2016 Kickoff Rally to be Held June 13 [Updated]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video will be posted HERE once available.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

Hillary for America announced today that a kickoff rally will be held on Roosevelt Island, New York on Saturday, June 13. Hillary Rodham Clinton will use the event to layout key parts of her campaign’s platform and her vision for America. For the last several weeks, Clinton has been holding roundtable events in key states to gather information to assist in building her campaign platform. The campaign has indicated that these events will continue after the rally on June 13 as the campaign continues to ramp up. After the rally, Clinton will makes campaign stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada, states she has already visited since announcing her presidential campaign.

The campaign announced that the event will be free, but space is limited and it is first come, first served. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: Politico

Hillary for America Launches Campaign Store

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 6.29.31 PMToday, Hillary for America launched their online store which which includes a variety of products including apparel, signs, buttons, and more. One of the most popular items is sure to be a t-shirt entitled “The Everyday Pantsuit”. Visit the store today to show your support!

Hillary For America Updates Website

Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 7.14.49 PMHillary for America has updated its website with two new pages. The first is the addition of an Events page where you can search for Hillary for America organization events in your area. You can search by state, city, or zip code to locate events near you. The Events page is a great way to keep in touch with local Clinton supporters and track events in your hometown.

The second addition to the site is a page called The Briefing. As John Podesta wrote in a memo, The Briefing was created to debunk information presented by Republicans and others opposing Clinton. First up is Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash. The book is advertised as the inside story of foreign donations made to the Clinton Foundation during Clinton’s time as Secretary of State. Many of the allegations have been disproven, but the campaign has vowed to take the claims head-on. You can sign up to receive email updates from The Briefing and can follow its Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages for all the latest. The first on the site was from Clinton’s press secretary, Brian Fallon. The video is also available below.

Today, Clinton was in Las Vegas and spoke on a variety of topics including immigration. When today’s appearances are complete, a wrap-up will be posted. In the meantime, you can follow Clinton’s campaign stop in Nevada on Twitter and Facebook.

Clinton in New Hampshire

usa-election-clintonHillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in New Hampshire to continue the listening tour that she started last week in Iowa. The focus of Clinton’s visit was to meet with local students, business owners, and citizens to learn about what their concerns are. As noted last week in Iowa, Clinton is still in the process of building her 2016 platform, and her listening tour is intended to help in that process.

On Monday, Clinton stopped in Keene to speak to a roundtable of business owners and workers at Whitney Brothers. Her discussion focused on education, technical skills, and the challenges of small business ownership. The tone was similar to that in Iowa, as she is gathering a sampling of voices from across America on similar topics. She also visited Kristin’s Bistro and Bakery, a place she remembered from her first trip to New Hampshire in 1991.

On Tuesday, Clinton toured and met with students at New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord. She moderated a discussion with students and administrators where she stressed the importance of two year schools, but not one of the attendees asked a question. The rest of the day, Clinton made several unannounced stops in Concord before meeting with lawmakers.

Clinton’s next campaign stops have yet to be announced; however, many people have criticized Clinton for the cautious roll out of her campaign. But the general election is still over nineteen months away, so there is plenty of campaigning left to do. For now, the grassroots and localized events are a way for Clinton to meet with ordinary Americans before larger primary race begins.

You can see pictures from New Hampshire on the Hillary for America Facebook page and Flickr account. Also, be sure to follow Clinton’s Twitter account and donate to the campaign.

News Source: Boston.com, CNN, New York Daily News, Boston Globe

Clinton Goes to Iowa – Day 1

Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked off her campaign by traveling (in a van she has nick-named “Scooby”) to Iowa. She made several appearances in the cities of Mount Vernon and Monticello. Instead of making stump speeches or meeting with donors, Clinton opted to meet with people going about their day. She stopped in and chatted with patrons at at least two coffee shops, walked down the street of LeClaire meeting with passers by and business owners, and she took part in a roundtable discussion with students at Kirkwood Community College. It is clear that Clinton’s early focus is reaching out to voters.

In her discussion at Kirwood Community College, Clinton began to outline her political platform referring to what she calls the “four big fights that I think we have to take on, because there are those who don’t agree with what I think we should be doing, and they’re pretty powerful forces.” The four big fights she referred to are: building an economy for America’s future, strengthening families and communities, reforming campaign finance, and continuing to focus on national security. Clinton will continue to flesh out her platform over the coming months.

Clinton is expected to make several more stops in Iowa tomorrow. You can get all the latest updates from Iowa by following Clinton’s Twitter account as well as the Hillary for Iowa Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

New Source: CBS News, The Des Moines Register

Clinton on the Road to Iowa

Just hours after announcing her formal campaign, Clinton Tweeted a photo with a family she met while on her way to Iowa. Her first event in Iowa is on Tuesday because tomorrow will be driving day…that’s right, Clinton is literally taking her campaign on the road. Clinton will meet with everyday Americans along the route and when she arrives in Iowa. This is part of a grassroots strategy to focus on the American people.

Follow along on Twitter and don’t forget to support Hillary for America.