Clinton and Trump Speak at the Annual Al Smith Dinner


On Thursday evening, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shared the stage again, but this time for the annual Al Smith Charity Dinner in New York City. Each of the candidates took time to address the crowd and told several jokes at the other’s expense. Clinton spoke about the importance of Smith’s work and the work his charities have done in between delivering a series of one-liners. She opened her speech saying, “I took a break from my rigorous nap schedule to be here. And as all of you heard, it’s a treat for all of you, because usually I charge a lot for speeches like this.” There was mix of good and bad jokes from both candidates, but it was interesting seeing them in the same room and acting cordial toward each other the day after their bitter final debate. Watch a video of Clinton’s remarks below.

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News Source: The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, Time