Democrats Across the Country Campaign for Hillary


On Monday, while Hillary Clinton was in Iowa, a number of high profile Democrats and celebrities attended a number events in support of Hillary for America. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has been visiting with voters and volunteers in Iowa for the last few days, holding events in Council Bluffs, Ames, and Newton. Curtis has been a long time support of Hillary and talked about her experience and readiness to lead.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro attended two events yesterday on behalf of Hillary and Hillary for America. The first was a fundraiser hosted by Tony Buxton, Bonnie Porta, and Karen Harris in Portland, Maine. The second event was a gathering at the Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill in Manchester, New Hampshire. Meanwhile in New Jersey, Senator Cory Booker and Victor Herlinsky hosted a fundraiser in Newark.

Bill and Chelsea were also on the campaign trail yesterday, attending events in California. Bill was scheduled to attend events in Hillsborough and San Francisco. Chelsea attended two fundraisers, with the first being hosted at the Newport Coast home of Michael and Sholeh Chegini. The second fundraiser was held at the Los Angeles office of Frank Gehry.

The Iowa Caucus us under a week away, and events in Iowa are likely to pick up this week. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KMTV

Clinton Picks Up Key Endorsement in Texas

1024x1024On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton began her first trip to Texas as a presidential candidate with a Q&A session in San Antonio. The session was hosted by Javier Palomarez, the president of the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Clinton was asked a number of questions about her immigration and business plans, but she was also asked about the possibility of Housing and Urban Development Secretary, and former mayor of San Antonio, Julián Castro as a running mate. Clinton responded coyly saying, “I am going to really look hard at him for anything because that’s how good he is, and he deserves the accolades he’s receiving.”

Clinton then attended a Latinos for Hillary event in San Antonio where she was endorsed by Castro. The two appeared on stage together at Sunset Station where thousands turned out to listen hear Clinton speak. She focused heavily on immigration reform saying that she would defend the executive orders that have been enacted by President Barack Obama, and she would stand up against Congress if they passed legislation that led to the deportation of DREAMers. Clinton told the crowd, which consisted primarily of Latinos, “You’re not strangers, you’re not intruders. You’re our neighbors, you’re our friends, you’re our families. A video from the San Antonio rally is below.

Tonight, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Amber and Steven Mostyn. Both are lawyers with Mostyn Law. As with all private events, it was closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to return to New Hampshire and will also appear on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fusion, MySA, ABC News, NPR

Center for American Progress

Monday, March 23, 2015

85Hillary Rodham Clinton took part in a roundtable discussion hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the America Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The event focused on issues in urban areas, and she discussed the benefits of creating partnerships between the public and private sectors to provide solutions for urban issues. Clinton focused largely on income inequality and wage stagnation and how the two are related. Clinton said, “We need to think hard about what we’re going to do now that people are moving back into and staying in cities to make sure that our cities are not just places of economic prosperity and job creation on average. But do it in a way that lifts everybody up to deal with the overriding issues of inequality and lack of mobility.”

The roundtable also included CAP President Neera Tanden, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, and AFSCME President Lee Saunders.

A video from the event is available by CLICKING HERE. While the whole conversation is important, Clinton begins speaking at 5:40 and speaks for a second time beginning at 47:30. Her final remarks begin at 58:20.

Video Source: CSPAN

New Source: US News and World Report