Clinton Supports Buffett Rule

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton laughs as billionaire investor Warren Buffett speaks at a Clinton Grassroots Organizing Event in Omaha, Nebraska, Decenber 16, 2015.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton laughs as billionaire investor Warren Buffett speaks at a Clinton Grassroots Organizing Event in Omaha, Nebraska, Decenber 16, 2015.

Today in Omaha, Nebraska, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of billionaire investor Warren Buffet. He introduced Clinton during an event held at Sokol Auditorium where she gave a speech outlining part of her tax plan, including her support of the Buffett Rule. The proposed Buffett Rule would set a minimum tax rate on individuals making over one million dollars a year. With the loopholes of the tax system, many who making over $250,000 a year pay a lower percentage in taxes than someone making significantly less. Clinton said that her agenda would increase taxes on the wealthy to ensure they pay their fair share while cutting taxes for the middle class. She also outlined a number of tax credits that would be made available for heath care and care for the elderly. Clinton said, “I want to be the president for the struggling, the striving and the successful.” A video of Buffett’s introduction and Clinton’s speech is below.

This afternoon, Clinton also attended an event in Iowa. Details will be posted later. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, KETV

Clinton Campaigns in South Carolina


Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two campaign events in South Carolina. The first was a town hall event in Orangeburg that was held on the campus of Claflin University. The event was hosted by the South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus and moderated by Roland Martin. Martin and Clinton discussed the new unemployment figures, her plans to improve the infrastructure and raise incomes, the reclassification of marijuana, and charter schools. After their initial discussion, Martin opened the floor to questions from those in attendance. A full video from the event is below and available on CSPAN.

Clinton then went to Columbia where she was the keynote speaker at an event hosted by SC Equality, a group that has fought for equal rights for the LGBT community. During her speech, Clinton vowed to pass the federal Equality Act expanding civil rights laws to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. She told the story of a transgender South Carolina teen who was forced to remove her makeup and “look male” for her drivers license photo. The teen, Chase Culpepper, fought for the rules to be changed. Clinton praised Culpepper for her bravery and credited SC Equality for laying the groundwork necessary to allow her to stand up for her rights. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Washington Post, The State

Clinton Releases New Ads Championing Working Women

On Tuesday, Hillary for America released four new advertisements that will air in Iowa and New Hampshire that champion working women. In the ads, Hillary Rodham Clinton is portrayed as a fighter for women’s rights. The ads highlight several key points of Clinton’s platform including: equal pay, college affordability, and raising middle class incomes. The commercials are available to watch on Clinton’s official YouTube channel and are included in this post.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton Address National Council of La Raza Conference

Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed the National Council of La Raza Conference in Kansas City, Missouri this afternoon. During her speech, she built upon her economic speech from earlier in the day and referenced the economic inequality in the Latino community. She promised to fight for better economic opportunities and comprehensive immigration reform.

Clinton was not the only Democratic presidential candidate to speak at the conference. Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley were also featured speakers. All three candidates spoke about the similar topics, and all three attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his comments disparaging Latino  immigrants. Trump’s presidential opponents were slow to speak out against his comments, a fact which Clinton called out asking, “Why did it take weeks for most of you to speak out?”

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to be in Washington, DC where she will meet with Democrats on Capitol Hill. For all the latest campaign news, be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: The Kansas City Star

June 13 Kick-Off Rally Details [Updated (3)]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video has been posted HERE.

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has been embedded above.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

6/13 – Update: Michelle Kwan, now working for Clinton’s campaign, is sending a live feed from the event via Periscope. Follow along by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the kick-off rally for Hillary for America on Roosevelt Island in New York. Hillary Rodham Clinton will give a major speech that is expected to begin to outline her platform for her 2016 presidential campaign. Since announcing her campaign in April, Clinton has been holding roundtable events gathering information. In the background, her political team has been meeting with advisers and gathering information on a wide range of topics including economic policy, LBGT rights, income inequality, women’s rights, and immigration. Following the rally tomorrow, Clinton begins a cross-country campaign where she will continue to flesh out her platform.

Attendees will be allowed in the park at 9:30 AM and Clinton is expected to give her speech in the late morning, but a time has yet to be announced. The event will be streamed live, and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Once the time of the speech and link to the live video are available, this post will be updated. In the meantime, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

6/12 – UPDATE 1: Added information about the time the park will open tomorrow and when Clinton is expected to deliver her speech.

Center for American Progress

Monday, March 23, 2015

85Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in a roundtable discussion hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the America Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The event focused on issues in urban areas, and she discussed the benefits of creating partnerships between the public and private sectors to provide solutions for urban issues. Clinton focused largely on income inequality and wage stagnation and how the two are related. Clinton said, “We need to think hard about what we’re going to do now that people are moving back into and staying in cities to make sure that our cities are not just places of economic prosperity and job creation on average. But do it in a way that lifts everybody up to deal with the overriding issues of inequality and lack of mobility.”

The roundtable also included CAP President Neera Tanden, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, and AFSCME President Lee Saunders.

A video from the event is available by CLICKING HERE. While the whole conversation is important, Clinton begins speaking at 5:40 and speaks for a second time beginning at 47:30. Her final remarks begin at 58:20.

Video Source: CSPAN

New Source: US News and World Report

New America Foundation’s Conference

Friday, May 16, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 7.42.15 PM

Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a speech at the New America Foundation Conference in Washington, DC. Her speech was on the topic of the economy, and more specifically, income inequality. Clinton urged businesses and community groups to come together to help the struggling middle class. She argued that upward mobility does exist within the United States, but the government may not be solution. She said, “We can’t wait for government, which seems so paralyzed and unfortunately at a time when we could be racing ahead.”

The full video from the event is currently available on C-SPAN, which may be accessed by clicking here.

News Source: The Hill

Simmons Leadership Conference

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. She continued her theme of focusing on women’s issues in the United States. Clinton spoke about the struggles of low wage women in the US, particularly those who work tip-based jobs. She also focused on the wage gap for women across all income levels. Clinton said, “Women can drive our economy, they can lift up themselves and, indeed, our entire country. If we can ensure equal pay for equal work it helps all of us.”

The video above is only a clip from an attendee, but a better quality video will be added when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: MassLive