Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Help Military Families


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton released her plan to assist military families. The plan unveiled today builds upon a previously introduced plan to build upon the Department of Veteran Affairs and ensure veterans receive proper support after they have left the military. The plan includes provision that will not only ensure that the members of our military are supported, but their spouses and children will as well. You can read the full details of the plan on The Briefing, and an outline of the plan is below:

  • Realign the Demands of a Military Career in Service to the Nation to Accommodate 21st Century Family Realities While Maintaining a Strong Force
  • Ensure that family leave policies meet the needs of our military families
  • Increase access to child care for all service members in the Active Duty and Reserve who need it
  • Let service members and their families take a knee
  • Create the ability to serve in different ways
  • Officially include life-cycle and family considerations in permanent moves
  • Back Military Spouses as they Pursue Education, Seek Jobs, Build Careers and Secure their Finances
  • Enhancing opportunities for military spouse employment and breaking down antiquated rules, such as onerous state credentialing, that lead to military spouse under-employment
  • Reforming the assignment process to better support dual-military couples
  • Standing side-by-side with families through transition out of the military
  • Enhance military families financial planning and protection
  • Creating flexibility around military moves
  • Ensure Military Children Receive a High-Quality Education and the Resources to Succeed
  • Keep Defense Department schools strong and focused
  • Elevate public schools with high number of military children
  • Preserve and protect the Post-9/11 GI Bill, making it a lasting part of the nation’s social contract for those who serve and their families
  • Enhance the Exceptional Family Member Experience
  • Bring Key Resources for Military Families in to the Information Age
  • Move resources into higher gear with on-line technology
  • Increase virtual access and information for families and surrounding communities
  • Champion efforts to care for our military members and families
  • Ensure continued focus on mental health for military members and families
  • Remain committed to extended leave policies
  • Continue to support Gold Star Families
  • Continue and Build on the Obama Administration’s Effort to Elevate Military Families in the White House and Across Government
  • Create a standing President’s Council on Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families
  • Establish “Joining Forces” as a permanent part of the Executive Office of the President
  • Direct senior White House and Department of Defense civilian and military leadership to conduct a series of town hall meetings to hear directly from service members and their families about their needs
  • Personally request and receive a thorough report and 12-month implementation plan on priority areas for improvement based on these town halls

Meanwhile, Clinton attended two fundraisers today. The first was in East Brunswick, New Jersey and included a conversation with Clinton and Senator Cory Booker. In New York City, Clinton attended an event at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. The event included a conversation with her, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and actress Julianna Margulies.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

American Jewish Congress Gala

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton was presented with a lifetime achievement award from the American Jewish Congress on Wednesday. After being introduced by actress Julianna Margulies, Clinton spoke about a wide variety of topics, but focused on Iran. She admitted that she is skeptical that Iran will hold up its end of the recent nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran, but she firmly believes that it is worth pursuing. Clinton went on to say that if negotiations with Iran fail, every option will be on the table.

A full video will posted if/when one is available.

News Source: The Washington Post

Video Source: YouTube