Hillary Clinton Statement on Terrorist Attack in Dhaka, Bangladesh


Twenty hostages were killed, including one American citizen, during a standoff in a Bangladesh restaurant between seven Islamist militants and authorities. Thirteen of the hostages survived. All but one of the terrorists were killed in the raid by local police, and the surviving shooter was arrested. The terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, which lasted eleven hours. Hillary Clinton released a statement extending her sympathies to the families of the victims. She condemned the event and vowed to work with our allies to defeat ISIS and radical jihadism. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“The terrorist assault on a bakery and restaurant in Dhaka is a reminder that an attack halfway around the world is still an attack on all of us, in the everyday places we hold dear.  The victims in Dhaka came from all over–from Italy, from Japan, from India, and, of course, from Bangladesh. We have learned that at least three attended college here in the United States, including one American citizen. Today, we say with one voice: this campaign of fear and hatred and violence will not succeed. We will not retreat. We will not turn our backs on each other. The United States stands firmly with our friends and allies in the fight to defeat ISIS and radical jihadism around the world. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the people of Bangladesh.”

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News Source: The New York Times

State Department Global Town Hall

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 (1:11:41)

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in a global town hall interview at the Newseum in Washington, DC. This was Secretary Clinton’s 59th town hall, and her final as Secretary of State. Questions are asked by a moderator and young people around the world. Countries represented include: Britain, Beruit, Colombia, Japan, Greece, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, and India.

Video Source: YouTube