Statement from HFA on Report that Trump Rented to Iranian Bank Linked to Terrorism


On Monday, The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists released a report that revealed the Trump Organization rented office space to an Iranian bank linked to terrorism. Hillary for America senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan released the following statement in response:

“Today’s report that Trump’s organization did business with a sanctioned Iranian bank—one that has played a role in supporting Iran’s nuclear program and supported groups like Hezbollah and Hamas—shows yet again that Trump puts his own business interests ahead of the national interest. This report exposes Trump’s hypocrisy on Iran. As with Cuba, he talks a big game but when it comes to making a buck, he’ll deal with anyone. The conflicts of interest presented by Trump’s business and his own desire to boost his bottom line above all else demonstrate clearly why voters should know more about Trump’s business deals and what they mean for how he’ll govern.”

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News Source: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists