Clinton Campaigns with Senator Kaine in Virginia

 Hillary Clinton spoke at an organizing event with Virginia Senator Tim Kaine. The event took place in Annandale, Virginia and served as an audition for Kaine as he is rumored to be a a candidate for Clinton’s running mate. He spoke to crowd explaining why he supports Clinton and why it is important to not elect Republican Donald Trump our next president. Clinton also spoke at the event thanking the Senator for his support and his service to Virginia in Congress. She then continued to speak about the importance of the election and a number of her key platform points. A video from the event is below.

Two fundraisers were also held in support of Hillary for America. The first was in Charlotte, North Carolina and included Representative Chris Sgro. The second event was in Seattle, Washington. The event featured a conversation with Jake Sullivan and was hosted by Jesse and Rebecca Proudman.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, ABC News