RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

150115065722-hillary-clinton-crowd-tease-super-169Hillary Rodahm Clinton returned the speaking circuit following a one-month break. Speaking at an event at the RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Clinton re-emerged as an announcement about her possible 2016 run is expected soon. She spoke on a wide variety of topics including the relationship between the United States and Canada, but she skirted questions about the contentious Keystone pipeline.

Clinton also spoke about the terrorist attack in Paris, and cautioned against blaming the entire Islamic religion for something that extremists carried out. She also spoke for the first time about President Barack Obama’s recent executive action to reform the immigration system of the United States saying, “Canada and the United States, unlike most places in the world, are nations built by immigrants and energized by our diversity. It hasn’t always been smooth or easy, but at our best, we kept expanding our idea of family and community … to keep making more room at the table.”

You may watch a video from the event by Clicking Here. (Thanks to Sara for the tip.)

For 2015, Clinton’s speaking schedule is light (see our 2015 Timeline) and there have been a number of reports indicating the she has built a team for her 2016 presidential run. Nevertheless, an announcement is not expected until sometime in the early spring.

News and Image Source: CNN

Meeting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Monday, December 8, 2014

PX1197762453600710_3132009bHillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton met the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge today as a part of their short visit to the United States. They met at a reception held at the official residence of the British Consul General, Danny Lopez. A number of wildlife charities were represented at the reception which was co-hosted by the Duke and Duchess’s Royal Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. Clinton (who recently became a grandmother) and the Duchess (who is five months pregnant) briefly spoke about the importance of child development. The Duke gave a brief speech about the black market for animal hides and ivory saying, “It’s easy to blame others for the problem – demand in South East Asia, not enough protection on the ground, and so on. But, if I may say, we could start with looking closer to home. Our own nations still have thriving black markets in these products, and we have to raise the game at home as well as abroad.”

News and Photo Source: The Telegraph

CGI Annual Meeting Begins Tomorrow

Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 7.06.23 PMThe 10th Annual Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting begins tomorrow and runs through Wednesday, September 24. The event is being held in New York City and will feature a wide variety of speakers including Matt Damon, General Motors CEO Mary Barra, King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein of Jordan, Melinda Gates, President Barack Obama, and countless other world leaders, CEOs, and leaders of non-profit groups that have partnered with CGI. The event will feature four days of roundtable discussions covering a wide variety of topics including the environment, leadership, education, and women’s rights. Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton are hosting the Annual Meeting and will participate in a number of the discussions.

This year’s theme is “Reimagining Impact” which CGI has designed “to facilitate the development of forward-thinking approaches that re-envision the way we impact the world.” The key idea throughout the discussions and breakout sessions will be creating a better future. The majority of the sessions include a number of speakers from different backgrounds to bring a unique perspective to each topic. Hillary will participate in five of the discussions, which are outlined below (all times are EST):

September 22 – 12:00 – 1:30 PM – “Reimagining Impact”

-September 23 – 4:15 – 5:30 PM – “Putting Education to Work”

September 24 – 8:45 – 10:30 AM – “Equality for Girls and Women: 2034 Instead of 2134”

September 24 – Film – “The Science of Success: Investing in Babies’ Minds”

September 24 – 3:30 – 4:45 PM – “Aiming for the Moon and Beyond”

We will post a summary and video from Hillary’s discussions at the end of each day. In the meantime, you may visit the CGI website for more information, including a full list of speakers and the complete agenda. CGI will also broadcast each of the sessions live on LiveStream, which we encourage you to watch.

An image of the schedule is below. Discussions in which Hillary is participating are outlined in red, Bill Clinton’s discussions are outlined in blue, and Chelsea Clinton’s are outlined in green.

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