Hillary Clinton Talks Immigration Reform in Las Vegas

Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked of her listening tour in Nevada at Rancho High School in Las Vegas. Clinton spoke for the first time about immigration reform at a school where 70 percent of the population is Hispanic. In her remarks, Clinton promised to expand the DREAMer program and create a clear path to citizenship. She argued that a immigration reform with a path to citizenship is key to strengthen the American economy and America’s families.

Clinton had a strong warning about her Republican opponents saying, “Now this is where I differ with everybody on the Republican side. Make no mistakes. Today not a single Republican candidate – announced or potential – is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship. Not one. When they talk about ‘legal status’ that is code for second-class status.”

A full video from Clinton’s roundtable event is available from C-SPAN by CLICKING HERE.

Clinton continues her Nevada listening tour tomorrow. Be sure to follow along on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: ABC News

Clinton Goes to Iowa – Day 2

635647067684854628-uscpcent02-6k31d12lf6s1fwnle79o-originalOn her second day in Iowa, Hillary Rodham Clinton continued to meet with potential voters and took part in a roundtable with small business owners from across central Iowa. The event, which took place at Capital City Fruit Company in Norwalk, focused on America’s reliance on small businesses, and the difficulty many small business owners face to start their business and to keep their doors open. Clinton said, “We need to be, we have to be, No. 1 again. Slowly over time it’s become more difficult — more expensive, more red tape, unnecessary regulations that have really put a damper.”

During the roundtable, one of the business owners referred to increasing costs in health care and Clinton spoke about health care and the Affordable Care Act. She acknowledged that was a problem, and said that she was interested in updating aspects of the law. This isn’t new for Clinton, however. In several speeches before announcing her candidacy, Clinton hinted that was open to changes to the ACA.

Other business owners brought up the difficulty of hiring immigrants and having to turn down able works because of the their immigrant status. Because immigration reform is currently stalled in Congress, businesses are stuck in the middle. Clinton blamed the lack of comprehensive immigration reform on political ideologies. She went on to say, “We are really missing out on economic opportunities because we haven’t been able to agree on comprehensive immigration reform.”

The event was a listening session where she encouraged the small business owners to talk openly. Clinton shied away from answering questions about her platform and plan for small businesses saying that she was still in the building phase and wanted to hear what people have to say before her platform is complete.

Today wrapped up Clinton’s visit to Iowa, where she also visited Des Moines and Marshalltown, but she promised that she would be back soon. She is expected to head to New Hampshire next where she will likely hold similar listening sessions with different groups of voters.

UPDATE: Hillary for America created a video highlighting Clinton’s trip to Iowa.

You can see pictures from Iowa on the Hillary for America Flickr page. Also, be sure to follow Clinton’s Twitter account and Facebook page. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

New Source: Politico, The Des Moines Register

RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

150115065722-hillary-clinton-crowd-tease-super-169Hillary Rodahm Clinton returned the speaking circuit following a one-month break. Speaking at an event at the RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Clinton re-emerged as an announcement about her possible 2016 run is expected soon. She spoke on a wide variety of topics including the relationship between the United States and Canada, but she skirted questions about the contentious Keystone pipeline.

Clinton also spoke about the terrorist attack in Paris, and cautioned against blaming the entire Islamic religion for something that extremists carried out. She also spoke for the first time about President Barack Obama’s recent executive action to reform the immigration system of the United States saying, “Canada and the United States, unlike most places in the world, are nations built by immigrants and energized by our diversity. It hasn’t always been smooth or easy, but at our best, we kept expanding our idea of family and community … to keep making more room at the table.”

You may watch a video from the event by Clicking Here. (Thanks to Sara for the tip.)

For 2015, Clinton’s speaking schedule is light (see our 2015 Timeline) and there have been a number of reports indicating the she has built a team for her 2016 presidential run. Nevertheless, an announcement is not expected until sometime in the early spring.

News and Image Source: CNN

United Fresh Produce Association and Food Marketing Institute

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at an event for the United Fresh Produce Association and Food Marketing Institute in Chicago. She spent the majority of the event talking about immigration reform. Clinton blasted those who oppose reform saying that is necessary. She said, “Everybody I talk to personally, Democratic and Republican alike in the leadership of both houses, know we have to have immigration reform. Part of the strength of the vitality of our economy is the fact that people still want to come to this country, make their stake, prove themselves.”

A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

News Source: The Hill