Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Kentucky

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On Thursday, Bill Clinton returned to Kentucky where he campaigned on behalf of his wife Hillary. During his first appearance in Owenboro, Bill spoke about his wife’s experience and her dedication to helping people better themselves. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including health care, income inequality, and her plans to continue building the economy. Speaking at Kentucky Wesleyan College, Bill focused section of his speech on Kentucky specific policies, including the state’s coal economy. He said, “We’ve got to prove that every place in America can get its fair share of clean energy jobs. You say ‘Well, we’re a coal state.’ Yes, and we will continue to run coal for some years to come but that shouldn’t exclude other things.”

In Frankfort, Bill spoke with a crowd of supporters at the Capital Plaza Hotel. He spoke about the need for the continued need for job growth in the state and country, and he outlined Hillary’s plan to create new jobs with a number of his plans, including one to repair the country’s crumbling infrastructure. At both events, he referenced Hillary’s experience as a change maker saying, “She’s the best change maker I’ve ever known. She’s the best at this I’ve ever known. There are 35,000 potential votes in this primary and the fight for this area. So I want you to vote for her.” He then asked for voters’ support during Tuesday’s primary.

Bill’s final event of the day was held tonight in Prestonsburg. His speech focused on coal and what Hillary plans to do for communities that rely heavily on coal for jobs. He outlined her plan to bring new jobs and industry to the region as the United States begins to rely less and less on coal energy. Bill was greeted by some protesters and a few were vocal during his speech, but she said that he didn’t “care if you boo or cheer. I’m glad you’re here.” The coal industry in Kentucky is in decline and he assured voters that Hillary has a plan so they are not left behind. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in West Hollywood, California and featured a conversation with campaign manager Robby Mook. The second event was in Washington, DC and was hosted by Sherry and John Goodman. The event featured a conversation with Michèle Flournoy, Former Under Secretary of Defense; Laura Rosenberger, Foreign Policy Advisor for Hillary for America; and Capricia Penavic Marshall, Former US Chief of Protocol.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Courier-Journal, 14 News, WDRB, WKYT

Bill, Chelsea Return to Campaign Trail


On Sunday, Chelsea and Bill Clinton returned to the west coast to campaign for Hillary Clinton. In Arizona, Bill Clinton attended two Get Out the Vote rallies before Tuesday’s primary. The first rally was in Tuscon where he was joined by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. During Bill’s speech, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to enact common sense gun control and introduce required background checks when purchasing a firearm. He also spoke about immigration reform, which is a hot button issue in Arizona. Throughout his speech, he stressed the importance of the 2016 election and urged voters to support Hillary on Tuesday. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Bill then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Phoenix. Speaking from Central High School, Bill addressed the national mood saying that he understands why people are angry, but we need to vote for someone who is going to make a difference and not someone who is full of rhetoric. Again, he touched on a number of key platform topics including immigration reform, health care, and economic equality. He concluded by asking for Arizona’s support on Tuesday, saying, “Needless to say, we had a pretty tough campaign eight years ago, and Arizona voted with us. I hope you will again on Tuesday.” A video of his speech is below.

Chelsea was in California where she attended three fundraisers. The first was held at the Los Angeles home of Elsa and Jarron Collins. The second event, hosted by Elsa Collins, featured a bicycle ride in West Hollywood. For the final event of the day, Chelsea was joined by actresses Lena Dunham and America Ferrera at NeueHouse Hollywood in Los Angeles.

Two additional fundraisers were held on Sunday. The first was a reception with Campaign Manager Robby Mook in Dallas, Texas. The fundraiser took place at the home of Jorge Baldor. In Seattle, Washington, a fundraiser was held at the home of Jen Lamson and Ric Ilgenfritz. The event, which was hosted by Jen Lamson, Marilyn Heiman, and Marilyn Twitchell, featured a special live musical performance by Sheryl Wiser.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Arizona Republic, Arizona Daily Star

Clinton Returns to California for Fundraisers

Last week, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended events in San Francisco and Los Angeles. On Friday, she attended three fundraisers in Hollywood that were attended by Leonardo DiCaprio, Dustin Lance Black, Elizabeth Banks, Howard Gordon, and Bruce Cohen. The events took place at the homes of HBO’s Michael Lombardo and actor Tobey Maguire. Earlier in the day, Clinton also attended a fundraiser at the home of Westfield Corp co-CEO Peter Lowy. She is reported to have addressed a number of issues, including the recent shooting in a Charleston, South Carolina church. All three events were closed to the press.

Saturday, Clinton addressed the The US Conference of Mayors where she called for stronger gun restrictions following the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. She acknowledged that there is still work to be done with regard to race relations. She said, “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished. I know this is a difficult topic to talk about. I know that so many of us hoped by electing our first black president, we had turned the page on this chapter in our history. I know there are truths we do not like to say out loud or discus with our children. But we have to.”

Follow Clinton and the campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The Washington Post

Image Source: The Washington Post

Clinton Heads to Nevada and California Next Week

Next week, Hillary Rodham Clinton takes her presidential campaign to Nevada and California. On Tuesday, May 5 Clinton will take her “Ramp Up” campaign to Nevada where she is expected to visit several cities. Nevada is a state that Clinton’s team is hoping to win in 2016 and it has been an early focus on the campaign. You can follow Hillary for Nevada on Twitter and Facebook.

Later in the week (May 7-9) Clinton will begin a three day campaign trip in California where she will headline several high profile fundraisers in Hollywood. She is also expected to focus on the grassroots effort similar to her recent trips to Iowa and New Hampshire.

We will post a full wrap-up of both next week. In the meantime, keep up to date with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

New Source: Los Angeles Time, Las Vegas Sun

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Fundraiser

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hillary Clinton Campaigns With Alison Lundergan Grimes In KentuckyHillary Rodham Clinton attended a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Fundraiser where she spoke about the future of Democrats in Congress. She stressed the importance of electing Democratic candidates to ensure important work is done, such as immigration reform. The event was attended by a number of important Hollywood donors and is said to have raised over $2 million. The fundraiser was co-hosed by Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, Alan Horn, Michael Rapino and their spouses. The event was closed to the press, and so a video from the event will likely not be available.

News and Image Source: Deadline Hollywood