Bill Clinton, Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


On Wednesday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Iowa. His first stop was in Indianola where he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points before challenging Donald Trump’s vision of America. Bill criticized the Trump campaign for its “venom and poison and nastiness,” and he also went after the campaign’s slogan “make America great again.” Bill said he did not like what that implied saying, “That’s an economic and a social message. It is (a message that says), ‘We’ve become too diverse and I’ll move you back up the social totem pole and give you the economy you had 50 years ago.’” Following the event, Bill traveled to his next stop, but made a surprise stop for coffee in Ames. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Bill’s final event of the day was an organizing event in Waterloo. Speaking for nearly an hour, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points saying that while there has been progress, some people are not seeing it. But Bill said that he does not buy into Trump’s vision of America. “I have heard now for a year and a half how terrible America is, how we’re going to hell in a handbasket, how we’re being by overrun by people from somewhere else, and it’s us against them. So, here we are in Waterloo, you’ve got an African-American mayor. I met in the line people associated with every religion, from at least five different European countries … and at least two Muslims. That’s America,” he said. Bill called for an inclusive country saying that our diverse population is our country’s biggest asset. A video from the event is below.

Anne Holton, meanwhile, spoke at events in Manchester and Salem, New Hampshire. During each event, Holton focused on Hillary’s platform plans to expand education for the youngest Americans as well as those who are going to college. Holton, the former Secretary of Education for Virginia, has been holding roundtable events for the campaign since her husband, Tim Kaine, was announced as Hillary’s running mate. Videos from the events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Des Moines Register, Iowa State Daily, The Courier, NH1

Clinton Steps-Up in Iowa


Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa, where the polls between her and Democratic rival Bernie Sanders have tightened considerably. Last night, Clinton hosted an organizing event in Burlington where she spoke about the specifics of her platform. She said that her agenda may be ambitious, but she also stressed the importance of working together and listening to good ideas from anyone, not just people she agrees with politically. She said, “We may not always agree, but we will always have a conversation where I’m hearing you and we’re talking about the path forward.”

Clinton attended two organizing events today. The first was in Indianola where she changed her tone and went directly after Sanders. She broke from her usual pattern and mentioned Sanders by name several times. She spoke about her experience with health care and foreign policy and his lack of experience. Most importantly, she spoke about her record of getting things done. She criticized Sanders’ plans and his readiness for the presidency saying, “Theory isn’t enough. A President has to deliver in reality.”

At an the event in Vinton, Clinton continued the theme of the speech she gave in Indianola calling attention to the progress that has been made with health care and criticizing Sanders for wanting to scrap it and start over. She said that Sanders has been working to pass the single-payer heath care proposal for over 25 years, but has failed to gain much support. “He never got even a single vote in the House or a single Senate co-sponsor. Not one. You hear a promise to build a whole new system, but that’s not what you get. … You’ll get gridlock and an endless wait for advances that never come.”


Clinton wrapped up the day with an appearance at an event at the University of Iowa in Iowa City with singer-songwriter Demi Lovato. While the crowd of 1,600 were there to see Lovato perform, Clinton spoke to the crowd briefly about her plans as president and criticized Republicans and Bernie Sanders for their positions on a number of topics. This is not the first time Lovato has appeared at an event with Clinton, but it is the first public event. A video will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to New Hampshire for three separate events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, KWQC, CNN, The Hill, KWWL