Ready for Hillary PAC gets a Refresh

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The Ready for Hillary PAC has revamped its website as it prepares for Clinton to make her decision about running for president in 2016. The PAC was formed in January 2013 as she was leaving the State Department. The goal was to raise money to prepare for a possible 2016 run, and to show Clinton that a support base exists for her 2016 run.

After a year, Ready for Hillary announced that they raised $4 million in its first year. Beginning its second year, the PAC has redesigned its website and is continuing to build a grassroots donor base. We urge everyone who supports a 2016 run by Clinton to Support Ready for Hillary by donating or shopping in their store. You can also pledge to support Clinton’s presidential run and request a FREE “Ready for Hillary” bumper sticker. On the social media front, you may follow the PAC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.