Hillary for America Launches Love Trumps Hate Performance Series


In the final weeks before Election Day, Hillary for America is launching the Love Trumps Hate Performance series to get out the vote across the battleground states. The performance series will feature a number of artists who will energize our supporters and encourage them to turn out to vote on Election Day or to take advantage of early voting options in their states. Some of the artists participating include Jon Bon Jovi, Jennifer Lopez, and Katy Perry. Additional performances will be announced in the coming days.

These performances will also serve as organizing opportunities to recruit new volunteers for the final stretch of the campaign so more Americans can encourage their friends and neighbors to join the millions of Americans who will vote in this year’s election. In the final weeks of the campaign, what voters will hear from these performers and all HFA surrogates is that Hillary Clinton has the experience and steadiness to bring people together and get real results. The choice in this election is clear. We can either come together to tackle the big challenges facing the country or let Donald Trump keep tearing us apart with his divisive rhetoric and dangerous ideas. That’s why millions of people are coming together to support Hillary Clinton and send a clear message that ‘love trumps hate.’

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.