Hillary Clinton Addresses Rainbow Push Coalition Convention


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition‘s annual convention in Chicago, Illinois. The organization, founded by Reverend Jesse Jackson, invited Clinton to speak about a number of topics including gun violence. Clinton’s primary focus was gun violence and introducing legislation to require background checks for the purchase of a firearm. She spoke about the importance of reducing gun violence saying, “I think saving our children and other people from gun violence is a civil rights issue right now in America.” A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

While in Chicago, Clinton attended a fundraiser with Michelle Williams. The event was hosted by Tim Cole and Jon Steele, Kevin Conlon, Dania Leemputte, Molly and Bill Mahoney, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Bill Singer, Amy Singh, Chuck Smith, Sandy Wall, Anne and Marcus Wedner, and Ann Ziegler.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC 7

Clinton Attends Chicago Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July.

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to her hometown of Chicago where she attended three private fundraisers. The first fundraiser was hosted by Tanya and Michael Polsky, who have hosted fundraisers in the past. Polsky is the founder of Invenergy. The second event was hosted by the Chicago Legal Community and took place at the Hyatt Regency. Clinton was introduced at the event by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The final fundraiser of the day was held in Evanston and hosted by Fred Eychaner, Eric Janssen, Laura and Brooke Ricketts, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, and Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl. As with all private fundraisers, the events were closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to Iowa for a town hall event. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Chicago Sun-Times