Hillary Clinton Statement on Alleged Plot Against Somali Community


Following news that the FBI had charged three Kansas men for plotting to use a weapon of mass destruction against an apartment complex in Garden City, Kansas, that is home to many Somali immigrants, Hillary Clinton issues the following statement:

“I applaud law enforcement for detecting and disrupting a highly disturbing terror plot in Kansas, in which men were allegedly planning an elaborate attack directed at Muslim Americans, including directing four car bombs at an apartment complex housing more than 100 men, women, and children. This plot is an affront to all Americans. We all must stand firm in fighting terror and rejecting hateful and divisive rhetoric–and we must do it together. According to the FBI, their eight-month investigation uncovered ‘a hidden culture of hatred and violence.’ We should all be grateful to law enforcement for preventing this plot from being carried out, and as President, I will work with law enforcement at all levels and with our communities to make sure we have the tools we need to prevent both domestic and international terrorist threats.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: USA Today

Repost: Voter Registration Deadlines


As we near the general election on November 8, it is important to ensure that you are registered to vote before your state’s deadline. Each state has differing deadlines and requirements to register, so be sure to check with your local election officials. Below is a list of registration deadlines by state and the chart also includes whether your state offers election day registration.


Voter Registration Deadline

Election Day Registration?

Alabama Postmarked 11 days before the election. No
Alaska Received 30 days before the election. No
Arizona Received 29 days before the election. No
Arkansas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
California Postmarked or submitted to an elections office (or NVRA voter registration agency) on or before 15 days prior to Election Day. (to vote in that election) No
Colorado Postmarked 22 days before an election if through a voter registration drive. All other applicants may register at any time through Election Day; however, if you register after the 8th day before an election, your ballot will not automatically be mailed to you and you must appear in person to obtain your ballot. Yes
Connecticut Postmarked 14 days before the election or received in person 7 days before the election. Yes
Delaware Postmarked by the fourth Saturday before a general or primary election, or 10 days before a special election. No
DC Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Florida Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Georgia Postmarked by the fifth Monday before the election. No
Hawaii Received at least 30 days before the election. No
Idaho Postmarked 25 days before the election. Yes
Illinois Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
Indiana Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Iowa Received in-person 10 days before General and Primary Elections (11 days before all other elections), or postmarked 15 days before Election Day. Yes
Kansas Postmarked 21 days before the election if mailed, received at the county office 21 days before the election if delivered in person. No
Kentucky Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Louisiana Received 30 days before the election. No
Maine Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Maryland Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Massachusetts Postmarked 20 days before the election. No
Michigan Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Minnesota Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Mississippi Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Missouri Received before 5pm (or normal close of business) on the fourth Wednesday prior to the election. No
Montana Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Nebraska Postmarked by the third Friday before the election, or received in-person by 6pm on the second Friday before the election. No
Nevada Postmarked by 31 days before the election, or submitted online by 21 days before an election, or received in-person at a clerk’s office 21 days before an election. No
New Hampshire Received 10 days before the election. Yes
New Jersey Received 21 days before the election. No
New Mexico Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
New York Postmarked 25 days before the election and received no less than 20 days before the election. No
North Carolina Received 25 day before the election. Yes
North Dakota N/A N/A
Ohio Received 30 days before the election. No
Oklahoma Postmarked 25 days before the election. No
Oregon Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Pennsylvania Received 30 days before the election. No
Rhode Island Received 30 days before the election. Mailed voter registration forms received after the deadline will be accepted as long as the mail is postmarked on or before the voter registration deadline. Yes
South Carolina Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
South Dakota Received 15 days before the election. No
Tennessee Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Texas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Utah Postmarked 30 days before the election, or received in person 15 days before the election. No
Vermont Received by 5pm on the Wednesday before the election. No
Virginia Received 22 days before the election. No
Washington Postmarked by the Monday four weeks before the election, or received in person at the county elections department the Monday one week before the election. No
West Virginia Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Wisconsin Postmarked 20 days before the election. Yes
Wyoming Received 14 days before the election. Yes

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Rock the Vote

Voter Registration Deadlines


As we near the general election on November 8, it is important to ensure that you are registered to vote before your state’s deadline. Each state has differing deadlines and requirements to register, so be sure to check with your local election officials. Below is a list of registration deadlines by state and the chart also includes whether your state offers election day registration.


Voter Registration Deadline

Election Day Registration?

Alabama Postmarked 11 days before the election. No
Alaska Received 30 days before the election. No
Arizona Received 29 days before the election. No
Arkansas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
California Postmarked or submitted to an elections office (or NVRA voter registration agency) on or before 15 days prior to Election Day. (to vote in that election) No
Colorado Postmarked 22 days before an election if through a voter registration drive. All other applicants may register at any time through Election Day; however, if you register after the 8th day before an election, your ballot will not automatically be mailed to you and you must appear in person to obtain your ballot. Yes
Connecticut Postmarked 14 days before the election or received in person 7 days before the election. Yes
Delaware Postmarked by the fourth Saturday before a general or primary election, or 10 days before a special election. No
DC Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Florida Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Georgia Postmarked by the fifth Monday before the election. No
Hawaii Received at least 30 days before the election. No
Idaho Postmarked 25 days before the election. Yes
Illinois Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
Indiana Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Iowa Received in-person 10 days before General and Primary Elections (11 days before all other elections), or postmarked 15 days before Election Day. Yes
Kansas Postmarked 21 days before the election if mailed, received at the county office 21 days before the election if delivered in person. No
Kentucky Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Louisiana Received 30 days before the election. No
Maine Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Maryland Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Massachusetts Postmarked 20 days before the election. No
Michigan Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Minnesota Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Mississippi Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Missouri Received before 5pm (or normal close of business) on the fourth Wednesday prior to the election. No
Montana Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Nebraska Postmarked by the third Friday before the election, or received in-person by 6pm on the second Friday before the election. No
Nevada Postmarked by 31 days before the election, or submitted online by 21 days before an election, or received in-person at a clerk’s office 21 days before an election. No
New Hampshire Received 10 days before the election. Yes
New Jersey Received 21 days before the election. No
New Mexico Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
New York Postmarked 25 days before the election and received no less than 20 days before the election. No
North Carolina Received 25 day before the election. Yes
North Dakota N/A N/A
Ohio Received 30 days before the election. No
Oklahoma Postmarked 25 days before the election. No
Oregon Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Pennsylvania Received 30 days before the election. No
Rhode Island Received 30 days before the election. Mailed voter registration forms received after the deadline will be accepted as long as the mail is postmarked on or before the voter registration deadline. Yes
South Carolina Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
South Dakota Received 15 days before the election. No
Tennessee Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Texas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Utah Postmarked 30 days before the election, or received in person 15 days before the election. No
Vermont Received by 5pm on the Wednesday before the election. No
Virginia Received 22 days before the election. No
Washington Postmarked by the Monday four weeks before the election, or received in person at the county elections department the Monday one week before the election. No
West Virginia Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Wisconsin Postmarked 20 days before the election. Yes
Wyoming Received 14 days before the election. Yes

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Rock the Vote

Hillary Clinton Statement on the 51st Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton released a statement on the 51st Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act was signed by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965. The act guaranteed the right to vote to all American citizens regardless of race. However, in 2013, the Supreme Court gutted the act saying that it is no longer necessary given the current climate. Many have disagreed with the Court’s decision including Clinton, and in her statement, Clinton said that as president she would continue to fight to ensure universal voting rights. A copy of her statement is below.

“Fifty-one years after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, Americans are now facing the most systematic effort to curtail those rights since the era of Jim Crow. Make no mistake, new voter restriction laws in seventeen states have replaced poll taxes and literacy tests as a thinly veiled attempt to achieve an old objective: disenfranchising African Americans, Latinos, low-income people, young people, and people with disabilities.

But we are fighting back. Last week, a court struck down North Carolina’s voter ID requirement, saying it was designed to ‘target African Americans with almost surgical precision.’ Similar restrictions have recently been overturned in Wisconsin, Texas, Michigan, North Dakota, and Kansas after courts found they were intended to discriminate as well.

This November, the notion that every American has a voice in shaping our future is at stake. Donald Trump supports discriminatory voting restrictions — and actually claims that without them in place, the results of American elections should be questioned. It’s a dangerous attempt to undermine the legitimacy of our democracy.

I have a very different view. I believe America is stronger when we expand access to the ballot box, not restrict it. That’s why I’ll fight to repair the Voting Rights Act, expand early voting, and introduce universal, automatic voter registration. 

Upon signing the Voting Rights Act in 1965, President Johnson said the right to vote ‘is one which no American, true to our principles, can deny.’

He was right.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The White House

Clinton Wins LA, Sanders Wins NE and KS

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Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in the state of Louisiana by a wide margin over Bernie Sanders. She won 71.2% to his 23.1% Sanders meanwhile, won the caucuses in Kansas (67.7% to 32.3%) and Nebraska (56.6% to 43.4%). Results are not yet final in Nebraska or Louisiana, and we will finalize the post tomorrow.

This evening, Clinton spoke to Democrats and supporters in Detroit, Michigan. During her speech, she congratulated Sanders on his wins in Kansas and Nebraska, and she thanked the voters of Louisiana for their overwhelming support. For the remainder of her speech, Clinton focused her attention on the general election and defeating Republican front-runner Donald Trump. She also criticized the Republican controlled Senate for refusing to confirm President Barack Obama’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Although President Obama has yet to nominate someone for the court, Republicans have vowed to block a vote. A video of Clinton’s speech is available by CLICKING HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Detroit


While Louisiana, Kansas, and Nebraska held their Democratic primaries on Saturday, Bill Clinton was in Detroit looking ahead to Tuesday’s primary in Michigan. Campaigning for Hillary Clinton, Bill spoke at a canvass kickoff event. He focused on the jobs plan that Hillary unveiled during a speech in Detroit yesterday. Speaking at the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 25’s auditorium, Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans for building upon heath care, supporting labor unions, strengthening manufacturing, and improving the nation’s infrastructure. On the subject of infrastructure, Bill referenced the water crisis in Flint, commending both Hillary and rival Bernie Sanders for calling national attention to the issue.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is preparing for tomorrow night’s Democratic debate, which will air on CNN. She attended an evening pre-debate reception hosted the Michigan Democratic Party. Held at the MGM Grand Detroit, guests included Michigan’s Congressional Delegation, Democratic members of Michigan’s state Legislature, local government officials, and former Governor Jim Blanchard. Details from Hillary’s speech can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, Fox 2

Bill, Chelsea, Meier Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, a number of events in support of Hillary Clinton were held across the country. In the Midwest, Chelsea Clinton attended events in Kansas and Nebraska. She began the day by attending a Get Out the Vote event in Overland Park. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her dedication to protecting women’s rights, voter rights, and LGBT rights. She also spoke about Hillary’s experience with compromise saying, “I do believe we fundamentally need a president who knows when to stand her ground, but also does know how to find common ground.” While in Overland Park, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser at the home of Jackie and Lynn Johnson.

Chelsea wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, she framed her mother as a political realist who knows how to stand up for what she believes in, but knows how to compromise. Her speech was similar to one that she gave earlier in the day in Overland Park, Kansas. Chelsea asked those in attendance for their support in the upcoming caucus on March 5.

Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary in New York City. He attended three fundraisers beginning with an event hosted by Bal Das, Valérie Demont, and Seema Hingorani. The second event of the day was held at Brooklyn Bowl. The final event was held at the home of John Fitzpatrick. As with all private events, they were closed to the public.

In Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier hosted a fundraiser in Austin. The event is part of a series hosted by Hillary for America covering a number of platform topics.

Tomorrow, Chelsea Clinton will host a number of events in Colorado and Nevada. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Omaha.com, KCTV