Hillary Clinton Statement on Tel Aviv Terrorist Attack


Today, four people were killed and five were injured when terrorists fired shots into a crowded marketplace in Tel Aviv, Israel. The attackers were dressed as Hasidic Jews to disguise themselves. Two suspects are currently in Israeli custody. Hillary Clinton released a statement condemning the attacks saying that she stands with the Israeli people. Clinton’s full statement is below:

“I condemn the heinous terrorist attack in Tel Aviv today.  I send my deepest condolences to the families of those killed and I will continue to pray for the wounded. I stand in solidarity with the Israeli people in the face of these ongoing threats, and in unwavering support of the country’s right to defend itself. Israel’s security must remain non-negotiable.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Puerto Rico


On Tuesday, Bill Clinton remained in the Caribbean and campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Puerto Rico. Clinton attended organizing events in Bayamón, Cayey, and Ponce. At each of the events, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points, but spent most of his speeches outlining what she would do to help Puerto Rico. He said, “She strongly supports the right of the people of Puerto Rico to vote for president of the United States and to be treated equally under our laws. She thinks it’s time to resolve the status question once and for all with no ambiguity.” Clinton said that Hillary supported expanding health care access to the territory, giving its citizens the right to vote for president of the United States, help with rising energy costs, and assisting the Puerto Rican government pay off its debts. Although Puerto Ricans are not eligible to vote in November, they will have the opportunity to vote in the Democratic primary on June 5.

A fundraiser was held today on behalf of Hillary for America in Israel. The event was held in Tel Aviv and was hosted by Tracey Friedlander, Ricki Lieberman, and Tally Zingher. The fundraiser included a conversation with Sarah Bard.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Univision, NBC News

Tonight: Clinton Interview on CNN


Last night, Hillary Clinton and the remaining presidential candidates were interviewed on CNN. The three hour event, dubbed “The Final Five,” allowed each of the candidates to propose their final arguments before Tuesday’s primaries. During Clinton’s portion of the interview, Cooper asked her about her thoughts on Republican candidate Donald Trump and whether he would behave differently as president. She simply responded, “Who knows?”

Cooper than turned his questioning toward the primaries and her battle with Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. She dismissed suggestions that Sanders would be stronger in the general election saying that she is not a big believer in polls this far out from an election and at point where the final candidates haven’t been chosen. Clinton and Cooper also touch on a number of other topics including the Supreme Court, the United States’ relationship with Israel, and a number of platform topics. A video of Clinton’s interview with Cooper is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Addresses AIPAC


On Monday morning, Hillary Clinton addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She said, “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival.” Her comments were in direct opposition from those of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has not appeared to be as friendly toward Israel. Clinton assured Israelis that with her at the helm, Israel would would have the full support of the United States, and she would continue to supply Israel militarily, combat anti-Semitism, ensure Iran holds to its end of the recent nuclear agreement, and continue to combat Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah.

Her address has been criticized by some as pandering, but Clinton made it clear that she would continue President Barack Obama’s stance toward Israel while defending the nuclear agreement with Iran. Republican presidential candidates Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich were all scheduled to address AIPAC today as well. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders did not attend the event, but focused on Tuesday’s primaries instead. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below and a transcript is available HERE.

Clinton then went to Phoenix, Arizona for a rally before tomorrow’s primary. During her speech at Carl Hayden Community High School, Clinton talked about a number of her platform points including heath care, added assistance for small businesses, and immigration reform. She also spent part of speech talking about the current political environment. She vowed to work with Republicans and Democrats alike if elected president saying, “I don’t remember anything like this. I will do anything we can to find a common ground. Anger is not a strategy.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Phoenix Business Journal, The New York Times

Hillary on CNN’s State of the Union

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On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Jake Tapper in a prerecorded interview on CNN’s State of the Union. Tapper asked Clinton about her Nevada Caucus win and what she needs to do going forward to win the Democratic nomination. Clinton and Tapper also discussed a number of her platform points including the economy and finding common ground with Republicans. She was also asked about foreign policy points including the United States’ support of Israel. Watch the full interview below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Clinton Encourages Caucus Goers in Iowa


On Monday, Hillary Clinton hosted three Get Out the Caucus events and encouraged voters to caucus for her on February 1st. The first event of the day was in Waukee, where Clinton spoke to the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines about a number of platform topics, including the Iran nuclear deal and her support for Israel, before taking questions from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

A second Get Out the Caucus event was held in Knoxville. Clinton spoke about her clean energy plans and how it will benefit Iowa. She then spoke about her faith and her attitude toward charity and mercy. Clinton disagreed with those who use religion to criticize those they disagree with, saying that it goes against everything Christianity stands for. Because the bible teaches forgiveness and acceptance, she said, “My study of the Bible, my many conversations with people of faith, has led me to believe that the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” A of her speech is below.

The final campaign event of the day was in Oskaloosa, where Clinton gave a speech, and, again, answered questions from the audience. She covered a number of her platform points and asked for voters’ support on February 1st. Videos from the event are below.

Today, Clinton is hosting three events across Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton’s Statement on Iran

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Today, Hillary Clinton released a statement following the release of American prisoners being held by Iran and the implementation of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Clinton came out in support of the agreement with Iran but urged caution. In her statement, she continues to air on the side of caution and promises that, if elected president, she will continue to work with UN to ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons. The full text of her statement is below:

I am greatly relieved by the safe return of American prisoners from Iran. Their families and our country have waited and prayed for this day to come.

I also welcome the full implementation of the nuclear agreement, an important achievement of diplomacy backed by pressure. Implementation marks an important step forward in preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Iran has dismantled centrifuges, disabled a reactor, and shipped out almost all of its enriched uranium. These are important steps that make the United States, our allies, and the entire world safer. I congratulate President Obama and his team, and I’m proud of the role I played to get this process started.

But we shouldn’t thank Iran for the prisoners or for following through on its obligations. These prisoners were held unjustly by a regime that continues to threaten the peace and security of the Middle East. Another American, Bob Levinson, still isn’t home with his family. The treatment of our Navy sailors earlier this week was offensive, including the release of a demeaning and provocative video. Iran is still violating UN Security Council resolutions with its ballistic missile program, which should be met with new sanctions designations and firm resolve.

So we can’t take our eye off the ball. As President, my approach will be to distrust and verify. I will vigorously enforce the nuclear deal as part of a comprehensive strategy that confronts all of Iran’s negative actions in the region and stand side-by-side with our ally Israel and our Arab partners.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

Clinton Speaks at Brookings’ Saban Forum

During a speech at the Saban Forum, Hillary Clinton pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She spoke about ISIS and its threat to the world and Israeli security moving forward. Two major points to Israeli security include the nuclear agreement with Iran and working toward a negotiated peace between Israel and Palestine. Clinton is optimistic, but cautious, about the agreement with Iran saying that the world will need to strictly monitor and enforce the terms of the agreement. Clinton concluded her speech by praising Israel for its strength and resolve. Following her speech, Clinton answered questions from the audience, including questions about using the military to enforce the nuclear agreement with Iran, and how she would work to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. A full video of her speech and Q&A secession is above.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Pens Op-Ed About US-Israel Relations

11150142_891732904216573_1781032207063359201_nYesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton penned an op-ed that was published by Forward in which she outlines her plans for the relationship between the United States and Israel. Clinton pledged to support Israel and and vowed that she would continue to defend Israel as president. In the piece she says, “I am deeply committed to Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state, and just as convinced that the only way to guarantee that outcome is through diplomacy. And while no solution can be imposed from outside, I believe the United States has a responsibility to help bring Israelis and Palestinians to the table and to encourage the difficult but necessary decisions that will lead to peace. As president I will never stop working to advance the goal of two states for two peoples living in peace, security and dignity.”

Read the full op-ed by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Forward

Clinton Voices Support and Skepticism for Nuclear Agreement with Iran

This morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a highly anticipated speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. After being introduced by Brookings president Strobe Talbott, she voiced her support for the agreement between the United States and Iran, and took a strong stance on enforcement of the oversight introduced by the agreement and ensuring that Iran does not break the agreement. The key to ensuring safety in the region is limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities and ensuring oversight by the IAEA. Clinton’s primary focus was a continuing diplomatic approach to Iran, but she did not rule out a stronger response if Iran broke the agreement.

Clinton did not shy away from her skepticism of Iran and understands why many world leaders and politicians are skeptical as well. But a lot of work has gone in to getting Iran to the negotiating table and, while the agreement may not be perfect, it is a start. She addressed her success as Secretary of State of putting together a global sanctions package against Iran. As a result, many countries cut back its use of Iranian oil and cut off financial ties. This was successful because it was global, and the sanctions persuaded Iran to come to the negotiating table that ultimately led to this agreement.

Clinton admitted several times that the agreement isn’t perfect, and that continued work and strong enforcement are necessary to make it better over time. But it is better to have the oversight the agreement provides. It is up to the United States to ensure the deal is enforced by the global community. As president, she said that her strategy with Iran would be “distrust and verify,” and that if they cheated the deal, the United States and the world would respond swiftly and with strength.

She voiced her support for Israel and her understanding for the skepticism that has been voiced by Israeli leaders. As president, she would strongly support Israel, and ensuring the security of Israel is one of the primary pillars of Clinton’s foreign policy plan. She’s confident that Israel will be safer with this deal, and the oversight of Iran’s nuclear program, then without it.

Following her address, Clinton had a brief conversation with Martin Indyk, executive vice president of Brookings, in which she went in to more detail about the agreement and how to go about implementing it. The floor was then opened to the audience to ask questions. The full video from the event is above.

Source: The Guardian, Brookings