Clinton Calls for Tougher Efforts Against ISIS

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to defeat ISIS and combat global terrorism. Clinton outlined her plan in a speech during an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations (above), she made it clear that the United States would not back down or allow fear to soften our resolve. She called for the United States to increase its air strikes against ISIS. Following the attacks in Paris and the bombing of a Russian airliner, both of which ISIS has claimed responsibility, the Russian and French militaries have both increased air strikes. In addition to increased air strikes, she called for US Special Forces to train regional forces. Clinton also called for pressuring the governments of Iraq and Turkey to set aside their differences and unite in the fight against ISIS. For details of Clinton’s plan, watch the speech above or read a full transcript on The Briefing.

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News Source: The Briefing, CNN

Canada 2020 Conference

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hillary Clinton Attends Annual Tom Harkin Steak Fry In IowaHillary Rodham Clinton appeared at a conference sponsored by the think tank Canada 2020. The focus of her speech was largely on foreign issues, particularly the terrorist groups Boko Haram and ISIL. Clinton expressed her concern over ISIL and its growing influence saying, “I think the evidence is convincing, at least to me, that this is a group that will try to pick up where Al Qaeda in Afghanistan left off. What we were able to do, at great cost, to ferret out and decapitate the leadership of Al Qaeda, severely undermined their capacity as an organization.” Clinton expressed her support for military action to stop the group from expanding its territory and spreading its tactics.

Video from the event is currently unavailable and will be posted when/if available.

News and Image Source: Politico