Bill Clinton Kicks off Bus Tour in Florida


On Friday, Bill Clinton kicked off a campaign bus tour in Florida. He began in Orlando with a speech at the Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly. During the event, he spoke about the importance of the election and its potential impact on education. Bill spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to expand access to early childhood education and her plan to ensure that students graduate from college debt-free. He said that Hillary will be better than Donald Trump on education, jobs, and everything else. Bill said, “You can’t build a wall around yourself or the world in this world of social media. You’ve got to build bridges to empowerment. We are close to being able to rise together again. America needs a ‘What are we going to do about it?’ President.” Watch a video from the event below.

Bil then traveled to Jacksonville where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at a local library. Bill went after Trump for his proposals to scrap the Affordable Care Act saying that we cannot end a law that helped more than 20 million Americans access to health insurance. He also outlined a number of Hillary’s other policies including her plans to invest in the country’s infrastructure, clean energy, and the manufacturing sector. Bill explained that these investments would all lead to new jobs. He wrapped up his speech talking about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone votes on, or before in the case of Florida, November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Quincy. He focused on a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to create new jobs, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and pass sensible gun control that requires background checks and closes a number of loopholes. Bill spoke about the importance of voting and the work that will have to be done after the election to bring the country together for the common good. “That’s what ‘Stronger Together’ means. So you’ve got anger on one side and answers on the other. You’ve got resentment on one side and empowerment on the other. You’ve got endless political conflict and name-calling on one side and the promise of real cooperation on the other. You’ve got walls on one side and bridges on the other,” he said. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, in London, a fundraiser was held for Hillary for America. The event was only open to American citizens and included a conversation with John Podesta, Campaign Chair and Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WFTV, The Orlando Political Observer, Tallahassee Democrat, The Florida Times-Union

Senator Sanders, Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


On Monday, Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Colorado. At a Get out the Vote event on the campus of Colorado State University in Fort Collins, he spoke about a variety of issues including the rising cost of a higher education, income inequality, immigration, and health care. Sanders addressed how Clinton and the Democratic platform would address of each of the issues and urged them to get out and vote on November 8th. “Politics and political engagement does not end on Election Day. We need you on the day after the election,” he said urging the crowd, most of them student, to remain politically active following the election. A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

Anne Holton, wife of Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine, was in Florida where she held two events in Pensacola. Her first stop was a Women for Hillary event during which she spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform points including plans to increase the minimum wage, create new jobs, ensure equal pay for women, and provide paid family leave. She praised the campaign run by Clinton and Kaine saying, “It is important to have that person-to-person contact, it is even more important with the negativity we have had this campaign season. Holton also spoke with volunteers and supporters at a local canvass kick-off. She encouraged them to keep knocking on doors, putting up signs, and making phone calls. Videos from Holton’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, three fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America as the final fundraising deadline approaches. The first was in Bethesda, Maryland where Tim Kaine attended a private fundraising event. Then, in Dallas, Texas, a LGBT and Allies event was held featuring a conversation with Vic Holmes, Mark Phariss, and Steve Rudner. In New York City, a Broadway for Hillary event was held. The event featured an appearance by Chelsea Clinton but a number of performances. The performers included: Sara Bareilles, Angela Bassett, Emily Blunt, Matthew Broderick, Ayodele Casel, Alan Cumming, Cynthia Erivo, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Josh Groban, Jake Gyllenhaal, Neil Patrick Harris, Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Sarah Jones, Andrea McArdle, Sienna Miller, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Helen Mirren, Sarah Jessica Parker, Bernadette Peters, and Julia Roberts. A video from the fundraising event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News source: Coloradoan, CBS Denver, Pensacola News Journal

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Florida

With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post
With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post

Bill Clinton was in Florida today where he spoke at three voter registration events. He began in Belle Glade where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to invest in infrastructure, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue the economic growth of the last several years. He said, “She’s the best change-maker I’ve ever known. I’ve known her a long time.” Bill then spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and ensuring that they are registered to vote. In Florida, tomorrow is the deadline for voters to register and be eligible to vote on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

He then traveled to Fort Myers where he spoke about many of the same topics he covered in Belle Glade. He said that his primary mission was to ensure that voters are registered by tomorrow’s deadline, and to make sure everyone votes for his wife. “We have until tomorrow at five to register to vote. I want to ask each of you drag one extra person to get registered,” he said. Bill spoke about the importance of this election and how Hillary is more qualified to hold the office of president than her opponent, Donald Trump. Watch his speech below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Safety Harbor. Speaking at a local community center, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to invest in clean energy, combat climate change, create new jobs, make college more affordable for past, current, and future students, and rebuild the country’s infrastructure. He warned that electing Trump will be a mistake saying, “What we know from the past is that people who get elected president … actually try to do what they say they’re going to do. So we ought to pay attention to what they say.” Bill argued that Hillary’s proposals are for the betterment of everyone while Trump’s are in service of himself. A video from the event in Safety Harbor is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS 12, Palm Beach Post, News-Press, NBC 2, Tampa Bay Times

Hillary Clinton Announces New Middle Class Tax Cut


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton announced a new plan that will expand tax relief to families with young children. The plan is outlined in the following release from Hillary for America:

As part of her plan to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, Hillary Clinton is announcing today a new expansion of the Child Tax Credit for families with young children. She will double the Child Tax Credit to a maximum of $2,000 per child up to and including age 4, and she’ll expand access to millions more families. As many as 15 million young children will be eligible for the credit of up to $2,000 – and millions more people will benefit from additional relief. And this is only a down payment on further relief for middle-class families.

“Hard-working, middle-class families are struggling with rising costs for child care, health care, caregiving and college,” said Clinton. “This new tax credit will make their lives a little bit easier and help restore fairness to our economy.”

Clinton has previously announced middle class tax relief in the form of an up-to-$5,000 credit for families with excessive out of pocket health costs, and up to $1,200 for families caring for parents and grandparents.

Specifically, Clinton is announcing today that she will:

  • Double the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 for each young child. Right now, the Child Tax Credit gives millions of families up to $1,000 per child each year to help cover all the burdens they face. Clinton will double the maximum credit to $2,000 for each young child up to and including age 4.
  • Expand Child Tax Credit refundability so millions more working families get additional relief. Under our current system millions of families do not qualify for the full credit or get very little benefit because they simply do not make enough money, since the tax code excludes the first $3,000 in earnings in determining whether a working family is eligible for refundable relief. Clinton will lower the threshold for refundability from $3,000 to the first dollar of earnings for families with children of all ages, so every working family can benefit. And she will increase the phase-in rate to 45% from 15% for families with young children. According to the nonpartisan Urban Institute, the credit is structured so that families at the low end of the income distribution do not receive the full credit, and those families that are left out are more likely to be African-American and Latino. Improving refundability and increasing the phase-in rate will help close this gap and increase the overall fairness in the system.
  • Provide further tax relief for middle-class families, including those without children, and with older children: Clinton believes we should go further than doubling the Child Tax Credit for young children. The expansion Clinton is calling for today is a down payment on her overall vision for tax relief for middle-class families. Clinton believes we should further expand the Child Tax Credit for families with older children, and expand refundable relief for low-income workers without children.

Clinton’s plan will be fully paid for by her proposals to ensure the wealthy, Wall Street, and big corporations pay their fair share. And like the current Child Tax Credit, it will phase out for higher-income families.

Refundable tax credits like the Child Tax Credit reward work, lift families out of poverty, and improve lifelong outcomes for kids. Studies have shown that the Child Tax Credit helps lift millions of Americans out of poverty each year. Not only does the Child Tax Credit help fight poverty for families in the year that they qualify for the tax cut, its effects can be seen for many years later. Parents in families that receive refundable credits like the Child Tax Credit are more likely to be in the labor force and contribute to the economy. Children in those families do better in school, are more likely to go to college and earn more when they become adults.

Clinton’s proposals to expand relief for hard-working families with children stand in strong contrast to Donald Trump’s plans. Because Trump’s child care and maternity leave plan gives far more to high-income families than middle-class families struggling with costs, and his tax plan rolls back dependent exemptions and other relief for parents with children, it would actually raise taxes on 8 million middle-class families to fund his tax cuts for the rich and multinational corporations, and $4 billion for his own family.

Specifically, hard-working families that get tax relief under Clinton’s plan would see tax increases, or a much smaller tax cut, under Trump:

  • A single parent earning $75,000 per year, with two young children, and $8,000 in childcare costs would see a $1,640 tax increase under Trump, and $2,000 in tax relief under Clinton’s plan. A recent academic analysis found that compared to current law, Trump’s plan would raise taxes on this family by $1,640, because it eliminates personal exemptions and the head-of-household filing status. Clinton’s expansion of the Child Tax Credit would give them an extra $2,000 in tax relief.

According to the same analysis, a married couple earning $50,000 per year, with two young children, and $8,000 in childcare costs would get a $93 tax cut under Trump’s plan, and $2,000 in tax relief under Clinton’s plan.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Michigan and Ohio


Following last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail with events in Michigan and Ohio. Clinton’s first event was on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit. While her speech covered a number of platform points, she also spoke about bipartisanship saying that she is “winning more and more support not just from independents but also Republicans.” She then went after Donald Trump for his divisive campaign, name calling, and refusal to release his income tax records. “I believe everyone in this room has paid more income tax than (Trump) has,” she said. Clinton concluded by talking about the importance of voting in the November election. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The event was by far the largest of the campaign with over 18,000 people filling the oval. During the event, Clinton spoke about a variety of her platform points including reigning in the costs of higher education. She also spoke about her opponent and criticized him for not buying steel made in the United States, but instead buying steel from China. Clinton also spoke about her time as a public servant saying, “When Donald Trump talks about what I have been doing for the last 30 years, I welcome that. Because in the 1970s, I was working to end discrimination and he was being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. In the 1980s, I was working to improve the schools in Arkansas … while he was getting a loan for $14 million from his father to start a business. On the day that I was in the Situation Room watching the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting Celebrity Apprentice.” A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Patch, Detroit Free Press,

Bill Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders Campaign for Hillary


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin at an event in Greenfield. Speaking at a local union hall, Bill spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including her plans to raise the minimum wage, lower the cost of higher education, and build the middle class. He framed Hillary as the candidate that will help those who have been “left out and left behind.” He spoke about the importance of continuing the progress made over the last few years and said Hillary is the only candidate who will continue to the accomplishments of the current administration. A video of Bill’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Senator Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, remained on the campaign trail attending two events in Pennsylvania. Sanders’ first event was in Scranton where he spoke to a group of supporters at Scranton High School. During his speech, he said that Hillary will fight for equal pay for women, the expansion of health care, laws that ensure the “billionaire class” pays its fair share of taxes, and a reduction in the cost of higher education. Sanders also referred to Hillary’s opponent, Donald Trump, saying, “We cannot elect a president of the United States whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry and dividing us up. We have struggled for too many years, too many people have stood up and fought and some have died… we are not going back to those days.” A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

In Philadelphia, Sanders spoke about the same platform points during his speech, but he also underscored the importance of electing Hillary over Trump. This is especially true following the release of an audio recording that captured Trump using crude and derogatory language to describe women. Sanders went after Trump saying, “I think you’ve got a spoiled brat. I think you’ve got a person who grew up very very wealthy who thinks that he is entitled to do anything that he wants.” He said that Trump’s comments were inexcusable, and he needs “to take responsibility for his own actions.” A video from the Philadelphia rally is below.

Meanwhile, in Raleigh, North Carolina, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America at the home of Dr. Ken and Tijuana Crosby. The event featured a conversation with the Little Rock 9: Ernest Green, Carlotta Walls LaNier, and Terrence Roberts.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: McClatchy DC, Sioux City Journal, The Times-Tribune, CBS Philly

Vice President Biden Campaigns for Hillary in Pennsylvania


On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden returned to the campaign trail where he spoke to a crowd of supporters in Bristol, Pennsylvania. Speaking to students at Bucks County Community College, he spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and electing Hillary Clinton president instead of Republican Donald Trump. “I know some of you, and some of the people you’re trying to convince, aren’t crazy about Hillary, I know that. I think she’s gotten an unfair deal,” he said. Biden spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform proposals, including plans to reduce student loan interest rates and reducing the cost of higher education for future students. Biden also urged those who have not registered to vote to do so before Pennsylvania’s deadline on October 11, then he urged them to vote on November 8th. “Don’t wake up on November 9th and find we’ve lost Pennsylvania by 2,000 votes,” he said. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS Philly, NBC Philadelphia, Bucks County Courier Times

Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Campaign for Hillary


Senator Bernie Sanders remained on the campaign trail on behalf of Hillary Clinton on Friday with events in New Hampshire and Maine. In New Hampshire, Sanders spoke at rallies in Keene and Nashua. During each event, he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to continue economic growth, create new jobs by investing in infrastructure and manufacturing, increase the minimum wage, reform the criminal justice system, and reduce the cost of higher education. Sanders also criticized Republican Donald Trump for his divisive language and his policies that benefit the wealthy. A video from his speech in Keene is below.

Sanders’ final event was in Bangor, Maine where he urged voters to look beyond the personalities of the two presidential candidates and focus on the issues. He argued that only Clinton’s plans would benefit the middle and working classes. Sanders blasted trump for running a bigoted and insult-driven campaigning adding, “When you run for president of the United States, there has got to be at least a minimum threshold of decency.” A video from the Bangor event is below.

Senator Elizabeth Warren campaigned in Wisconsin where she spoke in support of Clinton and US Senate hopeful Russ Feingold. At her first stop in Madison, Warren spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and the platform of Clinton. She also spoke about the importance of electing Clinton president and Feingold to the Senate so they can continue the progress made over the last eight years and continue with a progressive agenda. Warren has not been shy of her criticism of Trump, and she did not back off in Madison. She called him a “pathetic, heartless bully” and a “selfish little sleazeball.” A video of Warren’s speech is below.

Her second event was in Milwaukee where she urged voters to get out and support the campaign by volunteering and ensuring that people are informed. She also urged voters to take advantage of early voting if they are unable to make it to the polls on November 8. Warren’s speech was similar to the one she gave in Madison early in the day in which she outlined key parts of Clinton’s platform and called out Trump. A video from the event will be added when/if available.


Meanwhile, in Boston, Massachusetts, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Marc Elias.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WMUR, Portland Press Herald, The Cap Times, Journal Sentinel, WISN

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Pennsylvania and Nevada


Tim Kaine continued his campaign visit to Pennsylvania today with a morning event in Pittsburgh. Speaking on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s broad platform proposals including her plans to reduce student debt, make college more affordable, increase the minimum wage, create new jobs, and reinvest in manufacturing. Pittsburgh is especially reliant on its manufacturing sector and has struggled recently. Kaine went after Republican Donald Trump for talking about bringing manufacturing back to the United States when Trump himself imports in products from China and Mexico. Kaine said, “Don’t you think if Trump believed in making America great he’d buy steel right from here and not China?” Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

Kaine then traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada where he spoke at a rally at a local United Brotherhood of Carpenters union. Kaine spoke about the plan that he and Clinton have outlined including the support of labor unions and creation of new jobs. He remained on the offensive going after Trump and his running mate Mike Pence. Referring to Pence’s refusal to answer for Trump’s comments, Kaine said, “I am going to defend my running mate. That’s what you do when you’re vice president.” A video from the event is posted below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Penn Live, CBS Pittsburgh, WTAE, Las Vegas Review-Journal

Senator Sanders Campaigns in Michigan, Chelsea in Minnesota


Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Michigan today. His first event was held in Dearborn where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at the local UAW hall. During his speech, Sanders spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plan to create jobs and her support of labor unions. He also went after Donald Trump for avoiding to pay income taxes. Overall, however, Sanders offered a populist tone saying, “This campaign is not about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — it is about you and your families. We’re not voting for class president of our high school … we are fighting for the survival of the middle class.” A video from the event is below.

Sanders then traveled to Ann Arbor where he spoke to an enthusiastic crowd on the campus of the University of Michigan. During the event, Sanders spoke about the importance of voting, particularly young people, and urged them to get out and vote in November. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points and specifically focused on her plans to reduce the cost of higher education. He said, “What she said is, I should tell the American people that in the first 100 days of her administration she will roll out a very specific plan to make public colleges and universities tuition free for all families earning less than $125,000 a year. And have an aggressive approach to reducing student debt.” Watch a video of Sanders’ speech below.

In Lansing, Sanders spoke to a crowd of students and supporters on the campus of Michigan State University. Sanders continued to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points while going after Trump for his policies. Focusing on the economy and the struggle of the middle class, he said, “We have come a long way in fighting racism, sexism, homophobia. But today we have one huge struggle in front of us, and that is the economic struggle. And that means that we should not be living in a nation which has more wealth and income inequality than any other major country on earth.” A video of Sanders speech is below.

Sanders’ final event of the day was a rally in Grand Rapids. During the event, Sanders continued with his populist tone talking about the local economy and how a number Hillary’s proposals will be beneficial to the area. He spoke about raising the minimum wage and creating new good paying jobs in the area by reinvesting in manufacturing and clean energy. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton meanwhile was in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she spoke about Hillary’s plans to help mothers and families. During the event, Chelsea highlighted a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to cap the out of pocket costs of childcare, ensure that women are paid equally, raise the minimum wage, and create new jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy. Chelsea also spoke about the public perception of her mother saying, “I don’t understand the caricature of my mom. I wish more people could see the huggable, lovable, hilarious side of her that I see now when we are together, with my children, and that I have known my whole life.” Chelsea closed out the event by answering questions from those in attendance. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Los Angeles, California, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Al Franken.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, Fox 2, Lansing State Journal, CBS Minnesota, 9 & 10 News