Hillary Clinton Talks about the Economy During Vegas Campaign Stop


Hillary Clinton made two stops in Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday. She began her visit with a tour of Mojave Electric, a company that manufactures state of the art electrical components. She made brief remarks praising the company’s locally made products and their apprenticeship program. Clinton then went to the IBEW Local 357 Hall where she spoke to a crowd of supporters. After being introduced by Senator Harry Reid, Clinton outlined her plans to continue building the economy by focusing on jobs and education. She also discussed her plans to invest in clean energy and improve the country’s infrastructure as a way to create jobs. Clinton attacked Donald Trump again for not having contracts from American businesses for his products saying, “He talks a lot about how he’s going to grow the economy and yet he doesn’t make things in America.” A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, News 3

National Clean Energy Summit

Thursday, September 4, 2014

WireAP_e15e2f83f3944b139869b5ff7b857a0f_16x9_992Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas. The event was hosted by U.S. Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid. Clinton said that the United States should become the world leader in clean energy. She continued to say that climate change is a real threat, but it isn’t too late for the United States to take the lead in creating clean energy. Clinton said, “”If we come together to make the hard choices, the smart investment in infrastructure, technology and environmental protection, America can be the clean energy superpower for the 21st century.”

A video from the event is not currently available, but one will be posted when/if available.

News and Photo Source: ABC News

Who Supports Hillary for 2016?


As we discussed on Wednesday, the PAC Ready for Hillary has been gathering support for a possible Hillary Rodham Clinton 2016 presidential run. While the site is largely a grass-roots effort, we mentioned that there have been a number of high profile endorsements for Clinton. Those who have publicly pledged their support should Clinton run in 2016 are listed below, proving that we are in company!

-Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Senator

-Ed Rendell, Former Pennsylvania Governor

-Chuck Schumer, New York Senator

-Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States

-Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic Party Chairwoman

-Donna Brazile, Democratic Strategist

-Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister

-James Carville, Democratic Strategist

-David Axelrod, Senior Campaign Strategist for Obama for America 2012

-Ted Deutch, Representative from Florida

-Dr. Ami Bera, Representative from California

-Dianne Feinstein, California Senator

-Tanene Allison, Communications Director for Texas Democratic Party

-Jay Nixon, Missouri Governor

-Mike Beebe, Arkansas Governor

-Sarah Jessica Parker, Actress

-Paul Begala, Democratic Strategist

-Kathy Sullivan, New Hampshire National Committeewoman

-David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for Obama for America 2008

-Patti Solis Doyle, Campaign Manager for Hillary for President 2008

-Eva Longoria, Actress

-Harold Ickes, Democratic Fundraiser

-Bill Richardson, Former Governor of New Mexico, Secretary of Energy, U.N. Ambassador

-Ellen Tauscher, Former Under Secretary of State

-Carol Shea-Porter, Representative from New Hampshire

-Steve Mostyn, Texas Trial Lawyer

-Barack Obama, President of the United States

-Kouri Marshall, State Director for Obama for America

-Freida Pinto, Actress

-Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State

-Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

-Ellen Malcolm

-Jennifer Granholm, Former Governor of Michigan

-Claire McCaskill, Missouri Senator

-Henry Cuellar, Texas Representative

-Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Senator

-Luis Gutierrez, Representative for Illinois

-Anna Wintour, Editor for Vogue

-Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader

-John Lewis, Georgia Representative

-Diane Titus, Nevada Representative

-Scarlett Johansson, Actress

-Sir Elton John, Singer/Songwriter

-Anna Elanor Roosevelt, Granddaughter of FDR and Elanor

-Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

-Gavin and Jennifer Sibel Newsom, California Lieutenant Governor and filmmaker

Image Credit: New York Daily News