Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Foreign Policy


Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by Foreign Policy magazine. The endorsement is the first of its kind from the publication as it has never endorsed a political candidate for any office. Explaining their reasoning for breaking their tradition of staying out of politics, the editorial board said, “We cherish and fiercely protect this publication’s independence and its reputation for objectivity, and we deeply value our relationship with all of our readers, regardless of political orientation. It is for all these reasons that FP’s editors are now breaking with tradition to endorse Hillary Clinton for the next president of the United States.” They continued to explain that Clinton’s broad background in government makes her uniquely qualified for the White House while Republican Donald Trump provides new reasons each day why he is not. Read the board’s full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

New Source: Foreign Policy

Happy Independence Day!


Hillary Clinton Statement on Juneteenth


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton released a statement celebrating the Juneteenth Independence Day. The day celebrates the abolition of slavery in Texas in June 1865, two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. In the statement, Clinton acknowledges the long struggle that came after the end of slavery for the African American community and their fight to earn equal rights and the right to vote. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“One hundred and fifty-three years ago, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It took two more years for the men, women, and children who lived their lives in bondage in Galveston, Texas, to learn that the Civil War was over—and they were free at last. Today, we celebrate and honor those who fought to end the grotesque institution of slavery, and we recommit ourselves to the work that remains.

Our country’s long struggle with racism is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled—more than a century and a half after slavery was outlawed—race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We need to face that reality, and fix it.

America is stronger together. When all people can share in the promise of our country. When every child has the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential. When we lift each other up. And when we all come together to build a more perfect union.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Bill Clinton on the Campaign Trail


This week, Bill Clinton began hosting private and public events on behalf of his wife and Hillary for America. On Thursday, Clinton visited Cedar Rapids and Dubuque, Iowa where he took the opportunity to meet with several voters and hold two organizing events. His speeches were similar in that he spoke about the importance of electing a Democrat as president in 2016, and the best candidate for the job is Hillary Clinton. He spoke of her qualifications, and said that she is the best qualified person for the job. He said, “I do not believe in my lifetime, we have had a president that was more prepared, not only by experience but by temperament, to step in to this incredible mix of promise and peril. Ever. I don’t think it’s close.” A video from one of his speeches is below.

Former president Clinton also attended several private fundraisers over the last several days. Beginning on Wednesday, January 6, Clinton attended a New York City fundraiser hosted by the NY Film and TV for Hillary. On Friday, Clinton was scheduled to attend a fundraiser at the Paradise Valley, Arizona home of Dr. Nadeem and Hajra Kazi. He then flew to Seattle, Washington to attend a fundraiser at the Century Ballroom. Today, he was scheduled to appear at a fundraiser hosted by James Griffin in Los Ranchos, New Mexico before flying to Ohio to attend a fundraiser at the DiGeronimo Residence in Independence. As with all private fundraisers, they were closed to the press.

Next week, the former president gets a break, but Chelsea Clinton will hit the campaign trail in support of her mother. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 2

Hillary Rodham Clinton concluded her second trip to Iowa today in Cedar Falls. Clinton’s primary focus today was small businesses, and she took part in a discussion with small business owners and local residents. As with her first trip to Iowa a few weeks ago, Clinton listened as small business owners talked about their struggles. She made it clear that she was in favor of making small business ownership easier saying, “I want to be the small-business president.” She outlined four areas she intends to turn her focus in assisting small business owners: reducing bureaucratic processes, simplifying the tax code, new tax credits, and access to financing.

After the roundtable discussion, Clinton took questions from reporters. She has been criticized for not talking to the press lately. Media outlets reported that it had been 28 days since Clinton last took a question from a reporter. Following the event, she answered questions from the media, which can be seen in the video below.

After leaving Cedar Rapids, Clinton made an unannounced stop in Independence, Iowa where she visited a number of small businesses.

Clinton is scheduled to appear in Chicago tomorrow. Keep up to date with all the latest campaign stops by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register (Article 1) (Article 2), The Gazette

Video Source: YouTube