Clinton Attends Silicon Valley Fundraisers

Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah
Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three private fundraisers in the San Francisco area. The first fundraiser was held at the Saratoga home of Talat and Kamil Hasan. Hasan is a partner at Granite Hill Capital Partners. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Tracey Turner, the founder of MicroPlace. She then attended a fundraiser hosted by Joni Binder and Robert Shwarts. Binder and Shwarts were major Clinton backers in 2008.

Finally, on Tuesday, she completed her trip by attending a breakfast event hosted by Michael and Xochi Birch, founders of Bebo (which they later sold to AOL). Silicon Valley is a major fundraising area for Clinton and all the presidential candidates. As with all private event, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

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News Source: Re/Code