Clinton Endorsed by Two Form Bush Administration Officials


Hillary Clinton has receive the endorsement of two officials from the administration of President George W. Bush. In op-eds published online, former Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan and Rear Admiral (Ret.) Deborah Loewer endorsed Hillary Clinton for president over Republican Donald Trump. Sullivan and Loewer are not the first Bush administration officials to endorse Clinton, and they join a growing list of Republicans backing Clinton. In her op-ed, Admiral Loewer says that the trust’s Clinton judgement saying, “Clinton not only has a deep understanding of the immeasurable power of the presidency, but she also possesses the discretion and judgment to know how to use it. She knows that the United States is the most powerful country in the world, and that other countries look to us for leadership, example and guidance.” Read the full op-eds by clicking the links above or in the source notes below.

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News Source: The Huffington Post, Cincinnati Enquirer