Vice President Biden Campaigns in New Hampshire


In Nashua, New Hampshire, Vice President Joe Biden spoke to supporters about electing Democrats to office up and down the ballot on November 8th. While he was in the state to campaign for Hillary Clinton, he also appeared with Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Democratic Senate candidate Maggie Hassan. Biden spoke about the importance of voting in the election on November 8th and blasted Donald Trump for his refusal to say he’d accept the outcome of the election. Biden said, “No democratic process can be sustained without a sense of trust. He’s questioning not the legitimacy of our elections, (but) the legitimacy of our democracy.” Biden also criticized Trump for his comments about the military and women saying that Trump does not represent American values. He spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform points saying that she will protect the middle class Watch a video of Biden’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WMUR, The Daily Progress

DNC Wrap-Up: Day 1

Last night was night one of the Democratic National Convention, and it was a packed event! The night was filled with speeches from  Representative Nancy Pelosi, Representative Elijah Cummings, Hillary for America Campaign Manager John Podesta, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Bob Casey, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Al Franken, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Senator Cory Booker, and many more. The headliner of the night was First Lady Michelle Obama who delivered an impassioned speech supporting Hillary Clinton, and she firmly said, “I’m with her.”

Senator Sanders, Clinton’s rival for the party’s nomination, spoke in an attempt to unify the party behind Clinton. Sanders said that while he understands the disappointment of his supporters, it is important that the party unites and defeats Republican Donald Trump in November. He said that Clinton understands “the real problems facing this country and has offered real solutions – not just bombast, fear-mongering, name-calling and divisiveness.” Videos from a number of key speeches are below and all videos from the event are available on the DNC YouTube channel.

The DNC also featured several videos highlighting Clinton’s career and attacking Trump’s divisive attitude. With the two videos below, the DNC highlights Clinton’s commitment to combating substance abuse while the other video highlights Trump’s use of outsourcing as a business strategy despite his call for American made products.

You can follow the convention live on most television news stations or watch it live online. Be sure to follow along on Facebook, Twitter (follow #DemsInPhilly), Instagram, and check out the full schedule of events on the Convention’s website. Each day, we will post a schedule of the day and the speakers scheduled for that night.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today

Clintons on Friday Campaign Trail

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, right, is joined on staged EMILY's List President Stephanie Schriock, left, Lily Ledbetter, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., during a visit to a campaign office Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, in Nashua, N.H. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, right, is joined on staged EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock, left, Lily Ledbetter, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., during a visit to a campaign office Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, in Nashua, N.H. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

On Friday, Bill and Hillary Clinton were on the campaign trail and attended events in three different states. Hillary began by attending a fundraiser event in Boston, Massachusetts hosted by Jeanne and Jonathan Lavine. Then, Hillary attended two events in New Hampshire where she was joined by three Senators: Minnesota’s Amy Klobuchar, Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow and New Hampshire’s Jeanne Shaheen. The group also included Lily Ledbetter and Emily’s List president Stephanie Schriock. The six women called themselves the “sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits” and attended events in Nashua and Manchester where they rallied women voters. They each took time to speak to voters, asking for their support in next week’s primary.

In the evening, Hillary attended the McIntyre-Shaheen 100 Club Dinner where thousands of Democrats packed Verizon Wireless Arena. Bernie Sanders and Hillary both attended the event and spoke to the crowd. Clinton said, “I’m going to compete for every vote here. I’ll answer every question. I’ll work my heart out to earn your support.” The event is important because while Hillary trails Sanders in the polls, nearly one third of those surveyed are still undecided. A video of Hillary’s speech during the event is below.


Meanwhile, Bill was in Las Vegas, Nevada holding a grassroots organizing event. Speaking at the United Brotherhood of Carpenters International Training Center, Bill urged voters of all ages to support Hillary. He framed her a change maker and touted her decades of experience. Bill criticized Sanders’ heath care plan and how starting over with heath care is just not an option. He then turned his attention to millennials, who are Sanders biggest supporters. He sympathized with their anger with the status quo, and said, “I get it — a lot of people are mad. When you’ve lived long enough and you’ve got more yesterdays than tomorrows … what you want is for every single American to be able to walk into a future where you can make your own choices, dream your own dreams and live the future you want.” A video from the event is below.

Today, Hillary is in New Hampshire and Bill will remain in Nevada. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time, WMUR, Las Vegas Sun

Clinton Hosts New Hampshire Town Halls


On Friday, Hillary Clinton returned to New Hampshire where she attended three events. The first event was a town hall in Rochester. After being introduced by New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Clinton toned down her criticism of Bernie Sanders and rarely mentioned him by name. Being from neighboring Vermont, Sanders has a lot of supporters in New Hampshire, and she cannot afford to alienate them. She did point out several flaws in his plans, specifically heath care, and explained how her plan to expand the Affordable Care Act would be better for everyone.  Mentioning Sanders by name, Clinton said, “Senator Sanders and I share many of the same goals, but we have different records and different ideas about how to drive progress.” A video from the event is below.

On the 43rd anniversary date of the Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision, Clinton spoke at a women’s health conference hosted by NARAL Pro-Choice America. During her speech, Clinton supported a woman’s right to choose, something she has firmly believed in for her entire political career. She said, “All women deserve to have their rights respected. All women deserve to have access to the health services and choices they are entitled to. It should not be that some who are fortunate economically can access their rights while all others are left behind.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Clinton’s final event of the day was a town hall event held in Manchester. During the event, Clinton focused on the economy and the work that needs to be done to grow the middle class. She also spoke about the heroin and opioid crisis that is spreading across the Northeast and has had a high impact on New Hampshire. She said, “I was not prepared to hear from so many about what was happening in the families of New Hampshire. Addiction, the heroin epidemic which is at one highest rates in this state of any in the country.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton returns to Iowa for three separate events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Bloomberg, The New York Times, NARAL, CNN, WMUR

Clinton Endorsed by 13 of the Women Senators


On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton was joined by 13 of the 14 Democratic Senators at an event in Washington, DC. All 13 announced their endorsement for Clinton as president. Each of the Senators took turns explaining why they supported Clinton. Those providing an endorsement included:

  • Tammy Baldwin (WI)
  • Barbara Boxer (CA)
  • Maria Cantwell (WA)
  • Dianne Feinstein (CA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
  • Heidi Heitkamp (ND)
  • Mazie Hirono (HI)
  • Amy Klobuchar (MN)
  • Claire McCaskill (MO)
  • Barbara Mikulski (MD)
  • Patty Murray (WA)
  • Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
  • Debbie Stabenow (MI)

The Senator who was notably absent was Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. A video from the event is available on CSPAN.

While in the Washington, DC area, Clinton also attended a private fundraiser hosted by Lauren and Devin Talbott in Chevy Chase, Maryland. She also attended a fundraiser in DC hosted by Asif Mahmood. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

New Hampshire Fundraiser

Sunday, November 2, 2014

628x471Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at a fundraiser in New Hampshire for Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Governor Maggie Hassan. Clinton praised both for their work focused on women’s issues such as equal pay and health care. This was Clinton’s first time in New Hampshire since her 2008 campaign, which she says taught her some valuable lessons, “

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News Source: Albany Times Union