Hillary Clinton Interviewed on Face The Nation

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This morning’s episode of CBS’s Face the Nation featured an interview with Hillary Clinton. Host John Dickerson filmed the interview with Clinton on Friday, and during their conversation, they discussed whether Democratic rival Bernie Sanders should drop out of the race and the current status of the FBI investigation into her email. The majority of their conversation was about Clinton’s strategy against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Clinton called Trump a “loose cannon,” and she pointed out the number of high profile Republicans who have said that they cannot back Trump. She said, “The Republicans themselves are raising questions about their presumptive nominee. And I think that’s in large measure, John, because they do understand how hard the job of being president is. When you have former presidents, when you have high-ranking Republican officials in Congress raising questions about their nominee–I don’t think it’s personal, so much as rooted in their respect for the office and their deep concern about what kind of leader he would be.” A video of the full interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in WV,OH, Sits Down with MSNBC


On Tuesday, while voters in Indiana headed to the polls in their primary, Hillary Clinton attended events in West Virginia and Ohio. She began in Charleston, West Virginia where she took part in a discussion that addressed addiction and the drug epidemic plaguing West Virginia. Clinton listened as several people told their stories, and she spoke about her plans to combat the drug epidemic that is an issue across the country. Clinton spoke about her plan to combat addiction and provide assistance to those recovering from it.

Clinton then went to Athens, Ohio where she offered a optimistic view of the future and covered a number of her platform points that will ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to rise. She spoke about plans to help local job creation, investments in education and training programs, and her plan to offer community college for free. She said, “I will fight for you and your families every day, whether you vote for me or not. I will be your partner and I will not for one moment give up,” Clinton recognizes that she faces an uphill battle attracting voters in Appalachia, but she will fight for everyone including those who “may find it hard to vote for any Democrat or for me in particular.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton was also interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. During the interview, Clinton said that she is focused on the general election and campaigning against Republican front runner Donald Trump. She said, “I think that’s where we have to be, because we’re going to have a tough campaign against a candidate who will literally say or do anything. And we’re going to take him on at every turn on what’s really important to the people of our country.” Mitchell asked Clinton questions about a number of other topics including her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, the protesters she encountered in West Virginia, the continued FBI investigation into her email, and her speeches to Goldman Sachs. A full video from the interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC, WSAZ, West Virginia Metro News, The Columbus Dispatch

Hillary Interviewed on CNBC

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On Friday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed by John Harwood live on CNBC. Appearing on this afternoon’s episode of Closing Bell, Clinton was asked about her primary race against Bernie Sanders, her thoughts on Republican rival Donald Trump, and about the continued FBI investigation into her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. Clinton said that she is focuses on helping the middle class and protecting jobs in the United States, something that her Republican rivals have not talked about. Clips from the interview can be watched at the following links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNBC (1, 2)

Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press


On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton appeared live on NBC’s Meet the Press. She appeared via satellite feed live from Iowa where she is currently campaigning. During the interview, host Chuck Todd asked Clinton about speaking fees she has accepted from Wall Street banks, the continued investigation into her private email server, and whether she believes her 2016 campaign mirrors her 2008 campaign. On the question about her current campaign lacking enthusiasm, she replied, “I can only react to what I’m doing, feeling, getting responses from people. I feel really great that we have the level of enthusiasm that we do. And we also have a really good team on the ground that’s been working for months to make sure it’s not here today, gone tomorrow.” A video from the interview will be added when/if available. For now, a transcript is available HERE.

Clinton had three events scheduled today in Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Yahoo Politics

Hillary for America Writes Open Letter to The New York Times

Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.
Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

After releasing a false story about a criminal investigation into the use of a personal email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Clinton campaign has released an open letter criticizing the inaccurate reporting by The New York Times. The letter, penned by communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was directed to Dean Baquet, the executive editor. The story originally said that the Department of Justice had been urged to open a criminal investigation. The story was later corrected to indicate the investigation was not criminal in nature but was a “security referral.”

In the letter, Palmieri wrote about the lack of response time given to the campaign by the news organization and she questioned the sources used for the article. She concluded by saying, “In closing, I wish to emphasize our genuine wish to have a constructive relationship with The New York Times. But we also are extremely troubled by the events that went into this erroneous report, and will be looking forward to discussing our concerns related to this incident so we can have confidence that it is not repeated in the future.”

Read the full letter by CLICKING HERE.

News Source: Business Insider, Hillary for America

Clinton Previews her Climate Policy in Iowa

BN-JO257_CLINTO_P_20150726171839Yesterday, Clinton kicked off a three-day visit to Iowa by attending a campaign event in Winterset, Iowa where she spoke with supporters then answered questions from reporters. A number of questions were about allegations that Clinton sent and received classified information on her private email server as Secretary of State and a possible investigation by the Department of Justice. She denies the claims saying, “I am confident I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. What I think you’re seeing is a very typical kind of discussion to some extent, disagreement among various parts of the government over what should or what should not be publicly released.”

On Saturday, Clinton also gave a speech and answered questions at an event at Beaverdale. A video from this event is posted above.

Today, Clinton gave a speech in Ames at an organizing event where she previewed her plans to combat climate change and her commitment to clean energy. Tomorrow, Clinton will provide full details of her plan in a speech in Des Moines. In her preview, Clinton took the opportunity to criticize the Republican presidential candidates who deny climate change is a reality saying, “Those people on the other side, they will answer any question about climate change by saying I’m not a scientist. I’m not a scientist either—I’m just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain…I know that if we start addressing it, we’re going to actually be creating jobs and new businesses.”

A video from today’s speech will be posted when/if it becomes available. Until then, watch the video released by the Clinton campaign about climate change.

Tomorrow, Clinton concluded her three-day trip to Iowa in Des Moines. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

Updated (8/5/2015): Added video from the event in Beaverdale.

News Source: Politico, The Wall Street Journal