Tim Kaine Hits Campaign Trail in Richmond


In his home state of Virginia, Tim Kaine kicked off on his first solo campaign event since being announced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate. He spent the day in Richmond where he started the day by visiting Hillary for America volunteers. Then, he held a rally in the city this afternoon. During his speech, he spoke about a number of Clinton’s plans including her proposals for education, infrastructure, and her jobs plan. Kaine contrasted the economic plans proposed by Clinton and Donald Trump saying that, according to study by Moody’s, Trump’s plan would lead to recession while Clinton’s would stimulate and grow the economy. Kaine called Clinton a leader and spoke about her experience and knowledge on a number of domestic and foreign policy issues. Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

Meanwhile, in Boulder, Colorado, a dinner and conversation was held with Governor John Hickenlooper and Kimbal Musk. The dinner featured foot prepared by Chef Biju Thomas, and the topic of conversation included farming and food sourcing.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, WUSA9

Clinton, Kaine Wrap Up Bus Tour in Ohio

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On Sunday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine wrapped up their jobs focused bus tour in Ohio. Although it was initially reported that Clinton would not appear in Cleveland, Clinton did make a stop in the city and spoke during Sunday services at Imani Temple Ministry. During her brief remarks, Clinton spoke about the promise of America and her plans to defend the American dream. A video of her address is below (I apologize for the poor audio).

Clinton and Kaine’s final event of the bus tour was a rally in Columbus. Kaine and Clinton both continued to focus their remarks on her jobs plan and improvements to the infrastructure; however, Clinton did address comments made by Donald Trump about retired General John Allen and Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim American solder killed in 2004. Clinton said that she was disgusted by Trump’s divisive language saying, “It’s going to be up to all of us to repudiate the hatefulness, attacks on distinguished military leaders … or insulting the family of a fallen soldier, Captain Khan, an American Muslim who sacrificed his life to protect his unit and other soldiers.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 8, The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton, Kaine Continue Bus Tour with Pennsylvania and Ohio Stops


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, along with their spouses, began the day in Johnstown where they continued to talk about plans to create jobs, focus on manufacturing, and build up the middle class. After touring Johnstown Wire Technologies, Clinton and Kaine spoke about the American spirit and work ethic and how a president needs to tap into that. Clinton said, “We are visiting places that prove what Americans can do. We are the most productive, competitive workers in the world. We just need to give our people the chance to succeed.” A video of Kaine and Clinton’s speeches are below.

The group then traveled to Pittsburgh where Kaine and Clinton spoke to a large crowd of supporters at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Clinton and Kaine were introduced and endorsed by investor Mark Cuban. When Kaine took the stage, he spoke about his mid-western roots and the importance of manufacturing in many cities across the country. He then introduced Clinton, and she focused her remarks on her plans to create jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. She attacked Donald Trump’s bleak and divisive view of America saying proudly that “the American Dream is not limited.” A video from the Pittsburgh event is below.

The final event of the night was a rally in Youngstown, Ohio. Kaine and Clinton continued with the theme of job creation and a focus on American manufacturing and infrastructure improvements. Speaking in the hard hit rust belt, Clinton pledged to put American manufacturing first and incentivize companies to make their products in America. She said, “We’re not going to let China dump cheap steel into the America economy.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Philly.com, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Fortune, Cleveland.com

Clinton, Kaine Kick off Bus Tour in Pennsylvania and Ohio


Following the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine hit the road for a bus tour through Pennsylvania and Ohio. They kicked off the tour down the street from the Convention hall at Temple University. During her speech, Clinton argued that while her nomination is historic, it demonstrates the potential of America. She said that while no one in the time of the founding of the country would have imagined a woman presidential nominee, she believes that what makes America great is that significant events lead to new opportunities for everyone. Clinton said, “But contrary to Donald Trump, I believe every time we knock down a barrier in America, it liberates everyone in America.” A video of her speech is below.

The bus tour continued with a stop in Montgomery County and a tour of a K’nex factory, and she briefly spoke to the employees about her plan to boost manufacturing. Clinton and Kaine then traveled to Harrisburg where they continued to speak about Clinton’s plan to improve the nation’s infrastructure and create millions of jobs in the process. She said that the plan would be the largest jobs plan since World War II, and she pledged to introduce the plan to Congress during her first 100 days in office. Videos from the events in the Harrisburg area are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: philly.com,

Democratic National Convention Schedule: Day 3


Today is the third day of the Democratic National Convention from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Throughout the day today, a number of caucuses and councils will meet at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Then tonight, the events move to the Wells Fargo Center where Senator Tim Kaine will accept the party’s nomination as vice presidential candidate, and a number of speakers are scheduled including Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama. See the full details of day’s events below:





July 27, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET AAPI Caucus Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET Native American Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET Black Caucus Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET Hispanic Caucus Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET Ethnic Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 12:00 PM – 2:00PM ET Disability Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 12:00 PM – 2:00PM ET Small Business Owners Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Veterans and Military Families Council Pennsylvania Convention Center
July 27, 2016 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Labor Council Pennsylvania Convention Center




July 27, 2016 Gavel In (4:30 PM ET) Wells Fargo Center
July 27, 2016 Erica Smegielski Wells Fargo Center
July 27, 2016 Felicia Sanders & Polly Sheppard Wells Fargo Center
July 27, 2016 Jamie Dorff Wells Fargo Center
July 27, 2016 Vice President Joe Biden Wells Fargo Center
July 27, 2016 President Barack Obama Wells Fargo Center

You can follow the convention live on most television news stations or watch it live online. Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter (follow #DemsInPhilly), Instagram, and check out the full schedule of events on the Convention’s website. Each day, we will post a schedule of the day and the speakers scheduled for that night.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Democratic National Convention

Clinton, Kaine Interviewed by “60 Minutes”


On Sunday evening, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine sat down with CBS’s “60 Minutes” for their first joint interview. Sitting down with Scott Pelley, Clinton discussed her selection of Kaine, the recent Republican National Convention, and what she plans to call Donald Trump in response to his insults. Clinton respond, “I don’t call him anything. And I’m not going to engage in that kind of insult fest that he seems to thrive on. So whatever he says about me, he’s perfectly free to use up his own air time and his own space to do. I’m going to talk about what he’s done, how he has hurt people in business time after time after time.” The interview is split into two parts and both can be watched HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time, ABC News

Democratic National Convention Begins Tomorrow


Tomorrow, Democrats will gather in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and office nominate Hillary Clinton and running mate Senator Tim Kaine as the Democratic ticket for president. The Convention is important because there are a series of caucus meetings and finalization of the Democratic Party platform. In a speech on Friday, Clinton promised that the convention would feature an optimistic view of America and our future as a stark contrast to the message delivered during the RNC last week.

You can follow the convention live on most television news stations or watch it live online. Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter (follow #DemsInPhilly), Instagram, and check out the full schedule of events on the Convention’s website. Each day, we will post a schedule of the day and the speakers scheduled for that night.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Democratic National Convention

Clinton, Kaine Campaign in Miami


Hillary Clinton and her newly announced running mate, Senator Tim Kane, appeared at their first joint campaign rally since yesterday’s announcement. Speaking in Miami, Florida, the event served as an introduction of Kaine to her supporters and the American people. While Clinton introduced Kaine and praised his public service record, she wasted no time going after Republican Donald Trump and his running mate saying, “I have to say, Senator Tim Kaine is everything that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not.”

Kaine then took the stage and spoke about a number of topics including religion (he is Catholic while Clinton is Methodist), family, and the military. He spoke about how is son, a Marine, will soon be deployed, and he criticized Trump’s waffling support of America’s military veterans. Kaine followed Clinton’s lead in attacking Trump’s business record, his record in supporting the military, and his thin skin. He acknowledged that some people may not know who he is joking, “Now, I know for a lot of you, this might be the first time you’re hearing me speak. And hey, let me be honest, for many of you, this is the first time you’ve even heard my name.” He continued, “But that’s OK because I’m excited for us to get to know one another.” A video from the event is below.

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Campaign Manager Robby Mook and State Representative Brian Sims held a fundraising event. The event was billed as a LGBT and Allies Convention Kick-Off in preparation of the DNC beginning on Monday.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Selects Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as Running Mate


On Friday, Hillary Clinton announced that she has selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine is a former governor of Virginia and sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Clinton and Kaine will be further introduced to voters during next week’s Democratic National Committee. Clinton and Kaine will campaign together on Saturday in Miami, Florida. The videos and tweets from the announcement are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNBC, Politico, Chicago Tribune, Politico, The New York Times

Clinton Campaigns with Senator Kaine in Virginia

 Hillary Clinton spoke at an organizing event with Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. The event took place in Annandale, Virginia and served as an audition for Kaine as he is rumored to be a a candidate for Clinton’s running mate. He spoke to crowd explaining why he supports Clinton and why it is important to not elect Republican Donald Trump our next president. Clinton also spoke at the event thanking the Senator for his support and his service to Virginia in Congress. She then continued to speak about the importance of the election and a number of her key platform points. A video from the event is below.

Two fundraisers were also held in support of Hillary for America. The first was in Charlotte, North Carolina and included Representative Chris Sgro. The second event was in Seattle, Washington. The event featured a conversation with Jake Sullivan and was hosted by Jesse and Rebecca Proudman.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, ABC News