Clinton Attends Fundraisers in Detroit and Chicago

635730905307178192-2015-0721-dm-hilary00666On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton stopped in Detroit at a local sweet potato shop. Clinton visited Sweet Potato Sensations for a slice of sweet potato pie and ice cream. She visited with the owners of the bakery and its patrons. Clinton told the patrons and reporters, ” I’ve said in this campaign that I want to be the small business president. And I’m making a real point of sort of identifying and visiting small businesses that are successful, sometimes against the odds, but really provide either a service or product that people in their communities are buying up and giving a good base for further growth.”

After leaving Detroit, Clinton headed to a private fundraiser in Grosse Pointe, Michigan at the home of Democratic Party strategist Jill Alper and her husband, David Katz. Clinton also attended a private fundraiser this evening in Chicago, Illinois. The fundraiser was hosted by securities trader Rajiv Fernando.

Tomorrow, Clinton is expected to visit Pennsylvania. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

New Source: Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, Chicago Tribune

Chicago Ideas Week

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the Chicago Ideas Week where Mayor Rahm Emanuel interviewed her. A number of topics were discussed including comments she made about her and former President Bill Clinton being broke after they left the White House in 2001. Clinton admitted that she could have been more artful in her comments. The interview largely focused on the content of her new book, Hard Choices.

News Source: CBS News

United Fresh Produce Association and Food Marketing Institute

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at an event for the United Fresh Produce Association and Food Marketing Institute in Chicago. She spent the majority of the event talking about immigration reform. Clinton blasted those who oppose reform saying that is necessary. She said, “Everybody I talk to personally, Democratic and Republican alike in the leadership of both houses, know we have to have immigration reform. Part of the strength of the vitality of our economy is the fact that people still want to come to this country, make their stake, prove themselves.”

A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

News Source: The Hill

Clinton Receives Illinois Order of Lincoln

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton received the Order of Lincoln, Illinois highest honor in a ceremony held at the Field Museum in Chicago. She was presented the award by Governor Pat Quinn. She gave a brief speech following the presentation in which she avoided politics. As a native of the Chicago area, Park Ridge, Clinton spoke about growing up in Chicago and how grateful she was for the eduction and opportunities she was presented. She said, “To have the chance to come and be with so many of the people who have made this state such an exceptional place, in memory of the greatest president who ever served our country, is very special, indeed, to me,”

New Source: ABC 7 Chicago

Video Source: YouYube