NYT Publishes Clinton’s Op-Ed on Wall Street

LAS VEGAS, NV - OCTOBER 13:  (L-R) Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley take part in a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party's first presidential debate.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
LAS VEGAS, NV – OCTOBER 13: (L-R) Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley take part in a presidential debate sponsored by CNN and Facebook at Wynn Las Vegas on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Five Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the party’s first presidential debate. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

In an op-ed published in today’s New York Times, Hillary Clinton defended her Wall Street plan saying that it would be tough on big banks and investment firms, and hold them directly accountable for financial instability. During the two Democratic debates, Clinton was criticized by Senator Bernie Sanders for her close ties to Wall Street. Clinton’ Wall Street Plan, which she outlined in October, calls tougher regulations, but some say her plan is not tough enough on the banking industry. The full text of Clinton’s op-ed is below.

SEVEN years ago, the financial crisis sent our economy into a tailspin. Over five million people lost their homes. Nearly nine million lost their jobs. Nearly $13 trillion in household wealth was wiped out.

Under President Obama, our economy has come a long way back. Our businesses have created more than 13 million jobs. People’s savings are being restored. And we have tough new rules on the books, including the Dodd-Frank Act, that protect consumers and curb recklessness on Wall Street.

But not everyone sees that as a good thing. Republicans, both in Congress and on the campaign trail, are dead-set on rolling back critical financial protections.

Right now, Republicans in Congress are working to attach damaging deregulation riders to the must-pass spending bill. They’re attempting to defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They want to roll back common-sense efforts to prevent conflicts of interest by financial managers. And they’re trying to undo constraints on risk at some of the largest and most complex financial institutions.

President Obama and congressional Democrats should do everything they can to stop these efforts. But it’s not enough simply to protect the progress we have made. As president, I would not only veto any legislation that would weaken financial reform, but I would also fight for tough new rules, stronger enforcement and more accountability that go well beyond Dodd-Frank.

My comprehensive plan has already won praise from progressives like Sherrod Brown and Barney Frank. Here’s what it would do.

First, we need to further rein in major financial institutions. My plan proposes legislation that would impose a new risk fee on dozens of the biggest banks — those with more than $50 billion in assets — and other systemically important financial institutions to discourage the kind of hazardous behavior that could induce another crisis. I would also ensure that the federal government has — and is prepared to use — the authority and tools necessary to reorganize, downsize and ultimately break up any financial institution that is too large and risky to be managed effectively. No bank or financial firm should be too big to manage.

My plan would strengthen the Volcker Rule by closing the loopholes that still allow banks to make speculative gambles with taxpayer-backed deposits. And I would fight to reinstate the rules governing risky credit swaps and derivatives at taxpayer-backed banks, which were repealed during last year’s budget negotiations after a determined lobbying campaign by the banks.

My plan also goes beyond the biggest banks to include the whole financial sector. Some have urged the return of a Depression-era rule called Glass-Steagall, which separated traditional banking from investment banking. But many of the firms that contributed to the crash in 2008, like A.I.G. and Lehman Brothers, weren’t traditional banks, so Glass-Steagall wouldn’t have limited their reckless behavior. Nor would restoring Glass-Steagall help contain other parts of the “shadow banking” sector, including certain activities of hedge funds, investment banks and other non-bank institutions. My plan would strengthen oversight of these activities, too — increasing leverage and liquidity requirements for broker-dealers and imposing strict margin requirements on the kinds of short-term borrowing that also played a major role in spurring the financial crisis. We need to tackle excessive risk wherever it lurks, not just in the banks.

Second, I would appoint tough, independent regulators and ensure that both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are independently funded — as other critical regulators are now — so that they can do their jobs without political interference. I would seek to impose a tax on harmful high-frequency trading, which makes markets less stable and less fair. And we need to reform stock market rules to ensure equal access to information, increase transparency and minimize conflicts of interest.

Finally, executives need to be held more accountable. No one should be too big to jail. I would seek to extend the statute of limitations for major financial crimes to 10 years from five and enhance rewards for whistle-blowers. I would work to ensure that financial firms admit wrongdoing as part of settlements in instances of egregious misconduct, and increase transparency about the terms of settlement and the fines actually paid to the government. Fines should be more than just the cost of doing business to these companies — they should be an effective disincentive for illegal behavior.

And it shouldn’t just be shareholders and taxpayers who feel the pain when banks make bad decisions; executives should have skin in the game. When a firm pays a fine, I would make sure that the penalty cuts into executives’ bonuses, too. And I would fight to close the carried interest loophole that gives some fund managers billions of dollars in tax breaks: They should be taxed like every other citizen.

Republicans may have decided to forget about the financial crisis that caused so much devastation — but I haven’t. The proper role of Wall Street is to help Main Street grow and prosper. When our financial sector works the right way, it helps families buy their first homes, entrepreneurs start and grow small businesses and hardworking Americans save for retirement. Rather than pursuing the kind of high-stakes speculation that devastated our economy before, Wall Street should focus on building an economy that creates good-paying jobs, rising incomes and sound investments so that more families can achieve the security of a middle-class life.

Today, Clinton was scheduled to attend private fundraisers in the Washington, DC area. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Announces Plans for Coal Communities

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign unveiled plans to assist communities whose economies rely on coal as the infrastructure shifts to renewable energy. In her plan, Clinton calls for $30 billion in funding for communities who are suffering from the decrease in coal consumption. Clinton’s plan is detailed on The Briefing, but an outline of the plan is below.

  • Honoring our Commitments
    • Ensure health and retirement security
    • Reform the black lung benefit program
    • Safeguard funding for local schools
  • Investing for the Future
    • Build a 21st century infrastructure
    • Repurpose mine lands and power plan sites
    • Expand broadband access
    • Expand clean energy on federal lands and for existing dams
    • Increase public investment in research and development
    • Attract private investment through an improved New Markets Tax Credit and zero capital gains taxes
  • Locally Driven Economic Development
    • Entrepreneurship and small business development
    • Education and training
    • Heath and wellness
    • Arts and culture
    • Housing

Overall, Clinton’s plan for coal communities is just one part of her comprehensive energy and climate platform. The other areas of the plan include:

  1. Expanding and investing in Clean Energy
  2. Modernizing North American Infrastructure
  3. Ensure the safe and responsible production of fossil fuels
  4. Energy and climate security
  5. Collaborative Stewardship

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, Time

Clinton Unveils Energy Plan

Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled her energy plan after coming out against the Keystone XL Pipeline earlier this week. In a blog post on Medium, Clinton announced her plan to make the United States “the clean energy superpower of the 21st century”. Her plan calls for a series of infrastructure improvements including repairing and replacing outdated oil and gas lines, increase safety of railroad transpiration, and enhancing the security of the current energy grid. She is also calling for new resources including a National Infrastructure Bank, grants, accelerated federal investment, and innovation. She is also proposing the creation of a North American Climate Compact to encourage the US, Canada, and Mexico to work together to reduce their impact on the environment and combat climate change. Full details of Clinton’s plan can be viewed on The Briefing.

In her blog post, Clinton outlined this and explained why she opposes the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Her full post is below:

When I was secretary of state, the department began reviewing an application to build a pipeline that would bring Canadian oil sands crude across the border, run more than a thousand miles through the American heartland, and terminate in Nebraska — Keystone XL.

As the secretary who initiated the review, I refrained from commenting on the pipeline after I left the federal government. I didn’t want to get ahead of President Obama while the process was still underway — because the decision was and is his to make.

Since the application was filed, the effects of climate change have grown more acute. More than 8 million acres have burned in the United States so far this wildfire season. California is in the fourth year of a historic drought scientists say has been made worse by climate change. More severe storms and extreme heat waves have wreaked havoc around the world.

I have come to feel I can’t stay silent on an issue that matters so much to so many. Though I wanted to give the president space to make a decision, the process has taken far longer than I expected. I want the American people to know where I stand. That’s why I am making it clear:

I am opposed to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

We shouldn’t be building a pipeline dedicated to moving North America’s dirtiest fuel through our communities — we should be focused on what it will take to make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. For too long, the Keystone XL pipeline has been a distraction from the real challenges facing our energy sector — and the job-creating investments that we should be making to meet them. Building a clean, secure, and affordable North American energy future is bigger than Keystone XL or any other single project. That’s what I will focus on as president.

That’s why today I am announcing a comprehensive strategy to modernize American energy infrastructure and forge a new partnership with Canada and Mexico to combat climate change across the continent, unleashing billions in investment, delivering reliable and affordable energy, protecting the health of our families and communities, and creating good-paying jobs and careers.

The United States trades as much energy with Canada and Mexico each year as with all other countries combined, through a deeply integrated pipeline network, rail system, and electrical grid. As President, I will immediately launch negotiations with Canada and Mexico to forge a North American Climate Compact that sets strong national targets to cut carbon pollution, so all three countries demonstrate a commitment to climate action; provides accountability measures, so each country has confidence that the others are living up to their end of the bargain; and creates certainty for investors and confidence in the future of our climate, so we can all marshal resources equal to the challenges we face.

In recent years, American communities have endured toxic pipeline spills and rail car explosions. We have yet to harness new technologies that reduce costs and increase consumer choice or to sufficiently protect the grid against the growing threat of cyber-attack. Even as states and the Obama administration have worked to accelerate clean energy deployment, we need to do more. Simply put, our infrastructure has not kept pace with the changing energy sector.

To help unleash the investment we need, I will create a national infrastructure bank that leverages public and private capital, and work with Congress to close corporate tax loopholes and increase transportation funding to cut commute times, oil consumption, and pollution. Along with my Clean Energy Challenge to boost low-carbon electricity, improve building efficiency, and make our cars and trucks cheaper to fuel and cleaner to operate, these steps will create jobs and opportunity across the country.

Our more than 2 million miles of oil and natural gas pipes are in disrepair, resulting in oil spills, chronic methane leaks, and even devastating explosions. I will strengthen national pipeline safety regulations and partner with pipeline operators, local regulators, and technology providers in repairing and replacing thousands of miles of the country’s oldest pipes.

Over the past five years, a 20-fold increase in the amount of oil shipped by rail has led to devastating accidents. My plan speeds up the retirement of the oldest and riskiest train cars, repairs track defects, and guarantees first responders and the public have better information about oil and hazardous materials passing through their communities.

We must also invest in grid security and resilience. My plan creates a new threat assessment team to improve coordination and protect our grid from cyberattack, and strengthens the grid to reliably and affordably meet both base load and peak demand.

American energy policy is about more than a single pipeline to transport Canada’s dirtiest fuel across our country. It’s about building our future — a future where the United States will once again lead the world by constructing state-of-the-art infrastructure, creating new jobs and new markets, accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy, and improving the health, safety, and security of all Americans.

For all the latest updates, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Guardian, Medium

Clinton Unveils Agricultural Agenda in Iowa

635761983634981910-0827-Clinton-Rural-Policy-03Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Ankeny, Iowa to discuss her plan to support rural, agricultural America. After being introduced by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at the Des Moines Area Community College, Clinton unveiled her plan that includes investments in rural areas including focusing on rural transportation, streamlining the process for community banks, investment in water and broadband infrastructure, and improving Agriculture Department grant programs. Other facets of the plan includes raising the production of agricultural products and making the product more profitable for farmers, promoting a use of clean energy and renewable energy sources, and expanding opportunities for those in rural communities by expanding Head Start, affordable education, and affordable healthcare.

A full video from today’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

Following the event, Clinton answered questions from reporters where she discussed her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. She expressed regret and said that she believes in transparency. She said, “I know people have raised questions about my email use as secretary of state, and I understand why. I get it. So here’s what I want the American people to know: My use of personal email was allowed by the State Department. It clearly wasn’t the best choice. I should’ve used two emails: one personal, one for work. I take responsibility for that decision, and I want to be as transparent as possible, which is why I turned over 55,000 pages, why I’ve turned over my server, why I’ve agreed to — in fact, been asking to — and have finally gotten a date to testify before a congressional committee in October. I’m confident that this process will prove that I never sent, nor received, any email that was marked classified.

A video from Clinton’s press conference is available on C-SPAN and is available below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in the Cleveland, Ohio area. In the meantime, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video from press conference.

News Source: Des Moines Register, Time, The New York Times (2)

Clinton Outlines Climate Plan in Des Moines

In Des Moines, Iowa Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined her plans to combat climate change and invest in clean energy after touring green-certified transit station. In her plan, she called for cutting incentives to oil companies, extending tax credits for clean energy development, and continued investment in solar and wind energy. Clinton indicated that her plan would move the economy toward decarbonization by 2050 and provide enough renewable energy sources to power every American home by 2027.

The plan is ambitious, and she said that in the coming weeks she will outline plans to pay for the changes she is planning on making. She said, “A lot of these changes will pay for themselves. So there will be front-end money needed. But there are ways of making those investments and getting a return on those investments that will redound to the benefits of the American taxpayer. So I will be talking about energy and climate security, modernizing North American infrastructure, about safe and responsible production, especially making sure tax payers get a fair deal for development on public lands and areas that I think are too sensitive for production that should be taken off the table.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton will attend the National Urban League Convention in Florida later this week. Until then, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: Politico (1) (2)

Clinton Talks Capital Gains Tax in New York

hillary25n-1-webHillary Rodham Clinton continued to outline her economic policy today during a speech at the Stern Business School on the campus of NYU. The primary point of her speech was to unveil her focus on curbing short-term investments by increasing taxes on short-term capital gains. Clinton criticized businesses for focusing on short-term profits and ignoring long-term growth. Today’s speech outlined one of many points in Clinton’s economic policies should she win the White House. Throughout the summer, Clinton has outlined her political platform and is expected to continue to do so in the coming weeks and months.

A video of Clinton’s full speech is available on C-SPAN.

New Source: International Business Times, Vox