential look. You have to get the job done,” Trump said. [ABC, 9/5/16]

Donald Trump Reportedly Said “Does She [Clinton] Look Presidential, Fellas? Give Me A Break.” “CLEVELAND — TRUMP on Clinton: “Does she look presidential, fellas? Give me a break.”” [Kevin Cirilli, Twitter, 9/5/16]

Trump: “In Effect, She’s Pledging To Abolish The Law Making Powers Of Congress And Assume The Powers Of An Imperial Leader. She’s Not An Imperial Leader, Is She? I Don’t Think So. She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential To Me.” TRUMP: “Beyond that, she’s pledged to add another executive amnesty in violation of both congressional law and the United States constitution. These actions from Hillary Clinton will trigger a crises greater than almost anything we’ve seen. This will be a constitutional crisis like we haven’t seen in our country. In effect, she’s pledging to abolish the law making powers of congress and assume the powers of an imperial leader. She’s not an imperial leader, is she? I don’t think so. She doesn’t even look Presidential to me. She certainly doesn’t.” [Roast N’ Ride, Des Moines IA, 8/27/16]

Trump: “You See Her Walk Onto The State, She Looks Presidential.’ I Don’t Think So. I Think I Look Presidential To Be Honest With You. Honestly, Who Do You Think China Would Be More Concerned In A Negotiation With? Trump Or Hillary?” TRUMP: “These [people] are not like, ‘Oh gee, I think Hillary is so great. She looks so presidential. You see her walk onto the state, she looks presidential.’ I don’t think so. I think I look presidential to be honest with you. Honestly, who do you think China would be more concerned in a negotiation with? Trump or Hillary?” [Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Lauderdale FL, 8/10/16]

Trump Said Hillary Clinton Did Not Look Presidential, But He Did.TRUMP: “Now you tell me she looks presidential, folks. I look presidential. You tell me, you tell me she looks Presidential. They are just watching and they’re looking and boy they’re salivating, they’re salivating, they’re saying that’s what we want, oh, that’s what we want. You know what she did and the lies that she told, over and over again, and her single greatest achievement, because everything she’s touched has turned bad.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Windham NH, 8/6/16]

Trump: “Bad Performance By Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading Poorly From The Telepromter! She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/2/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Connecticut


On the eve of Tuesday’s primaries, Bill Clinton spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Connecticut. The first event was in Hartford where he was joined by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly. During his speech, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to continue improving health care, reducing the cost of education, and continue to grow the economy. Bill talked about the importance of all Americans rising together saying, “She understands that if we don’t tear down the barriers that are keeping some people from participating, including the educational barriers, we can’t all rise together.”

Bill and Giffords held a second Get Out the Vote event in New Haven. During his speech, Bill focused on the prevention of gun violence by introducing background checks. He also advocated for holding gun manufacturers responsible for acts carried out by their weapons. He said, “The organized groups on the other side recognize that representing the manufacturers try to terrify every legal gun owner to think they’re coming to get your guns, which of course constitutionally you can’t do.” He explained that the vast majority of gun owners support background checks, but the gun lobby constantly blocks it. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton was also on the campaign trail where she attended two fundraisers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The events were hosted by Christina Weiss Lurie, Priscilla Sims Brown, Lisa Buckingham, and Lynn Shecter.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KITV, MassLive.com

Hillary Clinton Campaigns Before New Hampshire Town Hall


On the day of a New Hampshire Democratic Town Hall, Hillary Clinton attended three Get Out the Vote events across the state. Her first event of the day was in Derry where she was introduced by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. Clinton focused on the issues, but she pointed out that many on her team wanted her to skip New Hampshire since she is trailing in the polls and in Bernie Sanders territory. She said, “I have to tell you. I just could not ever skip New Hampshire. I could not even imagine not being here, not being in settings like these.” A video from the event in Derry is below.

At the remaining two events of the day, one in Dover and one in Manchester, Clinton’s message was similar. She defended herself against comments made by Sanders questioning her progressive values. She pointed to her career and her work with heath care, advocating for women and gay rights, and pushing for stricter gun control measures. She has famously said that she is a “progressive who knows how to get things done.” Today, she said, “We’ve been fighting the progressive fight and getting results for people for years. I hope we keep it on the issues. Because if it’s about our records, hey, I’m going to win by a landslide.” A video from Dover is below, and a video from Manchester will be added when/if available.

Tonight Clinton and Sanders will take part in a CNN Town Hall, similar to the one in Iowa last week. Then, the two Democratic candidates will go head-to-head tomorrow night as both have agreed to a debate which will air on MSNBC. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Fosters, WMUR

Clinton Campaigns in Iowa on Saturday Before Caucus


Two days before the Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton appeared at a number of events across the state. The first event of the day was at Iowa State University in Ames. During the event, she was joined on stage by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly. Giffords spoke briefly giving her full support to Hillary. Clinton then went on to speak about a number of her platform topics including gun control, health care, and education. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.


Clinton’s second stop of the day was in Carroll where she spoke with supporters before her final event in Cedar Rapids. The final rally of the day featured all three Clintons, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea. Each took a moment to speak about Hillary’s accomplishments and experience before she took the stage to talk about the future and her plans as president. The energy in the crowd was incredible as it is not often all three of the Clintons are on stage together. A full video of the Cedar Rapids rally is below.

Today in Iowa, Clinton is on the trail for her final push before tomorrow’s caucus. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, The New York Times