Hillary Clinton Statement on Las Vegas Trump Hotel Labor Law Violations


After an announcement by the National Labor Relations Board that the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas was violating the National Labor Relations Act by refusing to bargain with the Culinary Workers Union after hotel employees voted to join the union last year, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump likes to brag about his skills as a negotiator—but yesterday, he had to be ordered by the National Labor Relations Board to stop breaking the law, respect his workers’ fundamental rights to organize and bargain collectively, and come to the table. It’s appalling, but it’s not surprising. This is a man who personally signed a contract with a union-busting firm to try to stop UNITE HERE and the Culinary Workers’ Union from organizing in the first place, and engaged in a months-long intimidation campaign to bully his workers against voting to form a union.

I was proud to visit workers on the picket line at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, and even prouder when they overcame Donald Trump’s intimidation campaign and were officially certified as a union earlier this year. I believe that when unions are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong. And I will always stand with workers in protecting their rights to organize, bargain collectively, be safe on the job and retire with dignity, and if I am elected President, workers will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Politico

Trump’s Self-Serving Business Agenda


Donald Trump has held 32 events at Trump properties in 16 months of running for President

Today, Hillary Clinton returned to Florida to layout what’s on the ballot this election — an economy that works for everyone not just those at the top. She shared her vision for more good jobs, economic fairness and how to bring Americans together. Meanwhile, Trump spent the morning promoting the opening of his new hotel, making this the 32nd event at Trump properties in 16 months of running for president.

From his using his presidential campaign to promote his business, to a decades-long practice of stiffing small businesses, to outsourcing jobs, to his proposal to cut taxes for billionaires like himself at the expense of everyone else, Trump’s self-serving agenda is clear. America deserves better than Trump – a candidate who would rather line his own pockets than prioritize our economy, businesses, and workers.

Donald Trump’s trickle-down economic tax plan would include cutting taxes for billionaires like himself and his family, at the expense of everyone else.

Trump has doubled down on his promise to repeal the estate tax, which would give his own family as much as a $4 billion windfall. Just think about what we could do instead with that one $4 billion windfall alone, which is just for Donald Trump’s family, if we invested it in America.

Trump’s plan includes a massive loophole that gives many millionaires and billionaires like himself a backdoor tax cut, letting them pay less than half the current tax rate on a substantial portion of their income.

Trump claims his tax cuts would be paid for by economic growth – but they come at the expense of hardworking Americans.  Far from growing the economy, experts on both sides of the aisle predict that Trump’s plans would risk a recession.

Trump’s tax plan is a bait and switch – he claims he’ll protect middle class families, but what he actually does is give huge tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes on at least 8 million middle-class families.

Trump called his tax avoidance “smart.”  Trump’s tax avoidance is not smart – it means $0 for first responders, $0 for education, $0 for veterans and $0 for our military.

New York Times: “Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.”

New York Times: “Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during the first presidential debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.” Trump’s business failures eventually led to multiple bankruptcies of his companies, which were devastating for his former employees and small contractors. Trump continued to earn millions.

Trump’s business failures eventually led to multiple bankruptcies of his companies, which were devastating for his former employees and small contractors. Trump continued to earn millions.

New York Times: “But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.”

Wall Street Journal: “An analysis by Temple University law professor Jonathan Lipson ranked Trump-branded casinos ‘the worst’ among their peers when it came to jobs over a 14-year period. Mr. Lipson, a bankruptcy scholar, found that Trump casinos shed some 7,400 jobs between 1997 and 2010. That works out, on average, to job losses per casino of 900—37% higher than at other Atlantic City gambling venues in the same period.”

No business person or contractor has proven too small for Trump to stiff, no single parent or retiree too in-need to escape the target of Trump University’s scams. The truth is that Donald Trump’s business antics have spelled disaster for countless working people and small businesses.

Trump has repeatedly refused to make good on his obligations to pay small businesses and contractors for work – from Marty Rosenberg, whose family business was paid hundreds of thousands less than it was owed for its work at Trump’s casino, to Andrew Tesoro, the architect of one of Trump’s golf course clubhouse who was told by Trump’s lawyers to accept pennies on the dollar or he’d be tied up in court for years.

Trump doesn’t buy American-made and his own products are outsourced.

The products that are branded with Trump’s name are outsourced from at least 12 countries. That doesn’t include the products used in his hotels and casinos, from bed linens made in Italy to furniture made in China.

Trump has used his campaign to promote and funnel money into his businesses.

Politico: “Trump’s Campaign Paid His Businesses $8.2 Million”

Politico: “Trump has used the campaign itself as a marketing platform to promote everything from the difficult-to-find Trump Steaks to his golf courses and a new Washington hotel. Trump’s tangle of businesses has raised concerns about the potential for conflicts of interest should he win the presidency, while the Trump-branded campaign has drawn mockery and allegations of pocket-padding from Trump’s critics.’”

Huffington Post: “Donald Trump used small donors’ money to buy nearly $300,000 worth of books from the publisher of his Art of the Deal last month, continuing a pattern of plowing campaign money back into his own businesses.”

@KatyTurNBC: “After this morning’s ribbon cutting, Trump will have held 32 events at Trump properties in 16 months of running for President”

Today, Trump is Washington, DC to open a new luxury hotel where he unsurprisingly used undocumented workers to make his project cheaper.  He even sued the District of Columbia in an attempt to pay lower taxes for the property.

Washington Post: “[A] Trump company may be relying on some undocumented workers to finish the $200 million hotel, which will sit five blocks from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, according to several who work there.”

Politico: “The city of Washington, D.C., is fighting Donald Trump’s legal drive to cut his tax bills for the luxury hotel he’s set to open in the Old Post Office Building next month … Attorneys for the Republican presidential nominee and real estate mogul contend that the roughly $1.7 million annual tax bills for the development for 2015 and 2016 were too high.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement by Association of Professional Flight Attendants


Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. In a press release, APFA president Bob Ross said, “I don’t think there is any question that she stands on the side of working families across this country, including those of over 26,000 American Airlines Flight Attendants.” Clinton responded to the endorsement with the following statement:

“Since 1977, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants has represented nearly 25,000 flight attendants of American Airlines. Through its relentless advocacy and activism, APFA has fought to create better and fairer working conditions both on the ground and in the skies. And I’m proud to have earned their endorsement.

APFA understands what’s at stake in this election. Donald Trump supports a tax system rigged for the rich and powerful. And we just learned he’s likely been exploiting that system to avoid paying taxes for years – even though he’s argued that wages for hardworking Americans are ‘too high.’  

Trump personally hired a union-busting firm to keep workers at his Las Vegas hotel from organizing. He even opposes policies that would make it easier for Americans to balance work and family, like guaranteeing paid leave for all families. And he has said that women can earn the same as men only if they ‘do as good a job.’

In a Clinton-Kaine Administration, working families will always have a champion in the White House. We’ll reject bad trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, stand up to attacks on workers, and fight back against to discriminatory policies. I’m so grateful to APFA for their support, and I look forward to having their spirit and experience at my side as we build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Association of Professional Flight Attendants

Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Help Military Families


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton released her plan to assist military families. The plan unveiled today builds upon a previously introduced plan to build upon the Department of Veteran Affairs and ensure veterans receive proper support after they have left the military. The plan includes provision that will not only ensure that the members of our military are supported, but their spouses and children will as well. You can read the full details of the plan on The Briefing, and an outline of the plan is below:

  • Realign the Demands of a Military Career in Service to the Nation to Accommodate 21st Century Family Realities While Maintaining a Strong Force
  • Ensure that family leave policies meet the needs of our military families
  • Increase access to child care for all service members in the Active Duty and Reserve who need it
  • Let service members and their families take a knee
  • Create the ability to serve in different ways
  • Officially include life-cycle and family considerations in permanent moves
  • Back Military Spouses as they Pursue Education, Seek Jobs, Build Careers and Secure their Finances
  • Enhancing opportunities for military spouse employment and breaking down antiquated rules, such as onerous state credentialing, that lead to military spouse under-employment
  • Reforming the assignment process to better support dual-military couples
  • Standing side-by-side with families through transition out of the military
  • Enhance military families financial planning and protection
  • Creating flexibility around military moves
  • Ensure Military Children Receive a High-Quality Education and the Resources to Succeed
  • Keep Defense Department schools strong and focused
  • Elevate public schools with high number of military children
  • Preserve and protect the Post-9/11 GI Bill, making it a lasting part of the nation’s social contract for those who serve and their families
  • Enhance the Exceptional Family Member Experience
  • Bring Key Resources for Military Families in to the Information Age
  • Move resources into higher gear with on-line technology
  • Increase virtual access and information for families and surrounding communities
  • Champion efforts to care for our military members and families
  • Ensure continued focus on mental health for military members and families
  • Remain committed to extended leave policies
  • Continue to support Gold Star Families
  • Continue and Build on the Obama Administration’s Effort to Elevate Military Families in the White House and Across Government
  • Create a standing President’s Council on Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families
  • Establish “Joining Forces” as a permanent part of the Executive Office of the President
  • Direct senior White House and Department of Defense civilian and military leadership to conduct a series of town hall meetings to hear directly from service members and their families about their needs
  • Personally request and receive a thorough report and 12-month implementation plan on priority areas for improvement based on these town halls

Meanwhile, Clinton attended two fundraisers today. The first was in East Brunswick, New Jersey and included a conversation with Clinton and Senator Cory Booker. In New York City, Clinton attended an event at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. The event included a conversation with her, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and actress Julianna Margulies.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

Clinton Wins Nevada Caucus

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Today, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Nevada caucus over Bernie Sanders. As of this posting, with 87% of precincts reporting, Clinton’s lead over Sanders is 52.5% to 47.4%. Clinton received strong support from women and the African-American community. During her victory speech at the Caesars Palace ballroom in Las Vegas, Clinton dedicated the win to “hotel and casino workers who never wavered” and “the thousands of men and women with kids to raise, bills to pay and dreams that won’t die.” A video from Clinton’s victory party is below.

The next primary is in South Carolina and will be held on February 27. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Returns to Nevada Ahead of Weekend Caucus


Hillary Clinton returned to Nevada in the early hours of Thursday morning. After flying in to Las Vegas from Chicago, Clinton made a surprise visit at a local Las Vegas hotel where she spoke with members of a housekeeping union. She spent some time with the workers and asked for their support in Saturday’s caucus. On Thursday evening, Clinton attended a Get Out the Caucus event in Las Vegas before the Democratic Town Hall on MSNBC.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News

Clinton Campaigns in Kentucky and Tennessee


On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Kentucky and Tennessee where she attended five separate events. She began in Louisville, Kentucky where she attended a private fundraiser at the 21c Museum Hotel. The owners served as the hosts of the fundraiser and those attending included Governor Steve Beshear, Lieutenant Governor Crit Luallen, and Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes. Clinton also attended a fundraiser in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee. The evening fundraiser in Nashville was hosted by Babs and Bill Freeman.

For her public events, Clinton began in Memphis where she spoke at LeMoyne-Owen College. She spoke about terrorism among other topics of her platform, but the primary topic of her speech was tax relief for middle-class families. Clinton opposes raising taxes on middle and lower incomes, and she has proposed an additional tax credit of up to $5,000 for families to help off set the rising costs of heath care. She vowed to improve the Affordable Care Act and lower prescription drug costs saying, “Somebody gets sick, somebody has an accident, you’ve got to be prepared, but too many families don’t have those resources.” A video of her speech is below.

In Nashville, Clinton spoke at Fisk University where she reiterated her health insurance tax credit. She also spoke about gun control, Planned Parenthood, marriage equality, voting rights, and ISIS. In wake of the recent terrorist attacks, Clinton spoke at length about ISIS saying, “I have seen what happens when evil and hatred is unleashed. I will spare no effort, but let’s be smart about it.” A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in South Carolina where she will attend a fundraiser and the Charleston County Democratic Party’s Blue Jamboree. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE 11/21: Added video from Fisk University speech.

News Source: WHAS, CBS News, WKRN