Bill Clinton Attends HFA Fundraiser


On Friday, Bill Clinton attended a fundraiser for the Hillary Victory Fund. The event was held in Chicago, Illinois. Also attending a fundraiser in support of Hillary Clinton today was New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. He spoke at an event in Miami, Florida. Yesterday, a fundraiser was held in Washington, DC and included a conversation with Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan, Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell, Congressional Outreach Liaison Laura Schiller, and Senior Advisor to the Vice Chair Lona Valmoro.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Rev. Jesse Jackson


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson. Speaking in Chicago, Jackson says that he trusts Clinton to look out for marginalized communities, continue to work on health care, fight for civil rights, and fight for the poor. Jackson had declined to support either Clinton or her Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders during the primary campaign. He also called on Democrats to unite behind Clinton to ensure that Republican Donald Trump does not make it to the White House.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC Chicago, CNN

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New Mexico


Bill Clinton attended an organizing event in Espanola, New Mexico before the state’s primary on June 7. Bill spoke to a crowd of supporters about a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to combat the growing heroin addiction, the rising cost of prescription drugs, raising the minimum wage, creating new jobs, and fixing the country’s crumbling infrastructure. Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and her record of getting things done before asking for voters’ support in the upcoming primary. A video from today’s event will be added when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton was also on the campaign trail today speaking with supporters at the Fort Lee Senior Center in New Hampshire. A photo from Chelsea’s Twitter feed is below.

Earlier in the day, Bill also attended a fundraiser in San Francisco. Also attending a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America today was William M. Daley. He attended an event in Chicago, Illinois that was hosted by Adam Hitchcock, Randy Rivera, Kevin Conlon, Lauren Beth Gash, David Anderson, Jon Samuels, Amy Singh, Todd Connor, and Chris Lunningham.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KRQE

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by CNN, Attends Chicago Fundraisers

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Today, Hillary Clinton was interviewed on CNN by Jake Tapper. The exclusive interview was about half an hour long, and Tapper asked Clinton about a variety of topics including her primary battle with Senator Bernie Sanders, a number of her platform points, and her thoughts on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. When asked whether she thought Trump is qualified to be president, she replied with a simple “no.” She added, “I know how hard this job is, and I know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it, and I have concluded he is not qualified to be president of the United States.” She went on to criticize a number of Trump’s proposals arguing that they would not make America safer, but would actually make it more vulnerable in the long run. Parts one and two of the interview are below.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers in the Chicago, Illinois. The first event was held in Park Ridge and was hosted by Beth and George Drost, Tracey and Charles Drost, and Betsy Ebeling. The second event was in the city and hosted by Barbara Burrell, Leslie Carey, Frank Clark, Les Coney, Nelda Connors, Dedrea and Paul Gray, Pat Harris, Elzie Higginbottom, John Hooker, Monica Hughson, Wilbur C. Milhouse, Langdon Neal, Marty Nesbitt, Tracey and Chaka Patterson, Desirée Rogers, John Rogers, Jason Tyler, Monica Walker, and Frank White.

Meanwhile, in Miami, Florida, Hillary for America held a fundraiser. The event included a conversation with Campaign Manager Robby Mook.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clintons Canvass New York on Eve on Primary


On the eve of the New York primary, Bill, Chelsea, and Hillary Clinton were canvassing the state for support before tomorrow’s primary. A list of Hillary’s favorite New York restaurants was published by Thrillist, and  she attended a number of events in and around New York City. Hillary began by appearing on a morning radio show called “The Breakfast Club“. During the interview, Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points and the importance of tomorrow’s primary in New York. She also was asked to name something that she always carry with her. Her answer was “hot sauce.” Watch a video of the full interview HERE to find out why.

Hillary then hosted a Get Out the Vote rally at the Hilton in Manhattan. During her speech, she spoke about her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders and his record on gun control. He voted for a 2005 bill that made gun manufacturers immune from lawsuits if their product was used illegally. She continued, “There are many powerful lobbyists in Washington, as I said in the debate the other night in Brooklyn. I said, look, Senator Sanders talks a lot about the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. But what about the greed and recklessness of the gun manufacturers?” Hillary went on to explain the importance of the 2016 election and asked for voters’ support tomorrow. Tonight, Hillary will appear on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Bill, meanwhile, was campaigning on Hillary’s behalf in Buffalo and Rochester. In Buffalo, Bill began by kicking off a phone bank at Hilary’s headquarters. He then made several stops in town visiting St. John Towers senior facility, Spot Coffee, and he had lunch at Alton’s restaurant in Cheektowaga. In Rochester, Bill was joined by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and spoke to a crowd of supporters. He spoke briefly about a number of Hillary’s platform points and asked for their vote in tomorrow’s primary. A video from his speech in Rochester is below.

Chelsea has spent the last two days campaigning on behalf of her mother at smaller events across the state. Yesterday, Chelsea spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Poughkeepsie and Binghamton. At both events, she spoke about her mother’s experience and plans as president. She stressed the importance of the election saying that it is the “most important” election of her lifetime. Chelsea even took time to answer questions from those in attendance.


Today, Chelsea spoke with supporters at the Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls. She spoke about her mom’s experience saying, “I think when you look at who has a real record of being able to deliver progress and be able to make change, my mom really stands out.” She spoke about similar topics at her other stops in upstate New York. Chelsea also spoke with supporters at Coltivare in Ithaca. In Rome, Chelsea visited a local daycare center. Speaking at the Little Learners On Campus Child Care Center, she spoke about the importance of early childhood education and Hillary’s plan to expand it nationwide.

The Clintons weren’t the only ones campaigning on behalf of Hillary today. In New York, Carole King, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and Cecile Richards all joined Hillary and held events on their own. In Chicago, Illinois, David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for President Barack Obama in 2008, attended a fundraiser that was hosted by Kevin Conlon, Katelynd Duncan, Abby Erwin, Adam Hitchcock, Reyhad Kazmi, Samir Mayekar, Kevin Morris, Marilynn Rubio, Jon Samuels, Abigail Schmitz, and Joshua Schwartz.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Thrillist, Poughkeepsie Journal, KENS, WIBX, TWC News Rochester, Ithaca Journal, WGRZ, TWC News, Observer

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail following a brief break for Easter. She began a two day trip to Wisconsin before their April 5 primary. In Madison, Clinton spoke to supporters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus where she focused her speech on the Supreme Court. She urged the Senate to stop playing politics and hold confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s choice of Merrick Garland for the court. She criticized Republican Senators for bragging about blocking the nomination and she urged voters to contact Sen. Ron Johnson and urge him to follow the Constitution. Clinton spoke about the importance of the Supreme Court and how the 2016 election could change the court for decades to come and affect such issues as immigration reform, abortion rights, climate change, voting rights, and campaign finance. A video of her speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at an Organizing Event held at Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club in Milwaukee. During the event, she spoke about a number of her platform points including health care. But the topic she focused on was higher education. She said her plan to make college more affordable would include an increase in grants and the expansion of the work study program. Students receiving federal aid would be required to work on campus ten hours a week. She criticized the plan of Democratic rival Bernie Sanders saying, “Here’s the problem [with Sander’s plan], I don’t believe we should be asking you to pay taxes to send Donald Trump’s kids to college for free. I think if you’re wealthy you should pay for college yourself, and we should focus on middle class and poor families.”

Before her events in Wisconsin, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Chicago, Illinois. The event was held at the home of JoAnne Cicchelli and Bill Singer and hosted by Jane and Bob Clark, Raj Fernando, Linda and Jeff Hammes, and David Rosen. Meanwhile in New York City, a fundraiser was hosted featuring Chef Marianna Morrison and Campaign Chair John Podesta. The event was hosted by Ambassador Gabriel Guerra-Mondragón.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WDJT, Newsweek, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Hillary Clinton Sweeps Tuesday’s Primaries

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally, Tuesday, March 15, 2016, in West Palm Beach, Fla. Clinton won the state of Florida in the primary election. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky) ORG XMIT: OTK
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a rally, Tuesday, March 15, 2016, in West Palm Beach, Fla. Clinton won the state of Florida in the primary election. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Yesterday, Democratic primaries were held in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio. As voters were heading to the poll, Bill and Hillary Clinton met with voters in two states. Bill was in Illinois where he visited voters in Chicago. Meanwhile, Hillary was in North Carolina where she took time to talk to and take pictures with voters in the Raleigh area.

As for the results, Hillary swept all five states, something that had not bee predicted. Early in the night, the states of Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio were called for Hillary. In Florida, Hillary was the clear winner with 64.4% to Sanders’ 33.3%. In North Carolina, Hillary won with 54.6% and Sanders had 40.8%. Ohio was a wild card going into the evening, but she won there by double digits: 56.5% to Sanders’ 42.7%.

Going late into the night, the two states in contention were her home state of Illinois and Missouri. Hillary was declared the winner with a lead over Sanders of 50.4% to 48.7%. Missouri proved to be a tight race for both Democrats and Republicans. While Hillary started with an early lead, Sanders overtook her and lead by as much as 3%. But votes from St. Louis and Kansas City pushed her ahead and she won 49.6% to 49.4%. The margin of victory was 1,531 votes!

After being declared the winner in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, Clinton spoke to supporters at an event in West Palm Beach, Florida. During her speech, she thanked her supporters and volunteers and said the fight was not over. However, she turned her attention away from the Democratic primary to the general election against Republican front-runner Donald Trump. She said, “When we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all Muslims from entering the United States, when he embraces torture, that doesn’t make him strong, it makes him wrong.” A video of her victory speech is below.

 State Type Winner
Florida Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Illinois Open Primary Hillary Clinton
Missouri Open Primary Hillary Clinton
North Carolina Semi-closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Ohio Semi-open Primary Hillary Clinton

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Miami Herald, Politico, NBC Chicago, WRAL

Hillary Clinton Participates in MSNBC Town Hall

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During a special edition of MSNBC’s Hardball, Hillary Clinton participated in an exclusive town hall event from Springfield, Illinois. Host Chris Matthews asked Clinton about a variety of topics including trade, the economy, her vote on the Iraq War, and what she things of Republican front-runner Donald Trump. Of Trump she said, “To be here, in this state Capitol, in this room where Abraham Lincoln gave that speech about ‘a house divided’ and to see that someone who is vying to be president of the United States is using divisiveness, is stoking fear, is pointing fingers, scapegoating against all kinds of people, I think is so dangerous.” You can watch clips from the town hall at the following links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Journal Gazette & Times-Currier

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in IL, NC On Eve of Primaries


On Monday, Hillary Clinton attended events in Illinois and North Carolina, two states the vote in Democratic primaries tomorrow. Beginning in her hometown of Chicago, the first event was a stop at a non-profit organization in Pilsen where she spoke about her plans for immigration reform. She then went to the Kids Off the Block memorial which remembers child victims of gun violence. A video of her stop in Pilsen is below.

Clinton then spoke at a Get Out the Vote rally at a local Plumbers Hall where she spoke about her plans for gun control, heath care, the economy, and jobs. She spoke about how the Republicans have been harmful to the economy in the past and that the country cannot afford four years of Republican economic policies. She then argued that a president needs to be realistic and a strong leader saying, “No president can do it all. We’ve got to be honest about that. We need leadership and citizenship. We need everyone to reach out and help everyone, and I don’t believe we do that by insulting everyone, by dividing us against them.”

For the final event of the day, Clinton held a Get Out the Vote rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. Speaking to a crowd of 1,000 supporters, Clinton focused primarily on gun control and clean energy. On clean energy, she said that she would like to see 500 million new solar panels installed across the country by the end of her first term. She touched on other points of her platform including heath care and women’s rights. A partial video from her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 46, ABC 7, Chicago Tribune, The Charlotte Observer

Clinton Wins Northern Mariana Islands Caucus

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016.  Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD        (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016./ AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic caucus in the Northern Mariana Islands with 54% of the vote. In defeating Bernie Sanders, she picked up four delegates to Sanders’ two. Clinton also picked up all five superdelegates from the territory further padding her delegate lead. The next round of primaries and caucuses is on Tuesday when Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio head to the polls.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News