Hillary Clinton Interviewed by Anderson Cooper

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On Wednesday, following her loss in Indiana and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump now being the presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. During the interview, Cooper asked Clinton about the Democratic race and whether she thought it was over. She said that in 2008 she fought until June, and she expects Bernie Sanders to do the same. Cooper also asked if she was ready to take on Trump in the general election to which she replied with a resounding yes. She spoke about Trump saying, “I don’t think we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump running our country. I do think he is a loose cannon, and loose cannons tend to misfire.” A full video from the interview is below.

Today, Clinton also attended a “Break Down Barriers” conversation in Washington, DC hosted by Women for Hillary. The event featured a number of panelists including Eva Longoria, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Ilyse Hogue, and Maya Harris. The event was moderated by Cheryl Mills.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Second in Indiana Primary

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.

At the closing of polls in Indiana’s primary, the one thing that was for certain was that the race between Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was going to be close. The race has been called in favor of Sanders and with 99.9% reporting, Sanders leads with 52.7% to Clinton’s 47.3%. With such a narrow margin, the number of delegates assigned to Sanders will not be enough for him to make a dent in Clinton’s delegate lead.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in WV,OH, Sits Down with MSNBC


On Tuesday, while voters in Indiana headed to the polls in their primary, Hillary Clinton attended events in West Virginia and Ohio. She began in Charleston, West Virginia where she took part in a discussion that addressed addiction and the drug epidemic plaguing West Virginia. Clinton listened as several people told their stories, and she spoke about her plans to combat the drug epidemic that is an issue across the country. Clinton spoke about her plan to combat addiction and provide assistance to those recovering from it.

Clinton then went to Athens, Ohio where she offered a optimistic view of the future and covered a number of her platform points that will ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to rise. She spoke about plans to help local job creation, investments in education and training programs, and her plan to offer community college for free. She said, “I will fight for you and your families every day, whether you vote for me or not. I will be your partner and I will not for one moment give up,” Clinton recognizes that she faces an uphill battle attracting voters in Appalachia, but she will fight for everyone including those who “may find it hard to vote for any Democrat or for me in particular.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton was also interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. During the interview, Clinton said that she is focused on the general election and campaigning against Republican front runner Donald Trump. She said, “I think that’s where we have to be, because we’re going to have a tough campaign against a candidate who will literally say or do anything. And we’re going to take him on at every turn on what’s really important to the people of our country.” Mitchell asked Clinton questions about a number of other topics including her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, the protesters she encountered in West Virginia, the continued FBI investigation into her email, and her speeches to Goldman Sachs. A full video from the interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC, WSAZ, West Virginia Metro News, The Columbus Dispatch

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Kentucky


While voters headed to the polls in Indiana, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Kentucky, a state that holds its primary on May 17. Clinton began by touring the Morehead State’s Space Science Center and giving a speech to supporters. He spoke about the economy, the future of education, and the continued expansion of health care coverage. He praised the university for its work in the science and space sector saying, “The No. 1 export industry in the Commonwealth of Kentucky is not bourbon, it’s not coal, or is it cars. The No. 1 export industry in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, an $8 billion industry, is the aeronautics and aerospace industry.”

Clinton then traveled to Lexington where he spoke to a group of supporters on the campus of the University of Kentucky. During his speech, Clinton spoke about health care and how Kentucky was one of the best states in the country with regard to the Affordable Care Act. The exchanges were well maintained and Medicaid coverage was helping those who were underinsured. But he said that “you elected a Republican governor” who “wrecked” it. He was referring to Governor Matt Bevin who has dismantled the Affordable Care Act framework in the state. Clinton also spoke about an number of Hillary’s platform points including the economy and bringing down the cost of higher education.

The final event of the day was in Louisville where he gave a stump speech to supporters at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage. Clinton spoke about Hillary’s plans for the future and her long career of fighting for the middle class. While in Louisville, he also made a number of unscheduled stops downtown where he wondered into shops and visited with the owners and clients. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first, was in New Orleans, Louisiana at the home of Jason Waguespack. Attending the event was former Congressman Barney Frank. The second event was a conversation about health care with Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary. The event was hosted by Michael Bronfein in Baltimore, Maryland.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: LEX18, The Daily Independent, Kentucky Kernel, Lexington Herald-Leader, Courier-Journal

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by CNN, Attends Events in IN, MI

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail visiting Indiana and Michigan. Her first appearance of the day was in a taped interview on this morning’s State of the Union on CNN. During her interview with Jake Tapper, Clinton refused to call herself the presumptive nominee for the Democratic nomination saying that while she was ahead, there is still work to be done. She also said that she would be willing to work with rival Bernie Sanders in building a progressive platform for the Democratic Party going forward. A video of the full interview is below.

Clinton began her public events today in Indianapolis, Indiana where she spoke at an organizing event. She focused on the importance of the 2016 election and how it will affect key policies and the Supreme Court going forward. Clinton spoke about her manufacturing plans saying, “Indiana has so much potential for the future and I want it to be part of the kind of positive, confident future I’m offering in this election.” Clinton went on to criticize Indiana Governor Mike Pence and the Republican controlled General Assembly for placing strict restriction on abortion access and the passage of a right-to-work law. She said, “I worry very much, and I don’t mean this to be partisan or political, but if you look at what built the American middle class, it really had a lot to do with the rise of the American labor movement. So all the efforts you are seeing in Republican-dominated states to erode (and) undercut unions, I think makes it harder for us to raise middle-class wages, to raise the opportunity for people to go further, to really rebuild the middle class.” A full video from the event is below.

Clinton traveled to Michigan where she was the keynote speaker at the Detroit NAACP Annual Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner. During her speech, she spoke about a number of platform topics including criminal justice reform, prison reform, gun control, and the refinancing of student loan debt. Clinton said that she wanted to continue to the progress of the last eight years. Speaking about President Barack Obama, Clinton said “We cannot let Barack Obama’s legacy fall into Donald Trump’s hands.” A full video of her speech is below.

While in Michigan, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Birmingham that was hosted by Jerry and Caryn Acker, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hadidi, Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans, Barry and Nicole Goodman, Patti Kukula, and Suzanne Shank.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Detroit Free Press, New York Daily News, Indy Star

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Indiana


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Indiana ahead of Tuesday’s primary. This morning, Bill attended the Howard County Democratic Party’s Pre-Primary Pancake Breakfast in Kokomo. He spoke briefly about Hillary’s platform plans and criticized Republicans for their constant attacks on Hillary. He focused on manufacturing, a topic that is very important to Indianans. He said, “One of the most interesting victories she had in this election was in Ohio. She won by twice the margin she was predicted to win by because they were interested in building tomorrow’s manufacturing economy, not pretending we could go back to yesterday.” A video of his speech is below.

In Fort Wayne, Bill spoke to Hillary’s supporters saying that she was the most prepared candidate to be prepared. After being introduced by Mayor Tom Henry, Indiana Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly and former Indiana governor and U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh, Bill spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including health care, higher education, and the economy. Once again, he spoke about manufacturing jobs and their importance in continued economic growth. A video from the event held at McMillen Park Community Center is below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Gary where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at 504 Broadway. He spoke about Hillary’s experience and her drive to change things saying, “You need a change maker, not a change talker.” He also spoke about a number of her platform points including health care, economic growth, jobs, gun control, and the cost of higher education. Bill spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and asked for voters’ support on Tuesday.

Hillary will be in Indianapolis tomorrow. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Chicago Tribune, WTHR, News-Sentinel

Clintons Campaign Across the Country

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On Friday, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail and fundraising for Hillary for America. Chelsea was the only Clinton holding public events today. She began in Kentucky where she held an organizing event at the opening of the new Hillary for America office in Lexington. Chelsea addressed supporters who turned out to greet her saying that her mother is the best candidate for president because of her experience and her willingness to work with those who have good ideas, not just people who are a part of the Democratic Party. While in the area, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser in Frankfort that was hosted by Jennifer A. Moore and The Honorable Crit Luallen and Lynn Luallen.

Chelsea then traveled to Indiana where she spoke with supporters at the Hillary for Indiana office in Indianapolis. She spoke about Hillary’s plans to continue the improvement of the health care system and the expansion of early childhood education. As a mother, and a mother to be, Chelsea said that she believes that Hillary is the best candidate for her children’s future. She spoke about her mother’s experience saying, “… it really matters to me that my mom is the only person running for president who has a strong record in being able to deliver progress in areas like healthcare reform and education reform and women’s rights and human rights that she doesn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, that she’s willing to work with whomever she needs to work with to be able to get the job done.” While in Indianapolis, Chelsea attended a fundraiser hosted by Senator Evan Bayh, Susan Bayh, and Melina Kennedy.

Bill was in Florida where he attended a series of fundraisers. The first was in Tallahassee and was hosted at the home of Allison Tant and Barry Richard. The second event was in Sarasota and hosted by Nancy Parrish. The final event of his was was in Heathrow and hosted by John Morgan.

Hillary fundraised in New York where she began at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Then, she attended a fundraiser in Queens that included a conversation with Congressman Joe Crowley and Congresswoman Grace Meng. As with all fundraisers, they were closed to the press.

This weekend, they return to the campaign trail in advance of Tuesday’s primary in Indiana. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WKYT, Fox 59

Hillary and Bill Clinton Campaign in Indiana


On Tuesday while five states in the Northeast voted, Hillary Clinton turned her focus to Indiana which holds their primary on May 3. She focused on manufacturing today stopping at two local manufacturers. Hillary began in Hammond where she toured and spoke to employees at Munster Steel Co. She then traveled to employees at AM General in Mishawaka. At both stops, Hillary touted her “Make it in America” manufacturing plan and her focus on keeping jobs in America. She praised AM General for their steel work for German car company Mercedes-Benz saying, “You have Mercedes-Benz vehicles, a German company’s vehicles, being made here in this great American plant and being exported to China. So that proves if we are smart and we are determined, we can out-work and out-compete anybody anywhere, and that is my goal.” A video of Hillary’s speech in Hammond is below.

Bill Clinton also made a stop in Indiana today and held an organizing event in Indianapolis. Speaking for nearly forty minutes, Bill covered a number of Hillary’s platform topics and criticized her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders for his plans which he called unrealistic. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s manufacturing plan and rewarding companies that keep their plants in United States. Other topics Bill covered included the economy, education, and labor unions. A video of his speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WGNTV, WNDU, South Bend Tribune, Indy Star

Clinton Raises Funds in Indiana and Minnesota

2016_Presidential_Race__Hillary_Clinton__3093610000_20217281_ver1.0_640_480On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Cindy Simon Skjodt in Carmel, Indiana. Following her stop in Indiana, Clinton also attended a private fundraiser in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the home of former General Mills Foundation leader, Ellen Goldberg Luger. Like all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press.

You can follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WISH-TV, Bring Me the News